
A foray into plant biology led one researcher to discover that a natural molecule can repair axons, the thread-like projections that carry electrical signals between cells. Axonal damage is the major culprit underlying disability in conditions such as spinal cord injury and stroke. 

Classified as: Biology, brain injury, neurosurgery, Neurology, axons, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI), Fusicoccin-A, Andrew Kaplan, Alyson Fournier, spinal injury
Published on: 8 Mar 2017

By Maya-Olivia Eyssen, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital

Montreal high school students to take part in brain quiz.

Classified as: Brain Bee, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, contest, synapses, axons, cerebral, Canadian National Brain Bee, Neuroscience: Science of the Brain
Published on: 9 Mar 2016
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