
´¡³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ù²õ:ÌýÌýShamel Addas and Alain Pinsonneault

Publication: MIS Quarterly, Vol. 42, No. 2, January 2018

Interruption of work by e-mail and other communication technologies has become widespread and ubiquitous. However, our understanding of how such interruptions influence individual performance is limited. This paper distinguishes between two types of e-mail interruptions (incongruent and congruent) and draws upon action regulation theory and the computer-mediated communication literature to examine their direct and indirect effects on individual performance.

Two empirical studies of sales professionals were conducted spanning different time frames: a survey study with 365 respondents and a diary study with 212 respondents. The results were consistent across the two studies, showing a negative indirect effect of exposure to incongruent interruptions (interruptions containing information that is not relevant to primary activities) through subjective workload, and a positive indirect effect of exposure to congruent interruptions (interruptions containing information that is relevant to primary activities) through mindfulness.

The results differed across the two studies in terms of whether the effects were fully or partially mediated, and we discuss these differences using meta-inferences. Technology capabilities used during interruptions episodes also had significant effects: rehearsing (fine-tuning responses to incoming messages) and reprocessing (reexamining received messages) were positively related to mindfulness, parallel communication (engaging in multiple e-mail conversations simultaneously) and leaving messages in the inbox were positively related to subjective workload, and deleting messages was negatively related to subjective workload.

This study contributes to research by providing insights on the different paths that link e-mail interruptions to individual performance and by examining the effects of using capabilities of the interrupting technology (IT artifact) during interruptions episodes. It also extends the experimental tradition that focuses on isolated interruptions. By shifting the level of analysis from specific interruption events to overall exposure to interruptions over time and from the laboratory to the workplace, our study provides realism and ecological validity.

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Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault, Information Systems, MIS Quarterly, Desautels 22
Published on: 17 Oct 2017

It’s a vicious cycle: Companies cut back on promotions to try to minimize big salary loads, but more promotions keep employees around longer. According to a piece at incentiveandmotivation.com, the answer could be more frequent, but smaller, promotions.

Desautels Professor Alain Pinsonneault points to recent research indicating that frequent little promotions help to minimize turnover at IT firms. Also, because the wage increases are minor, the dollar impact of a promotion is not dramatic.

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault, Information Systems
Published on: 15 Sep 2017

Every year, the ±«ÓãÖ±²¥-HEC Montréal EMBA program offers a $50,000 scholarship for aboriginal managers. The first recipient of the scholarship was Mi’kmaq urban councillor Manon Jeanotte in 2014. Her EMBA experience prompted her to make a successful run for chief of the Gespeng Mik’maq Nation in 2015.

Kativik School Board director Jason Annahatak will graduate from the EMBA next February, and calls the EMBA a good fit for aboriginal leaders because it gets them networking with a wide range of influencers.

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault, EMBA Alumni, ±«ÓãÖ±²¥-HEC Executive MBA (EMBA), ±«ÓãÖ±²¥-HEC Montreal Executive MBA (EMBA)
Published on: 29 May 2017

As the world becomes ever more diversified and globalized, it’sÌý time for the C-suite to reflect that reality. At the head of the pack, the joint ±«ÓãÖ±²¥-HEC Montréal EMBA program has aimed to keep its classes as diverse as possible. There is a fellowship in place for nominations from the non-profit space, and another for aboriginals. The program also takes advantage of conferences to reach out to women and entrepreneurs.

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault, ±«ÓãÖ±²¥-HEC Executive MBA (EMBA), ±«ÓãÖ±²¥-HEC Montreal Executive MBA (EMBA)
Published on: 21 Apr 2017

Congratulations to Professor who has placed first in the world for research productivity in his field by the Association for Information Systems (AIS). The ranking is conducted annually to assess the research output of Information Technology scholars and is based on a weighted score that accounts for the number of authors on a single paper.

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault, Information Systems
Published on: 6 Mar 2017

Smaller but more-frequent promotions are key to minimising the high turnover of IT professionals, says Alain Pinsonneault of ±«ÓãÖ±²¥â€™s Desautels Faculty of Management.

IT professionals are far less likely to leave a company when their chances of promotion are higher, yet businesses cut back on these to avoid the costs of large salary increases. Therefore, smaller but more frequent promotions increase employee retention whilst keeping costs low.

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault
Published on: 4 Nov 2016

Smaller but more-frequent promotions are key to minimising the high turnover of IT professionals, says Alain Pinsonneault of ±«ÓãÖ±²¥â€™s Desautels Faculty of Management.
IT professionals are far less likely to leave a company when their chances of promotion are higher, yet businesses cut back on these to avoid the costs of large salary increases. Therefore, smaller but more frequent promotions increase employee retention whilst keeping costs low.

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault
Published on: 4 Nov 2016

Authors:ÌýMacCrory, F.,ÌýChoudhary, V.,ÌýPinsonneault, A.Ìý

Publication: Information Systems ResearchÌý


Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault
Published on: 6 Oct 2016

Natif de Lacolle, Alain Pinsonneault est un professeur à l'université ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ et un chercheur de renommée internationale. Ses travaux portent notamment sur les impacts des technologies de l'information sur les organisations. Il a été décoré de l'Ordre national du Québec par le premier ministre Philippe Couillard, lors d'une cérémonie qui s'est tenue le 22 juin, à l'Assemblée nationale.

Lire l'article complet: , le 23 juin, 2016Ìý

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault
Published on: 25 Jul 2016

On June 22, seven members of the ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ community were among the 34 new appointments to the National Order of Quebec, the province’s highest civilian honour.

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault
Published on: 30 Jun 2016

Authors:ÌýJha, S.K.,ÌýPinsonneault, A.,ÌýDubé, L.

Publications:ÌýMIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems


Classified as: Marketing, Laurette Dube, Alain Pinsonneault, Information Systems
Published on: 22 Jun 2016

Professor Alain Pinsonneault will be inducted into the Ordre National du Québec as a Chevalier (Knight) on June 22nd, 2016, for his outstanding contribution to Quebec’s reputation internationally. ÌýThis is the highest honour that the Government of Quebec awards to a citizen.

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault
Published on: 17 Jun 2016

Le premier ministre du Québec, Philippe Couillard, est fier d’annoncer que 34Ìýpersonnes seront honorées de l’un des trois grades de l’Ordre national du Québec. Les récipiendaires seront décorés le mercrediÌý22 juin prochain, lors d’une cérémonie qui se déroulera à la salle du Conseil législatif de l’hôtel du Parlement.Ìý

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault
Published on: 15 Jun 2016

´¡³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ù²õ:ÌýChung, S.,ÌýHan, K.,ÌýAnimesh, A.,ÌýPinsonneault, A.Ìý

Publication:2015 International Conference on Information Systems: Exploring the Information Frontier, ICIS 2015


Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault, Animesh Animesh, Kunsoo Han
Published on: 11 May 2016

Authors:ÌýRahrovani, Y. andÌýPinsonneault, A. Ìý

Publication:ÌýSystem Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault, yasser Rahrovani
Published on: 3 Nov 2015


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