
Current Chemical Biology trainees

Graduate students

The following students are currently participating in the Chemical Biology option:

January 2006

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Sun, Yue Nagar, Bhushan Structural Analysis of the RET Tyrosine Kinase in Complex with Small Molecule Inhibitors
Surprenant, Jamie Thomas, David Chemical Biological Approaches to New Antifungals

September 2005

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Acoca, Stephane Purisima, Enrico Application and Development of Computational Methods for Lead Discovery
Bhagatji, Pinkesh Silvius, John K-ras4B Targeting and Signaling Studied using Chemically Induced Heterodimerization
Corbeil, Christopher Moitessier, Nicolas Development and Application of New Tools for Virtual Screening
Czerniewski, Alexandre Bohle, Scott Synthesis and Development of Novel Nitric Oxide-releasing Probes for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Freiburger, Lee Auclair, Karine The Study of Activators of Aminoglycoside N-6’ Acetyltransferase
Linquist, Lisa Pelletier, Jerry A Chemical Biology Approach to Study Eukaryotic Translation Initiation
Livingstone, Mark Sonenberg, Nahum Identification of Downstream Targets of the RACK-PKC-SAPK Signaling Pathway Affecting Translation of mRNA to Protein
Rodionov, Dmitry Herscovics, Annette Structure-function studies of Fungal Mannosyltransferases Implicated in Virulence
Yachnin, Brahm Berghuis, Albert X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis of Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenases

January 2005

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Fan, Anna Young, Jason The Biochemistry of Tom70
Ngo, Thien-An Cosa, Gonzalo Development of a Fluorescence-based Liposome Microarray System for High Throughput Lipid Membrane Recognition Studies

September 2004

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Baettig, Oliver Berghuis, Albert Structural and Functional Analysis of Aminoglycoside 6’-N-Acetyltransferase-Ii
Chefson, Amandine Auclair, Karine Study of the Effect of Organic Molecules on P450 Enzymes Activity
Englebienne, Pablo Moitessier, Nicolas Improving Drug Design and Discovery through Molecular Modeling
Hwang, Jiyoung Berghuis, Albert Crystal Structure of Phosphotransferase(9)-Ia Reveals Conformational Change upon Substrate Binding
Lawandi, Janice Moitessier, Nicolas Computer-aided Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Inhibitors of Prolyl Oligopeptidase Enzyme for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease/Stabilizing Helical Alzheimer’s Ab(1-42) to Prevent its Aggregation, Analyzed by CD
Maattanen, Veli-Pekka Thomas, David Dissecting Key Players in Endoplasmic Reticulum Protein Folding Quality Control: ERp57, PDI, and UGGT and Developing Specific Inhibitors of these Enzymes
Palmer, Alison Sleiman, Hanadi Self-assembly of DNA Nucleoside Analogs into Hexameric Rosettes

January 2004

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Soriano, David Gleason, James Pseudo-dynamic Combinatorial Library System Miniaturization and Library Expansion
Sukarieh, Rami Pelletier, Jerry In vivo FRET analysis of eIF4E and its repressor
Welbourn, Sarah Pause, Arnim Identification and use of inhibitors for the characterization of the Hepatitis C NS/3 protease

September 2003

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Chatain, Guillaume Bohle, Scott Towards an Understanding of Hemozoin Formation and Chloroquine Resistance in Plasmodium Falciparum
Gao, Feng Auclair, Karine Synthesis of Bisubstrate Analog Inhibitors for Aminoglycoside 6'-N-Acetyltransferase (AAC6')and their Inhibition
Pomerantseva, Ekaterina Gehring, Kalle Discovery of small molecule ligands of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase
Roudaia, Liya Gallouzi, Imed Characterization of RasGAP-SH3-binding Protein's in vivo Functions
Slim, Mohamed Sleiman, Hanadi Towards the Protein Mediated Self-Assembly of Discrete DNA Nanostructures into Higher-Order Frameworks
Spina, Carla Bohle, Scott A Novel Application for ZnO Nanoparticles: New Fluorescent Direct Probes for NO
Stuible, Matthew Tremblay, Michel PTP-1B inhibitors: development, modeling and mechanism of action
Waller, Daniel Thomas, David Small Molecule Inhibitors of the Unfolded Protein Response

