graduate research /channels/taxonomy/term/5927/all en PhD defence of Hyacinth Ali - Perspectives to promote modularity, reusability, and consistency in multi-language systems /channels/channels/event/phd-defence-hyacinth-ali-perspectives-promote-modularity-reusability-and-consistency-multi-language-341044 <p> </p> <p style="text-align:center">Abstract</p> <p> </p> Fri, 26 Aug 2022 19:41:56 +0000 webfull 181707 at /channels PhD defence of Mohsen Rezaei - Chalcogenide and ZBLAN Optical Fiber Components /channels/channels/event/phd-defence-mohsen-rezaei-chalcogenide-and-zblan-optical-fiber-components-340350 <p style="text-align:center">Abstract</p> Thu, 14 Jul 2022 14:40:42 +0000 webfull 180909 at /channels CREATE-ISS Travel Award Presentations /channels/event/create-iss-travel-award-presentations-230514 <p>The CREATE-ISS Training Program is proud to present several informative talks by students of the ISS program on their experiences in research exchanges and company internships made possible by the ISS Travel Awards over the past year.</p> Fri, 13 Sep 2013 21:01:42 +0000 webfull 98683 at /channels CREATE-ISS Sensors Seminar #1 /channels/event/create-iss-sensors-seminar-1-230516 <p>The NSERC-CREATE Integrated Sensors Systems Training Program is proud to announce the first of our monthly Sensors Seminars.</p> <p>This year we will be including both professor and student presentations.</p> Fri, 13 Sep 2013 21:22:19 +0000 webfull 98685 at /channels ISS Winter Networking Event- Bringing Your Technology to Market: Devices and Systems /channels/event/iss-winter-networking-event-bringing-your-technology-market-devices-and-systems-224825 <h2>Bringing Your Technology to Market</h2> <h3>Theme : Bringing Sensor Technology to Market</h3> <h3>More information to come soon!</h3> <p>TOPICS </p> Tue, 05 Feb 2013 19:19:49 +0000 webfull 94550 at /channels Graduate Application DUE DATE- Integrated Sensor Systems Training Program /channels/event/graduate-application-due-date-integrated-sensor-systems-training-program-226813 <p><span>We are pleased to announce an extension of the application period for the <i><span style="text-decoration:underline">NSERC-CREATE<b> </b></span></i><b><span style="text-decoration:underline">Masters </span></b><span style="text-decoration:un</body></html>"></span></span></p> Thu, 16 May 2013 20:59:36 +0000 webfull 96736 at /channels CREATE-ISS Sensors Summer School /channels/event/create-iss-sensors-summer-school-226815 <p>The Integrated Sensor Systems Program Graduate Committee is pleased to invite you to the 3rd annual <b>CREATE-ISS Sensors Summer School</b> taking place on <b>June 3rd and 4th 2013</b> at <b>École Polytechnique de Montréal</b>!</p> Thu, 16 May 2013 21:17:34 +0000 webfull 96739 at /channels