
Congratulations to PhD candidate Farhad Shokraneh for receiving the Best Paper Award at the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference in October 2018. The paper, entitled “A 4x4 Reconfigurable Optical Processor” is co-authored by Mr. Shokraneh’s supervisor, Professor Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur, and Reza Nezami, Ph.D., and are the latest results of a project funded by the FRQNT Équipe programme “Accélérateur Photonique Embarqué pour Algorithmes d’Apprentissage Profond”.

Classified as: Asia Communications, photonics, Optical Processor, ECE, engineering, best paper award, Accelerateur Photonique, Algorithmes d'apprentissage Profond
Published on: 9 Nov 2018
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