
Dr. Timothy Evans, Inaugural Director and Associate Dean at the School of Population and Global Health and Executive Director of Canada's COVID-19 Immunity Task Force Secretariat is among the experts quoted by CBC.

Classified as: SPGH, CITF, Tim Evans, Covid
Published on: 17 Jun 2021

Dr. Timothy Evans, Inaugural Director and Associate Dean at the School of Population and Global Health and Executive Director of Canada's COVID-19 Immunity Task Force Secretariat is among the experts quoted by CTV.

Classified as: SPGH, CITF, Tim Evans, Covid, Timothy Evans
Published on: 28 May 2021

La Presse reported on the recent announcement regarding Dr. Joanne Liu joining the ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ School of Population and Global Health (SPGH). Director and Associate Dean, Dr. Tim Evans commented on the hire.

"Elle se joint à l’École de santé des populations et de santé mondiale (ÉSPSM) de l’institution montréalaise. Figure bien connue du public, la Dre Liu a elle-même reçu son diplôme en médecine de cette université en 1991."

Classified as: SPGH, Timothy Evans, Tim Evans, joanne liu
Published on: 5 May 2021

Dr. Tim Evans, ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ School of Population and Global Health Director and COVID-19 Immunity Task Force Secretariat Executive Director is among the experts interviewed for the Ici Radio-Canada télé Science show "Découverte".

Classified as: SPGH, Covid, Tim Evans
Published on: 11 Feb 2021

The Government of Canada to measure the scope of coronavirus infection in Canada and rapidly provide information needed to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and safely get Canadians back to work.

The COVID-19 Immunity Task Force will generate this vital information, drawing on experts from universities and hospitals across Canada and working closely with provincial and territorial public health officials.

Classified as: covid-19, Tim Evans, Catherine Hankins, Research, Covid-19 immunity taskforce, funding announcement, research funding, health canada, epidemiology, contact tracing, serological tests
Published on: 23 Apr 2020
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