

Atelier sur HCS à l'Imaging Facility

Lundi, 10 »å鳦±ð³¾²ú°ù±ð, 2012àMercredi, 12 »å鳦±ð³¾²ú°ù±ð, 2012
Imaging Facility du Complex des Sceiences de la Vie, CA
Voir sur la brochure

The Imaging Facility will be offering a high content screening workshop from Dec 10-12, 2012.
Day 1 - Fluorescence, Fluorescence Microscope, Light Sources, Detectors, Fluorescence Probes
Day 2 - Live Cell Imaging, High Content Assays - For Example - Live Cell, Translocation, Mitotic Index, Autophagy, Calcium Imaging, Cell Cycle etc.
Day 3 - Image Processing and Analysis - Measuring IC50 of dose responses, cellular data, plate mapping, toxicity maps, heat maps etc.
Specialists from Molecular Probes, Molecular Devices, Perkin Elmer, and GE Healthcare will be around during the three days.
A more detailed schedule will follow soon.
Please see the attached flyer for more information and to register.

If people are interested in preparing assay plates the Imaging Facility can see about providing plates and reagents and analysis in exchange for plate preparation for use during the course.

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