

±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą's Bettez named top hockey player in Quebec

Published: 9 March 2009


MONTREAL – Ann-Sophie Bettez, a ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą with the ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą Martlets and conference scoring champion, has been named player of the year in the Quebec university women’s hockey league. The 21-year-old management sophomore from Sept- ĂŽles, Que., heads the ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą-dominated list of all-stars and major awards announced by the Quebec Students Sports Federation, Monday.

Marie-AndrĂ©e Leclerc-Auger, a ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą freshman from Sherbrooke, Que., was announced as the league’s offensive rookie of the year, while teammate Stacie Tardif of Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que., was picked as the top rookie on defence.

Peter Smith, a native of Lachine, Que., who guided the Martlets to an 18-0 record, their second straight perfect season, was named coach of the year.

The only major award that eluded ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ąâ€™s grasp was the Marion Hilliard nomination for the player who best combines hockey with academics and citizenship. That honour went to defenceman Danika Smith of the Ottawa Gee-Gees.

The Martlets also grabbed five of the six spots on the first all-star team and one berth on the second dream team.

Bettez, who ended up second in the nation in scoring, set Quebec league single-season records for goals, assists and points with 24-30-54 in only 18 games.

"Ann-So is a real dynamic young player who is one of the fastest skaters in the league," said Coach Smith. "She is a hard-worker off the ice, who brings a solid work-ethic and has developed good hockey sense with great finish around the net."

Joining Bettez on the first squad were teammates Vanessa Davidson, a senior ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą from Kirkland, Que., blueliners Catherine Ward from Town of Mt. Royal, Que., and Cathy Chartrand of Lac Nominingue, Que., plus goaltender Charline LabontĂ©, a physical education junior from Boisbriand, Que.

The only non-±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą player on the first team was Carleton ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą Jennifer Gordon of Perth, Ont., who only scored six goals and 12 points in 16 games but somehow beat out Leclerc-Auger, who finished fourth in the nation with 18-28-46 in 18 contests and made the second team. Leclerc-Auger was named to the second team, along with Carleton defender Melanie McKnight, plus four members of the Gee-gees (goalie Jessika Audet and rearguard Kelsey de Wit, plus ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ąs Erika Pouliot and Fannie Desforges).

Earl Zukerman
±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą Athletics & Recreation
earl.zukerman [at] mcgill.ca



Les étoiles du hockey universitaire féminin dévoilées

MontrĂ©al, 9 mars 2009 – La FĂ©dĂ©ration quĂ©bĂ©coise du sport Ă©tudiant a dĂ©voilĂ© aujourd’hui la composition de l’équipe d’étoiles de mĂŞme que les honneurs individuels en hockey universitaire fĂ©minin. Au deuxième rang des marqueuses de Sport interuniversitaire canadien avec une fiche de 24 buts et 30 mentions d’aide, Ann-Sophie Bettez des Martlets de l’UniversitĂ© ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą a Ă©tĂ© nommĂ©e joueuse par excellence de la saison. L’athlète originaire de Sept-ĂŽles est Ă©galement prĂ©sente sur la première Ă©quipe d’étoiles tout comme quatre autres de ses coĂ©quipières. Les Martlets ont aussi mis la main sur les titres d’entraĂ®neur de l’annĂ©e Ă  Peter Smith et de recrues de l’annĂ©e Ă  Marie-AndrĂ©e Leclerc-Auger et Ă  Stacie Tardif.

Joueuse par excellence

Avant, Ann-Sophie Bettez, U. ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, Management, Sept-ĂŽles

Nomination Prix Marion-Hilliard

Défense, Danika Smith, Université d’Ottawa, MA Psychologie du sport et de l'exercice, Munster Hamlet, Ontario

Recrue de l’année

Avant, Marie-AndrĂ©e Leclerc-Auger, U. ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, Physical Education, Sherbrooke

Defense, Stacie Tardif, U. ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, Microbiology & Immunology, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue

Entraîneur de l’année

Peter Smith, U. ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą

Première équipe d’étoiles

Position, nom, université, programme d’études, ville d’origine

Avant, Ann-Sophie Bettez, U. ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, Management, Sept-ĂŽles

Avant, Vanessa Davidson, U. ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, Physical Education, Kirkland

Avant, Jennifer Gordon, U. Carleton, Law, Perth, Ontario

DĂ©fense, Catherine Ward, U. ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, Marketing & Intl. Business, Ville Mont-Royal

DĂ©fense, Cathy Chartrand, U. ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, Physical Education, Lac Nominingue

Gardienne, Charline LabontĂ©, U. ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, Physical Education, Boisbriand

Deuxième équipe d’étoiles

Position, nom, université, programme d’études, ville d’origine

Avant, Marie-AndrĂ©e Leclerc-Auger, U. ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, Physical Education, Sherbrooke

Avant, Erika Pouliot, U. d’Ottawa, Science de l’activité physique, St-Joseph-de-Beauce

Avant, Fannie Desforges, U. d’Ottawa, Science de l’activité physique, Fournier, Ontario

Défense, Kelsey de Wit, U. d’Ottawa, Sciences infirmières, St-Andrew’s, Ontario

DĂ©fense, Melanie McKnight, U. Carleton, Geography, Barrie, Ontario

Gardienne, Jessika Audet, U. d’Ottawa, MA Ergothérapie, Val-Bélair


Source :       
Mylène Vézina – Agente de communication
514-252-3300 poste 3453
mvezina [at] fqse.qc.ca

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