Externe /channels/fr/taxonomy/term/4889/all fr Ateliers du LADIREC 2023 | Initiation à l’analyse de textes assistée par ordinateur /channels/fr/channels/event/ateliers-du-ladirec-2023-initiation-lanalyse-de-textes-assistee-par-ordinateur-345112 <p>Du 12 janvier au 23 mars 2023 (14h à 16h), dans le cadre du Pôle d’analyse de données sociales, le <a href="//www.mcgill.ca/pds-dsh/fr/modules-du-projet/ladirec?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=FRA---Infolettre-trimestrielle&utm_source=Envoke</body></html>"></a></p> Thu, 19 Jan 2023 04:23:13 +0000 webfull 186179 at /channels Séminaire - 'The Quebec CoMPAS + program: improving primary care and health services in Quebec Le programme CoMPAS+ au Québec: au service de l'amélioration des soins et services de première ligne au Québec' avec Dre. Marie-Pascale Pomey /channels/fr/channels/event/seminaire-quebec-compas-program-improving-primary-care-and-health-services-quebec-le-programme-285533 <p>Séminaire - '<a href="//www.mcgill.ca/familymed/files/familymed/rd_seminar_marie-pascale_pomey_2018-03-15.pdf">The Quebec CoMPAS + program: improving primary care and health services in Quebec Le programme CoMPAS+ au Québec: au service de l'amélio</a></p> Fri, 02 Mar 2018 19:23:45 +0000 webfull 135966 at /channels Discussion à Midi - 'ResearchGate, Academia.edu and Open Access: What are they good for or are they good for nothing?- avec Vera Granikov et Alexandra Kohn /channels/fr/channels/event/discussion-midi-researchgate-academiaedu-and-open-access-what-are-they-good-or-are-they-good-nothing-285088 <p>Discussion à Midi - '<a href="//www.mcgill.ca/familymed/files/familymed/academicsocialnetworking_seminar_poster_20180213.pdf">ResearchGate, Academia.edu and Open Access: What are they good for or are they good for nothing?</a>' - avec Vera Graniko</p> Tue, 13 Feb 2018 21:33:13 +0000 webfull 135417 at /channels Séminaire - 'Living systematic reviews: A novel approach for reducing research waste and advancing the science in diabetes quality improvement interventions' avec Dr. Sathya Karunananthan /channels/fr/channels/event/seminaire-living-systematic-reviews-novel-approach-reducing-research-waste-and-advancing-science-284562 <p>Séminaire - '<a href="//www.mcgill.ca/familymed/files/familymed/rd_seminar_sathya_karunananthan_2018-02-22.pdf">Living systematic reviews: A novel approach for reducing research waste and advancing the science in diabetes quality improvement inter</a></p> Wed, 07 Feb 2018 16:15:23 +0000 webfull 134864 at /channels Séminaire - 'What are the Outcomes f using online consumer health information, and how can we prevent the pitfalls?' avec Reem El-Sherif /channels/fr/channels/event/seminaire-what-are-outcomes-f-using-online-consumer-health-information-and-how-can-we-prevent-284551 <p>Séminaire - <a href="//www.mcgill.ca/familymed/files/familymed/rd_seminar_reem_el_sherif_2018-02-08.pdf">'What are the Outcomes f using online consumer health information, and how can we prevent the pitfalls</a>?' avec Reem El-Sherif</p> Tue, 06 Feb 2018 23:33:47 +0000 webfull 134852 at /channels 10ème Symposium étudiant annuel sur la médecine familiale /channels/fr/channels/event/10eme-symposium-etudiant-annuel-sur-la-medecine-familiale-284220 <p>Bienvenue au <a href="//www.mcgill.ca/familymed/fr/formation/predoctoral/10e-symposium-etudiant-annuel-sur-la-medecine-familiale">10e symposium étudiant annuel sur la médecine familiale!</a></p> Fri, 26 Jan 2018 16:46:55 +0000 webfull 134483 at /channels Séminaire - 'How young doctors learn decision-making in the context of family medicine in Denmark' avec Torsten Risør /channels/fr/channels/event/seminaire-how-young-doctors-learn-decision-making-context-family-medicine-denmark-avec-torsten-risor-278832 <p>Séminaire - '<a href="//www.mcgill.ca/familymed/files/familymed/rd_seminar_torsten_risor_2017-11-23.pdf">How young doctors learn decision-making in the context of family medicine in Denmark</a>' avec Torsten Risør</p> Tue, 17 Oct 2017 21:08:44 +0000 webfull 132019 at /channels Séminaire - 'Mayan women's participation in their own health care in Guatemala' avec