
ѱMarc-Antoine La Rochelledevient conseiller juridique principal au sein de l’institution bancaire la Société Générale. Il se spécialise en services financiers et bancaires, droit immobilier, commerce en gros, financement de franchises et d’équipement.Diplômé en commerce de l’Université ֱ en 1994 et en droit de l’Université d’Ottawa en 1997, il détient également un certificat en droit minier de la Faculté de droit Osgoode.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Marc-Antoine La Rochelle
Published on: 24 Aug 2015

Entrevue 60 secondes— Vous représenterez le Canada au Sommet de l’Alliance des jeunes entrepreneurs du G20 à Istanbul, du 7 au 9 septembre prochain.
... Diplômée en commerce de l'Université ֱ, Stéphanie Brisson est chargée de projet et cofondatrice de Credo, un accélérateur de projects àimpacts sociaux, et de l'espace de travail collaboratif La Gare, situé dans le Mile-End.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, stephanie brisson, G20
Published on: 19 Aug 2015

When it comes to retail, there's one aspect of the customer experience that's substantially more influential than the rest: frontline employees. Because they're often a customer's first touchpoint with a retailer and interact with customers directly on a regular basis, frontline employees act as brand ambassadors who can easily make or break the customer's shopping experience.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Steven Kramer, Desautels Global Experts
Published on: 19 Aug 2015

Il y a un mois,Geoffroylançait le vidéoclip et la chanson You Say, premier extrait d’un EP qui paraîtra cet automne. La pièce, fort accrocheuse, marie brillamment le folk à l’électro.

Read full artcle:, August 7, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Geoffroy Sauvé
Published on: 13 Aug 2015

You probably thought (or hoped) your high school yearbook would never see the light of day again.
... And,William Shatner, known for his role as cultural icon Captain Kirk, was an active member of ֱ’s theatre world in the days before television became mainstream in Canada.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, william shatner
Published on: 13 Aug 2015

Ya podés participar deAbanderados de la Argentina Solidaria.Es la sexta edición del Premio que buscahomenajeara las personas por su servicio y entrega a los demás, y empieza por elNoticiero Trece...

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Guillermo Murchison
Published on: 6 Aug 2015

Dès leur arrivé au sein de la communauté juridique, les étudiants sont amenés à participer à différentes activités de réseautage. Comment tirer son épingle du jeu? Voici quelques conseils...Sabina a complété sa 3e année au baccalauréat en droit à l'Université de Montréal. Elle est actuellement en stage au cabinet Gowlings à Montréal où elle passe son deuxième été.

Read full article: July 31, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Sabina Malderle
Published on: 6 Aug 2015

, a cloud-based EHR platform for doctors and patients, today announced the hiring of four new members to its leadership team:Matt Ackleyas Chief Marketing Officer;Dorothy Gemmellas Senior Vice President, Life Science Practice and Strategic Partnerships;Tim Rauschenbachas Vice President, Customer Service and Support; andDave Caldwellas Senior Vice President, Enterprise Solutions.Additionally,Alan Blackhas joined Practice Fusion’s Board of Directors as its newest director, and

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Alan Black, Practice Fusion
Published on: 5 Aug 2015

David Segal was 27 years old when he opened his first tea shop in Toronto in 2008. He didn't want the space to have the stuffy, pretentious look and feel so many other traditional tea shops he'd been to had—the kinds of places that seemed designed for tea connoisseurs. "You felt like you had to know something to go into these stores," says Segal.

Read full article: , July 31, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, David Segal, davids tea
Published on: 3 Aug 2015

According to the 1951 ֱ yearbook, future Star Trek captain William Shatner was already showing leadership as president of ֱ's Radio Workshop, and his yearbook records also show him to be a member of both the Players’ Club and the Red & White Revue musical theatre clubs.

Read full article: , July 21, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, william shatner
Published on: 31 Jul 2015

Featuring Thibault Trancart, BCom'15 and Fiona, guide dog.

View full video:
, June 1, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, BCom'15, Thibault Trancart
Published on: 5 Jun 2015

NEW president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Barbados (ICAB), Lisa Padmore , has promised not to shy away from continuing to voice ICAB’s opinion on matters of national importance.

Read full article:
, June 1, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Lisa Padmore
Published on: 5 Jun 2015

Peak Financial Group is continuing to expand, as HBO Financial Services joins forces with Peak Insurance Services, after an eight-year partnership.Founded in 1997, by James Hindley, Larry Barakett and Boris Ozbalt, HBO is a boutique Managing General Agency, catering to a group of advisors working predominantly in the high net worth markets in Quebec, Ontario and Nova Scotia.

Read article here: , February 18, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni
Published on: 6 Mar 2015

World Animal Protection, formerly known as the World Society for the Protection of Animals, today announcedPriscilla Ma's appointment as the new Executive Director of World Animal Protection's United States office. Ms. Ma officially assumed this role on January 26, 2015.

Read full article here:, February 2, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni
Published on: 16 Feb 2015

From naming Michael A. Meighen as the University’s new Chancellor in January to having two students earning Rhodes Scholarships in December, 2014 was yet another eventful year for ֱ. As we head into the final weeks of 2014, the Reporter looks back on the year that was, highlighting some of the key happenings over the past 12 months in words and pictures.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, BCom Alumni, IMHL Alumni, joanne liu, Joanna Klimczak, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), ֱ Dobson Bootcamp and Cup Competition
Published on: 20 Jan 2015


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