

The Greening of Canadian Campuses

Published: 25 July 2013

Written by Elaine Smith
Published on July 21, 2013 |

"Sustainability has become more than a fashionable buzzword on Canadian campuses; it has become enshrined both in university policy and in daily student life. ֱ’s Sustainability Projects Fund, for example, imposes a student fee of 50 Canadian cents per credit that is matched by the university.

“That’s an amazing level of support at a time of economic hardship when everyone is cutting back,” said Martin Krayer von Krauss, manager of the ֱ Office of Sustainability. “Students stepped up and put their own money into it.”

“There is a general sense that as one of Canada’s leading universities, we have a responsibility,” he said. “Manifesting excellence means finding solutions to Canada’s most pressing problems.”"


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