January 2003

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Côté, Cynthia Auclair, Karine Design of Molecules to Stabilize the Helical Conformation of the Amyloid-beta Peptide/Differences in the Components and the Biological Activity of Traditional and Commercial Kava Extracts
Généreux-Vincent, Tobie Ronis, David Mesoscopic coarse-grained method for the simulation of protein dynamics using nonlinear response theory
Jackson, Stephen Auclair, Karine Identification of Potential Small Molecules that Can Disaggregate b-Amyloid Plaques
Mills, John Pelletier, Jerry mTOR Deregulation in the Conxtext of the E(mu)-myc Lymphoma Mouse Model
Mitra, Debbie Damha, Masad Development of Novel Template Mediated Strategies in the Chemical Synthesis of Lariat and Branched RNA
Pâtureau, Bénédicte Damha, Masad Induction of RNAse H Activity by Arabinose-Peptide Nucleic Acids

September 2002

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Cheesman, Jeremy Kazlauskas, Romas Pseudo-Dynamic Combinatorial Libraries
Donga, Robert Damha, Masad Structure and Stability of Nucleoside Phosphotriesters: Toward an Understanding of RNA-X
Gaudineau, Cedric Auclair, Karine Inhibition of Drug Metabolizing P450 Enzymes by Niacin and Ginkgo biloba Extract
Karam, Jehanne Saragovi, Uri Identification of Small Molecules that Bind to and Regulate the Activity of the Neurotrophin Family of Receptors
Korczynska, Magdalena Berghuis, Albert Structure Determination of Streptogramin B Lyase and its Interaction with Small Molecules
Leung, Stephane Silvius, John S-Acylation of Fully Deprotected Peptides using Thioesters as Acyl Donors

Postgraduate training awarded recipients

September 2006

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Thielges, Sabine Moitessier, Nicolas Investigation of the MBD2 Mechanism of Action to Design and Synthesize New Anticancer Drugs

September 2005

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Petrolakis, Emmanuel Sonenberg, Nahum Role of the EIF4E Binding Proteins (4E-BPs) in Senescence and Cancer

January 2005

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Houston, Douglas Berghuis, Albert Structural Studies and Inhibitor Design for Aminoglycoside Phosphotransferases from Pathogenic Bacteria

September 2004

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Azzam, Nura Gehring, Kalle Small Molecule Inhibitors of the Bcl-2 Pathway as Potential Anti-cancer Agents
Carlile, Graeme Thomas, David Development of a Cell Based Assay System to Investigate the Trafficking of CFTR - Potential for Utilization for HTS Screens

September 2003

Trainee Mentor Research interest
Ait-Mohand, Samia Auclair, Karine Factors Affecting the Organization of the Amyloid-b(1-42) Peptide and Synthesis of Ligands Stabilizing the Helical Structure of the Peptide
Cai, Jie Gros, Philippe Molecular Characterization of Cellular Resistance to Cytarabine in Leukemia Cells/Transcriptional Profiling Studies to Dissect Resistance Mechanism to Bortezomib (Velcade, PS-341) in Multiple Myeloma Cell Lines
Ionescu, Andrie Moitessier, Nicolas / Just, George QMM/MM Modeling of the methylated-CpG-binding domain 2 (MBD2) protein and drug design of a potential inhibitor
LeBacquer, Olivier Sonenberg, Nahum Role of the 4E-BP Proteins in the Pathogenesis of Obesity and Insulin Resistance
Perepichka, Inna Bohle, Scott New Probes for Diethylcarbamazine’s Antimicrofilarial Drug Action
Uetani, Noriko Tremblay, Michel Chemical and Biological Modulators of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Sigma

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