
June 28, 2023 | Canada 2020 has recently announced their Advisory Board for 2023-2024 that will help generate innovative ideas and spark debates about how to seize this once-in-a-generation opportunity to build a better future for all Canadians. We are excited to announce that the Advisory Board includes two members from the Max Bell School of Public Policy, Professor Jennifer Welsh andÌýSupriya Dwivedi, Director of Policy and Engagement at theÌý Centre for Media, Technology, and Democracy.Ìý



Classified as: Media Releases
Published on: 1 Aug 2023
Come visit us and borrow the books below today from room 354 at The Neuro:
  • La jungle alimentaire: Comment s'y retrouver par Julie DesGroseilliers

  • Les Aliments qui soignent l'hypertension : toutes les clés pour des artères souples par Gabrielle Sarrazin

  • Accompagner un jeune en deuil par Josée Masson

  • The Caregiver's Encyclopedia: A Compassionate Guide to Caring for Older Adults by Muriel R. Gillick

Classified as: Neuro-Patient Resource Centre (NPRC), New Books, Book Collection, catalogue
Published on: 17 Jul 2023

We selected books from our collection to highlight Stroke Awareness Month and ALS Awareness Month, both happening in June.

We also have free resources that you can get at the Neuro-Patient Resource Centre (room 354).

In addition, our website contains information that is freely accessible:

Our online stroke resources: Stroke (Cerebrovascular accident)

Classified as: books, stroke, ALS
Published on: 20 Jun 2023
Come visit us and borrow the books below today from room 354 at The Neuro:
  • Prenez votre coeur à cÅ“ur par Jacques Fricker etÌýPatrick Assyag

  • Les Organisations de soins de longue durée : points de vue scientifiques et critiques sur les CHSLD et les EHPAD par Collectif

  • Quand les neurones ne répondent plus : mieux comprendre la maladie d'Alzheimer et de Parkinson par Pascal Mespouille

  • The Brain on Cannabis: What You Should Know about Recreational and Medical Marijuana by Rebecca Siegel and Margot Starbuck

Classified as: Book Collection, Neuro-Patient Resource Centre (NPRC), New Books
Published on: 14 Jun 2023

Montreal, QC (June 7, 2023) — The Government of Canada $5.5 million to create the Canadian Digital Media Research Network (CDMRN), a first-of-its-kind research community in Canada aimed at strengthening our information resilience and safeguarding our democracy.

Classified as: Centre for Media Technology and Democracy, media ecosystem observatory
Published on: 7 Jun 2023

As many of our students prepare to graduate, let’s take a moment to appreciate the faculty members and student instructors who helped guide them towards this momentous achievement.

The Schulich School of Music is proud to have some of the best music scholars in North America among its educators. And, without a doubt, they all have immeasurably enriched the lives of our students through their passion, knowledge, and musicianship.

Published on: 6 Jun 2023

Ph.D Student Patrico Artura (Dr. John White lab) recent paper


Classified as: dept. of physiology, Graduate Students, faculty
Published on: 6 Jun 2023

On May 25, the Max Bell School of Public Policy was honoured to receive the Hon. David Lametti, Canada’s Minister of Justice and the Attorney-General of Canada. The Minister spoke to the entire cohort of students inÌýLaw, Human Rights and Public Policy, a core course in the MPP program. Minister Lametti discussed his role in cabinet and as Attorney-General, exploring the multiple connections between law and public policy.

Classified as: Pearl Eliadis, Law
Published on: 2 Jun 2023

Dear members of the Macdonald Campus community,

I am writing to update you on the progress of the investigation into the asbestos-related building closures at Macdonald Campus.

Classified as: Building closure updates
Published on: 30 May 2023
Come visit us and borrow the books below today from room 354 at The Neuro:
  • Le Coeur, notre autre cerveau : stress, palpitations, hypertension... se soigner avec l'hypnose et la cohérence cardiaque par Mathieu Bernard

  • Quand le deuil se complique par Danielle Maltais et Jacques Cherblanc

  • L'Anxiété apprivoisée : transformer son stress en ressource positive par Amélie Seidah et Isabelle Geninet

  • Navigating Life with Chronic Pain by Robert A Lavin & Al

Classified as: Neuro-Patient Resource Centre, Book Collection, New Books, catalogue
Published on: 24 May 2023

Did you know that the Neuro-Patient Resource Centre (NPRC) brings an information cart to five ambulatory clinics and the Neuro Day Centre, at least twice a month for each clinic?

For the movement disorders clinic, the two NPRC library assistants, Natasha Williamson and Amber Perry-Marinov, carefully select books, brochures, and other resources about Parkinson’s disease and other disorders for patients and their families.

Classified as: patient resource centre, patient library, information, clinics, day centre, movement disorders
Published on: 23 May 2023

The Schulich School of Music is proud to announce that, starting in August 2023, three new faculty members will join its Department of Performance:

Published on: 16 May 2023


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