Anne Marie Chomat /channels/fr/channels/event/seminaire-mayan-womens-participation-their-own-health-care-guatemala-avec-anne-marie-chomat-278651 <p>Séminaire - '<a href="//www.mcgill.ca/familymed/files/familymed/rd_seminar_anne_marie_chomat_2017-10-19.pdf">Mayan women's participation in their own health care in Guatemala</a>' avec Anne Marie Chomat</p> Tue, 17 Oct 2017 14:31:37 +0000 webfull 131984 at /channels Séminaire - 'Marginalized women and their health care providers' views of published evidence on perinatal outcomes in Montreal and Ottawa' avec Anna Dion /channels/fr/channels/event/seminaire-marginalized-women-and-their-health-care-providers-views-published-evidence-perinatal-269701 <p>Séminaire - '<a href="//www.mcgill.ca/familymed/files/familymed/rd_seminar_anna_dion_2017-09-28.pdf">Marginalized women and their health care providers' views of published evidence on perinatal outcomes in Montreal and Ottawa</a>' avec Anna Dion</p> Mon, 21 Aug 2017 20:40:49 +0000 webfull 130343 at /channels Séminaire - 'Patient engagement in an indigenous context' avec Alex McComber /channels/fr/channels/event/seminaire-patient-engagement-indigenous-context-avec-alex-mccomber-268932 <p>Séminaire - '<a href="//www.mcgill.ca/familymed/files/familymed/rd_seminar_alex_mccomber_2017-09-07.pdf">Patient engagement in an indigenous context</a>' avec Alex McComber</p> Wed, 12 Jul 2017 16:16:54 +0000 webfull 129234 at /channels Le groupe d'étude translationnelle en santé mentale (GETSM) présente le 20 février 2015 « De la neurobiologie au traitement clinique de cas complexes » /channels/fr/event/le-groupe-detude-translationnelle-en-sante-mentale-getsm-presente-le-20-fevrier-2015-241104 <p>Vous êtes invité(e) à vous inscrire au colloque du 20 février prochain, « De la neurobiologie au traitement clinique de cas complexes » avec <strong>Dr Serge Beaulieu, Dre Sonia Lupien, Dr Pierre Blier, Dre Valérie Tourjman, Dre Andrée Daigneault </strong></p> Wed, 14 Jan 2015 20:47:21 +0000 webfull 107535 at /channels Séminaire - "The Role of Acculturation Orientation, Perception, and the Doctor-Immigrant Patient Relationship on Immigrant Health" avec Amanda Whittal /channels/fr/event/seminaire-role-acculturation-orientation-perception-and-doctor-immigrant-patient-relationship-immigr-260768 <p>Séminaire - "The Role of Acculturation Orientation, Perception, and the Doctor-Immigrant Patient Relationship on Immigrant Health" avec Amanda Whittal</p> Fri, 06 May 2016 20:37:11 +0000 webfull 118710 at /channels Séminaire - "Structural interventions to improve health: re-wiring choice architecture” avec Anne Cockcroft /channels/fr/event/seminaire-structural-interventions-improve-health-re-wiring-choice-architecture%E2%80%9D-avec-anne-cockcroft-256388 <p>Séminaire - "<a href="https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5083799085347169025">Structural interventions to improve health: re-wiring choice architecture</a>” avec Anne Cockcroft</p> Tue, 27 Oct 2015 21:02:33 +0000 webfull 113586 at /channels Séminaire - 'Investigating interventions and phenomena with a realist lens: critical realism and realistic evaluation in action' avec Dre. Emilie Robert /channels/fr/event/seminaire-investigating-interventions-and-phenomena-realist-lens-critical-realism-and-realistic-eval-265754 <p>Séminaire - '<a href="/familymed/files/familymed/rd_seminar_emilie_robert_2017-03-16.pdf">Investigating interventions and phenomena with a realist lens: critical realism and realistic evaluation in action</a>' avec Dre.</p> Tue, 14 Feb 2017 19:26:13 +0000 webfull 124877 at /channels Séminaire - "A Shortage of Family Doctors in a Time of Plenty: Inaccurate Surrogates Indicators of Medical Manpower" avec Mark Roper /channels/fr/event/seminaire-shortage-family-doctors-time-plenty-inaccurate-surrogates-indicators-medical-manpower-avec-253208 <p>Séminaire - "<a href="/familymed/files/familymed/rd_seminar_mark_roper_2015-06-04.pdf">A Shortage of Family Doctors in a Time of Plenty: Inaccurate Surrogates Indicators of Medical Manpower</a>" </p> <p> </p> Mon, 01 Jun 2015 21:03:18 +0000 webfull 110359 at /channels