
Author: MaryJane Rabier

Publication: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 38, No. 13, 2017


Research summary:

I examine how acquisition motives relate to the distribution of post-acquisition performance. I argue that acquisitions motivated by operating synergies have the potential to experience greater gains than acquisitions driven by financial synergies but are harder to value and implement, making them more uncertain. Using SEC filings, conference calls and press releases to capture acquisition motives, I find that acquirers pursuing operating synergies are more likely to experience highly positive and highly negative long-term returns than acquirers pursuing financial synergies.

I also find that acquisition experience and geographic proximity to targets soften acquirers' extreme downside outcomes in operating synergy acquisitions. My theory and results suggest that approaches that emphasize average outcomes for acquirers and use industry classifications to capture acquisition motives may be incomplete.

Managerial summary:

Managers engage in acquisitions for various reasons. In this study, I find that reasons related to operating synergies (e.g., revenue growth through new product offerings or cost savings through economies of scale) are more likely to result in extreme high and low performance outcomes for the acquiring firm compared to reasons related to financial synergies (e.g., diversification of cash flow streams).

In addition, I find that the acquirer's prior acquisition experience and the geographic proximity between the target and acquirer help soften the extreme low performance outcomes related to operating synergies. 

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Classified as: maryjane rabier, Accounting, Strategic Management Journal, Desautels 22
Published on: 28 Sep 2017

This summer, a combined group of Desautels MBA Japan students and participants from the PMBA cohort in Montreal accompanied Associate Professor Desmond Tsang on a Study Tour of Vietnam to get a feel for the country’s culture and learn about its status as a rapidly-emerging market.

Classified as: Desmond Tsang, Accounting
Published on: 8 Sep 2017

A blog post at Virgin.com looks at how adventure-seeking CEOs come at business from a more open, experimental angle.

Desautels Professor Jingjing Zhang’s research shows that chief execs who fly small airplanes in their off-hours tend to be more open to innovation.

Classified as: Jingjing Zhang, Accounting
Published on: 7 Aug 2017

Authors: ǰǴDz, ǰdzܾʰܾ, Michel W. Lander

Publication: Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming


Classified as: Jorien Pruijssers, Accounting
Published on: 12 Jul 2017

CEOs with a real taste for excitement can be a company’s best bet for upping its innovation cred, according to a paper co-authored by a Desautels professor Jingjing Zhang.

The paper studied 88 CEOs who were pilots, comparing them to 1,123 non-pilot chief executives over ten years. Pilot CEOs helped increase their companies’ patents by almost 67 per cent.

Desautels Professor Zhang said that this comes down to thrill-seeking CEOs tending to love diverse, original projects to a higher degree.

Classified as: Jingjing Zhang, Accounting
Published on: 9 Jun 2017

Jingjing Zhang, Assistant Professor in Accounting, was recently awarded a 2017 FRQSC New Academics Grant for her project "Effet d’entraînement réglementaire transfrontalier : impact des réformes du processus de notation aux États-Unis sur la notation des obligations des sociétés canadiennes. / Cross-Border Regulatory Spillover: The Effect of U.S. Credit Rating Reforms on Canada’s Corporate Bond Ratings".

Classified as: Accounting, Jingjing Zhang
Published on: 15 May 2017

Authors:Gao. Y.,Kim, J.B.,Tsang, D.,Wu, H. 

Publication: Review of Accounting Studies


Classified as: Accounting, Desmond Tsang
Published on: 25 Apr 2017

Professor Steve Fortin, CPA, CA has been named to the Financial Reporting Accounting Standards Board (AcSB). The AcSB is an independent body with the authority to establish accounting standards for use by all Canadian entities outside the public sector. The AcSB serves the public interest by establishing standards for financial reporting by all Canadian private sector entities and by contributing to the development of internationally accepted financial reporting standards.

Classified as: Accounting, Steve Fortin
Published on: 12 Apr 2017

According to a study performed in part by Desautels Assistant Professor of Accounting , when it comes to chasing innovation, companies with risk-loving CEOs tend to pursue more original projects and “generate more patents with greater market impact than their peers.” This is because thrill-seeking personalities tend to be more open to new ideas, which translates well into the business space.

Classified as: Accounting, Jingjing Zhang
Published on: 28 Feb 2017

Authors: Jayanthi Sundera, Shyam V. Sundera, Jingjing Zhang

Publication: Journal of Financial Economics,Vol. 123, No. 1, 2017


Classified as: Jingjing Zhang, Accounting
Published on: 6 Dec 2016

Authors: Steve Fortin, Chandra Subramaniam, Xu (Frank) Wang,Sanjian Bill Zhang

Publication:Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2014


Classified as: Accounting, Steve Fortin, academic research, bond market reaction, shareholder proposal, incentive compensation, pay for performance
Published on: 13 Mar 2015

Congratulations to Gabriel Alary, Marc-André Benoit, Jenny Bradley-Tessier, Michael Cohen, Richard Despatie, Luisa Di Benedetto, Nicolas Glaudemans, Kaihua He, Nathaniel Kirsh, Christina Kontaxis, Cédric Lalonde-McNicoll, Elizabeth Lefebvre, Antoine Legault, Patrick Lorange, Matthew Minuk, Marc-Benoit Roch, Adam Shapiro, Sebastian Soch, Arina Tcherniavskaia, Xinning Zheng and Kaixin Zheng for receiving 21 of the 100 scholarships awarded in Quebec based on academic performance and extra-curricular involvement.

Classified as: Accounting, cpa
Published on: 16 Jan 2015

Two student-athletes from ֱ were among the CIS Top Eight Academic All-Canadians honoured by His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada -- and former principal at ֱ -- at Rideau Hall in the nation's capital, Monday. Mariam Sylla, a basketball player and pharmacology student, as well as Cedric McNicoll, a hockey player and accounting major in the Desautels faculty of management, were representing the Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec conference at the event.

Classified as: BCom, Accounting, ֱ Athletics, Cedric McNicoll
Published on: 18 Nov 2014

Authors:Fortin,Steve; Subramaniam,Chandra; Wang,Xufrank; Zhang,Sanjian

Publication:Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics


Classified as: Accounting, Economics, management, journal of contemporary accounting and economics, shareholder, Steve Fortin
Published on: 21 Aug 2014

Authors: Daniel, Shirley J.; Lee, Dongyoung; Reitsperger, Wolf D.

Publication: Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2013


Classified as: Accounting, Dongyoung Lee
Published on: 15 Nov 2013


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