
November 11, 2022 | In the face of an increasingly bellicose China buttressed by its mighty economic and military strengths, Washington’s “strategic ambiguity” has become insufficient to pre-empt China’s ambitions. A shift towards "strategic clarity" could pave the way to deter Chinese aggression in the region, provided it remains subtle and is carefully managed, Pangying Peng says. 

Classified as: United States, United States politics, mpp perspectives
Published on: 11 Nov 2022

January 12, 2022 | Joe Biden isn't the first president to push for expanded voting rights, David Shribman comments in his article for The Globe and Mail. "If the working definition of news is a departure from the normal, then Joe Biden's speech Tuesday pressing Congress to preserve and expand voting rights for minorities barely qualifies," Shribman writes. "American presidents have been making that speech for more than a half-century."

Classified as: Voting rights, United States politics, US politics, David Shribman
Published on: 14 Jan 2022
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