RNWPS /channels/taxonomy/term/26113/all en A feminist opening of resilience: Elizabeth Grosz, Liberian Peace Huts and IR critiques | Journal of International Relations and Development /channels/channels/news/feminist-opening-resilience-elizabeth-grosz-liberian-peace-huts-and-ir-critiques-journal-340805 <p>August 17th, 2022 | In this article, Dr. Maria Martin de Almagro and Dr. Pol Bargués identify that resilience has often been reduced to an egalitarian project—where mechanical policies and schemes are deployed to ameliorate the conditions of women, enhance their participation in decision-making and pursue the equality between women and men—to advance in sustaining peace.</p> Wed, 17 Aug 2022 19:49:11 +0000 webfull 181458 at /channels Résolution 1325 et gouvernance globale : L’agenda Femmes, Paix et Sécurité (FPS) en tant que norme internationale | Etudes internationales /channels/channels/news/resolution-1325-et-gouvernance-globale-lagenda-femmes-paix-et-securite-fps-en-tant-que-norme-340702 <p>Le 11 août 2022 | Cet essai de Bénédicte Santoire interroge, après une revue littéraire de trois grands ouvrages portant sur l'agenda Femmes, Paix, et Sécurité, l'applicabilité de cet agenda en adoptant un point de vue constructiviste et féministe critique, relève les diverses interprétations qui lui sont appliquées, et met en exergue les critiques et les défis à venir pour la prochaine décennie.</p> <p><a href="https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/ei/2022-v53-n1-ei07137/1090711ar/">Lire l'article.</a></p> Thu, 11 Aug 2022 15:33:12 +0000 webfull 181216 at /channels Women, Peace, and Security and Increasing Gendered Risk in the Era of COVID-19: Insights from Nepal and Sri Lanka | Global Studies Quarterly /channels/channels/news/women-peace-and-security-and-increasing-gendered-risk-era-covid-19-insights-nepal-and-sri-lanka-340693 <p>August 10th, 2022 | In this article, Luna KC and Crystal Whetstone analyze the effects of COVID-19 on women and girls. It examines policy responses to the pandemic crisis and its implications on the women, peace, and security (WPS) agenda in postwar Nepal and Sri Lanka.</p> <p><a href="https://academic.oup.com/isagsq/article/2/3/ksac036/6645835" target="_blank">Read the article.</a></p> Wed, 10 Aug 2022 17:39:49 +0000 webfull 181206 at /channels Rethinking women, peace, and security through the localization of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 & National Action Plans: A study of Nepal and Sri Lanka | Women's Studies International Forum /channels/channels/news/rethinking-women-peace-and-security-through-localization-united-nations-security-council-resolution-340595 <p>August 1st, 2022 | In this article, Luna KC and Crystal Whetstone examine the localization of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (hereafter 1325) on women, peace, and security (WPS) and its successor resolutions, which call for equal participation of women in conflict resolution, peace negotiations, and post-conflict development.</p> <p><a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277539522000164?via%3Dihub" target="_blank">Read the article.</a></p> Mon, 01 Aug 2022 16:35:00 +0000 webfull 181100 at /channels “Prosecution Will Not Solve My Problems:” Women’s Senses of Justice and Reparations After Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Northern Uganda | University of British Columbia /channels/channels/news/prosecution-will-not-solve-my-problems-womens-senses-justice-and-reparations-after-conflict-related-338167 <p>March 4, 2022 | After living through war, abduction, sexual and gender-based violence, some female survivors in Northern Uganda escaped rebel captivity. Many returned to their communities with children fathered by rebels. Instead of being embraced, community members met survivors and their children with suspicion, rejection, blame and stigmatization. That began a new chapter of hardship in the survivors’ lives.</p> Sun, 06 Mar 2022 21:47:58 +0000 webfull 178476 at /channels Gendered experience of disaster: Women’s account of evacuation, relief and recovery in Nepal | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction /channels/channels/news/gendered-experience-disaster-womens-account-evacuation-relief-and-recovery-nepal-international-337844 <p>February 4, 2022 | This paper presents an in-depth analysis of women earthquake survivors during and after the 2015 earthquake in Nepal by looking at women’s experience of evacuation, relief, and recovery. In particular, it examines how gender intersects with socio-economic factors such as citizenship, caste, ethnicity, income, debt, and location to shape women’s disaster experience.</p> <p><a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2212420922000590">Access the article.</a></p> Mon, 21 Feb 2022 14:07:25 +0000 webfull 178119 at /channels Women's Resistance in Violent Settings: Infrapolitical Strategies in Brazil and Colombia | Re-writing Women as Victims: From Theory to Practice /channels/channels/news/womens-resistance-violent-settings-infrapolitical-strategies-brazil-and-colombia-re-writing-women-337187 <p>2019 | By Anne-Marie Veillette and Priscyll Anctil Avoine, this chapter emerges from the two fieldwork investigations conducted in Brazil (2016) and Colombia (2015). The first one, carried out in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, aims to understand and analyse the nature and the impacts of police violence, as well as resistance emerging in that context, based on women’s testimonies.