
Under the leadership of Vedat Verter, Editor in Chief,Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (SEPS) has been selected for coverage in Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports. 

For more information: , 2016 

Classified as: Vedat Verter, Elsevier
Published on: 18 Mar 2016

My associate editors and I were very pleased to hear that Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (SEPS) has been selected for coverage in Thomson Reuters’ products and services, including Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports. It will be added to the Operations Research & Management Science, Management and Economics categories. The journal's first Impact Factor will be available in June 2016, and will be based on citations during 2015 to papers published in 2013-2014.

Classified as: Vedat Verter
Published on: 3 Mar 2016

ܳٳǰ:Murat, A.,Laporte, G.,Verter, V.

Publications: Computers and Operations Research 


Classified as: Vedat Verter
Published on: 17 Feb 2016

Professor Vedat Verter has been elected as a Board Member of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) for a two-year term starting January 2016. With more than 2,000 members, POMS is a premier international professional organization that brings together the POM scholars and professionals from around the world. Its flagship journal Production and Operations Management is on the Financial Times 45 and Business Week 20 lists. Read more about .

Classified as: Vedat Verter
Published on: 9 Feb 2016

Authors: Zhao, J. and Verter, V.

ʳܲپDz:Computers & Operations Research

Classified as: Vedat Verter, capacity acquisition, environmental risk
Published on: 13 Aug 2015

ܳٳǰ:Chen, W.,Kucukyazici, B.,Verter, V.,Jesús Sáenz, M.

ʳܲپDz:European Journal of Operational Research


Classified as: Vedat Verter, operations management, supply chain, Beste Kucukyazici, wenyi chen
Published on: 13 Aug 2015

Authors: Aboolian, R., Berman, O. and Vedat Verter

Publication: Transportation Science


Classified as: transportation, Vedat Verter
Published on: 1 May 2015

A new strategy leads to the improvement of cataract surgery 

Classified as: Vedat Verter
Published on: 25 Feb 2015

Sam Sadeghi’s career seems to be on a trajectory that only goes up. The electrical engineer has been working full-time in his field since graduating with a bachelor’s degree from Ryerson University in 2004. He continued to work full-time while pursuing a master’s in power electronics, which he earned from Ryerson in 2008. The only time he didn’t work was when he took a four-month leave in 2009 to take core courses for his master’s in business administration at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Classified as: Vedat Verter, MD-MBA, MBA Program, Sam Waserman
Published on: 25 Sep 2014

ֱ Prof Vedat Verter discusses a new train safety report.

Watch full video: 

Classified as: Vedat Verter, Professor, CTV Montreal, freight trains
Published on: 28 Aug 2014

Authors: Güneş, Evrim Didem; Yaman, Hande; Çekyay, Bora; Verter, Vedat

ʳܲپDz:Journal of the Operational Research Society, April 2014


Classified as: Vedat Verter
Published on: 3 Apr 2014

Authors: Strumpf, Erin; Faraj, Samer; Verter, Vedat


Classified as: Vedat Verter, Samer Faraj
Published on: 7 Mar 2014

Professor Vedat Verter was interviewed by Angela Kokott, host of Calgary Today – CHQR NEWS TALK 770 radio. The interview focused on the protective directive issued by Transport Minister Lisa Raitt requiring rail companies to inform municipalities about the volume and type of hazardous materials being shipped through their jurisdiction.

Listen to full interview (choose November 20, 5:00 PM, 47:00): , November 20, 2013

Classified as: Vedat Verter
Published on: 21 Nov 2013

Professor Vedat Verter talks to CHQR News Talk 770 Radio about crude oil shipments from the US to Canada.

Listen to full interview (select August 12, 2013 - 10:00 am, scroll to minute 35:00): , August 12, 2013

Classified as: Vedat Verter
Published on: 14 Aug 2013

La catastrophe de Lac-Mégantic a ravivé les inquiétudes liées au projet canado-américain de transport d'uranium sous forme liquide. Devant les craintes soulevées, le gouvernement Harper réplique que l'entente vise à " réduire la menace que pose le terrorisme international". Mais il ne dit mot des conséquences possibles, un silence radioactif qui ne rassure pas les experts, étant donné les carences de Transports Canada en matière de transport des marchandises dangereuses.

Classified as: Vedat Verter
Published on: 14 Aug 2013


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