
From the time it was first conceived in 1943 by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, the Executive MBA has traditionally been a degree offered by large corporations to their top executives. Times have changed though and, especially over the last decade, the background of the typical EMBA participant is no longer reserved for corporate climbers. Doctors, lawyers, NGO professionals, creatives and entrepreneurs often make up today’s EMBA cohorts alongside more traditional demographics.

Classified as: EMBA, EMBA Alumni, ֱ-HEC Executive MBA (EMBA), topMBA, ֱ-HEC Montreal Executive MBA (EMBA), Pascal Lépine
Published on: 6 Nov 2014

Executive MBA degrees are renowned for providing candidates with the skills and confidence to embark on a career change. For corporate attorney,France Margaret Bélanger, the qualification fromֱ-HEC Montrealsaw her career change from legal practice to the ice hockey arena with the Montreal Canadiens.

Classified as: EMBA, EMBA Alumni, ֱ-HEC Executive MBA (EMBA), topMBA, ֱ-HEC Montreal Executive MBA (EMBA), France Margaret Bélanger
Published on: 28 Aug 2014

I can still remember when I got intoֱas an undergraduate in the Arts program. I couldn’t switch my status from “undeclared” quick enough. I knew what I was going to study—I was going to major in psychology.I had taken an AP Psychology (Advanced Placement) class in Grade 11 and had been itching for more ever since. Over time, many of my peers followed suit. In fact, in my year, for many students, psychology became that major you declared when you really weren’t sure what you wanted to do.

Classified as: MBA, alyssa wiseman, integrative thinking, LLD, topMBA
Published on: 9 Jun 2014
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