
Georgios Mitsis

Academic title(s): 

Associate Professor, William Dawson Scholar

Georgios Mitsis
Contact Information
Email address: 
georgios.mitsis [at] mcgill.ca
McConnellEngineering Building, Room 361

Ph.D. University of Southern California, Los Angeles
M.S. (EE) University of Southern California, Los Angeles
M.S. (BME) University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Diploma National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Areas of interest: 
  • Nonlinear and nonstationary systems

  • Biomedical signal processing

  • Quantitative/ systems physiology

  • Cerebral hemodynamics and blood flow autoregulation

  • Multimodal functional neuroimaging

  • Functional connectivity and resting-state networks

  • Computational oncology: mathematical modeling of tumor growth and optimal therapy design

  • BIEN 350: Biosignals, Systems and Control
  • BIEN 462: Engineering Principles in Physiological Systems
Selected publications: 

Mitsis, G.D., Christodoulakis, M., Anastasiadou, M., Papathanasiou, E.S., Papacostas, S.S., and A. Hadjipapas “Multi-scale periodicities in the functional brain networks of patients with epilepsy and their effect on seizure detection,” Human Brain Mapping 41(8): 2059-2076, 2020.

Kassinopoulos, M. and G.D. Mitsis “Identification of Physiological Response Functions to Correct for Fluctuations in Resting-State fMRI related to Heart Rate and Respiration,” Neuroimage 202, 116150, 2019.

Kostoglou, K., Robertson, A.D., Macintosh, B.J. and G.D. Mitsis “A novel framework for estimating time-varying multivariate autoregressive models and application to cardiovascular responses to acute exercise,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 66 (11), 3257-3266, 2019.

Prokopiou, P., Pattinson K.T.S., Wise, R.G. and G.D. Mitsis “Modeling of dynamic cerebrovascular reactivity to spontaneous and externally induced CO2 fluctuations in the human brain using BOLD-fMRI,” Neuroimage 186 (2): 533-548, 2019.

Kostoglou, K., Schondorf, R. and G.D. Mitsis “Estimation of time-varying, multiple-input nonlinear systems using basis expansions,” Signal Processing 155: 287-300, 2019.

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