</p> Thu, 27 Jan 2022 21:11:23 +0000 webfull 177363 at /channels Indian Federalism and Violence Against Women: A Complex Web of Power Relationships | Handbook on Gender, Diversity and Federalism /channels/channels/news/indian-federalism-and-violence-against-women-complex-web-power-relationships-handbook-gender-337186 <p>June 2020 | Feminist scholars, including Network member Priscyll Anctil Avoine, debate the impact of state architectures on women’s movements, partisan organizations and policy advocacy using innovative discursive, institutional and intersectional approaches.</p> <p><a href="https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/handbook-on-gender-diversity-and-federalism-9781788119290.html">Access the book.</a></p> Thu, 27 Jan 2022 21:03:08 +0000 webfull 177362 at /channels Disembodying Combat: Female Combatants' Political Reintegration in Nepal and Colombia | University of Waterloo /channels/channels/news/disembodying-combat-female-combatants-political-reintegration-nepal-and-colombia-university-waterloo-337185 <p>June 2021 | Network member Priscyll Anctil Avoine focuses on the political issues underlying the particular place of women in insurgent combat and what it means to “re-embody” civilian society with a temporal glance at the 15-year transition in Nepal and the 5-year peace process in Colombia.</p> <p><a href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352488155_Disembodying_Combat_Female_Combatants'_Political_Reintegration_in_Nepal_and_Colombia">Read the paper.</a></p> Thu, 27 Jan 2022 20:56:07 +0000 webfull 177361 at /channels Importance of increasing women’s participation and leadership in Peace and Security sectors | UN India /channels/channels/news/importance-increasing-womens-participation-and-leadership-peace-and-security-sectors-un-india-336520 <p>May 29, 2021 | RN-WPS research assistant Pragya Tikku comments on women in peacekeeping: "The idea is to break stereotypes, take part in healthy discussions on deriving strategies for future intervention and integrating gender perspective in peacekeeping."</p> <p><a href="https://in.one.un.org/importance-of-increasing-womens-participation-and-leadership-in-peace-and-security-sectors/">Read the article.</a></p> Mon, 17 Jan 2022 14:54:37 +0000 webfull 176551 at /channels Politique étrangère féministe: le Canada doit-il aller plus loin ? | Sans escale /channels/channels/news/politique-etrangere-feministe-le-canada-doit-il-aller-plus-loin-sans-escale-336518 <p>12 janvier 2021 | Une conversation entre deux amies et passionnées d’affaires internationales : la journaliste Laura-Julie Perreault et la chercheuse Laurence Deschamps-Laporte, rompue aux arcanes de la politique étrangère. Dans chaque épisode, elles abordent avec leurs invités de multiples enjeux à travers le monde, par des angles variés, en puisant dans leurs expériences.</p> <div class="bl-tpl"><a class="button--outline" href="">Écouter le fichier balado</a></div> Mon, 17 Jan 2022 10:47:15 +0000 webfull 176549 at /channels Muzna Dureid on Canada’s Response to Climate Refugees | The Local Engagement Refugee Research Network /channels/channels/news/muzna-dureid-canadas-response-climate-refugees-local-engagement-refugee-research-network-336517 <p>November 24, 2021 | RN-WPS Youth Advisory Board member Muzna Dureid explains why Canada should modernize its immigration policy to respond to people displaced by climate change.</p> <p><a href="https://carleton.ca/lerrn/2021/op-ed-canada-immigration-climate-change/">Read the article.</a></p> Mon, 17 Jan 2022 09:07:45 +0000 webfull 176548 at /channels Engaging girls and women with disabilities in the global South: Beyond cultural and geopolitical generalizations | Disability and the Global South /channels/channels/news/engaging-girls-and-women-disabilities-global-south-beyond-cultural-and-geopolitical-generalizations-335446 <p>March 13, 2021 | Xuan Thuy Nguyen and Deborah Stienstra argue for recognizing the lingering impacts of colonialism and imperialism in producing disability and impairment in the South, while suggesting new ways of engaging with disabled girls and women through the use of inclusive, decolonial, and participatory methods.</p> <p><a href="https://asksource.info/resources/engaging-girls-and-women-disabilities-global-south-beyond-cultural-and-geopolitical">Read the article.</a></p> Thu, 09 Dec 2021 14:08:35 +0000 webfull 175434 at /channels Feminist Reflections on Discourses of (Power) + (Sharing) in Power-Sharing Theory | International Political Science Review /channels/channels/news/feminist-reflections-discourses-power-sharing-power-sharing-theory-international-political-science-335426 <p>October 24, 2019 | Written by Dr. Siobhan Byrne, the objective of this article is to demonstrate how feminist approaches can provide a new language of both power and sharing to illuminate pathways through the ‘exclusion amid inclusion’ dilemma in power-sharing theory.</p> <p><a href="https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0192512119868323">Read the article</a>.</p> Wed, 08 Dec 2021 12:57:21 +0000 webfull 175409 at /channels The endurance of women’s mobilization during “patriarchal backlash”: a case from Colombia’s reconfiguring armed conflict | International Feminist Journal of Politics /channels/channels/news/endurance-womens-mobilization-during-patriarchal-backlash-case-colombias-reconfiguring-armed-335425 <p>March 29, 2021 | Written by Dr. Julia Zulver, this article focuses on the Alianza de Mujeres Tejedoras de Vida, an association of women in Putumayo who mobilized for peace and women’s rights during Colombia’s armed conflict. </p> <p><a href="https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14616742.2021.1901061">Read the article.</a></p> Wed, 08 Dec 2021 12:51:30 +0000 webfull 175408 at /channels