
Google Code for Remarketing Tag - Bloom

Catalogue des cours


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CCTR 533 Specialized Translation (English/French). (3 credits)
Through the analysis of specialized texts and the strategic approaches seasoned translators use to solve translation problems, students build advanced-level competence in the translation of highly specialized texts. Student groups study appropriate translation strategies, make oral presentations and undertake action research in specialty languages.
CCTR 535 Computer-Aided Translation and Terminology. (3 credits)
Hiver 2019, Printemps/Été 2020
Introduction to terminographic work in selected fields of specialization, and to computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools used to facilitate terminological searches and terminology management. Identification and critical use of sources of terminographic documentation, both online and offline. Introduction to other fundamental CAT tools, including machine translation, translation memory, spell/grammar checkers, concordancers, tool bars and repositories.
CCTR 540 (Co)Writing Techniques for Jurilinguists. (3 credits)
Drafting of legal documents in a clear and concise manner in unilingual, bilingual and multilingual contexts. The processes and procedures for (co)writing plain yet precise language will be the focus of practical exercises in (co)writing and translating various legal genres. Familiarity with the stylistic resources of both source and target languages will be studied with a viewto making (co)writing and translation outcomes reliable, idiomatic and readable.
CCTR 541 Legal Translation: General (3 credits)
Automne 2019
Translation of legal texts. Overview of legal theory. Examination of legal translation methodology, legal terminology, phraseology, and legal citation guidelines through hands-on translation exercises of different subtypes of legal texts.
CCTR 542 Legal Translation: Securities Law . (1.5 credits)
Hiver 2019, Printemps/Été 2019, Hiver 2020
Translation of texts in the field of securities law. Introduction to the regulations governing the distribution of financial products and services in Canada. Practical translation exercises will include prospectus offerings, documents produced by different securities commissions across Canada, judgments in securities cases, corporate securities compliance documents, and shareholders agreements.
CCTR 544 (Co)Writing Techniques for Legal Drafters . (1.5 credits)
Drafting of legal documents in a clear and concise manner in unilingual, bilingual and multilingual contexts. The processes and procedures for (co)writing plain yet precise language will be the focus of practical exercises in (co)writing. Familiarity with the stylistic resources of both source and target languages will be studied with a view to making (co)writing outcomes reliable, idiomatic and readable.
CCTR 545 Legal Translation: Securities Law (English to French) (1.5 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020, Automne 2020
Legal Translation: Securities Law (English to French)
CCTR 551 Comprehensive Evaluation/Évaluation globale.
Upon completion of each course, the student will select the best work produced for that course. It will be set aside to form part of the "best-work" portfolio which the student will present to a graduating committee after completing all required and complementary courses. The selection of material for this purpose will be done in collaboration with the student's adviser and in such a way as to reflect all different aspects of the knowledge acquired by the student over the duration of his studies and to highlight the particular aspects and relevance of each of their courses. / À la fin de chaque cours, l'étudiant devra choisir son meilleur travail et le verser au dossier des travaux qu'il soumettra à un comité une fois qu'il aura mené à bien tous les cours obligatoires et facultatifs de son programme. Le choix de ces travaux se fait avec la collaboration du conseiller de l'étudiant; il reflète tous les versants des connaissances acquises par l'étudiant durant ses études et met en lumière les particularités et la pertinence de chaque cours suivi.
CCTR 553 Legal Translation: Judgments (English to French) (2 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020, Automne 2020
Translation of judgments from English to French. Review of judicial systems and subject-matter jurisdiction. Examination of legal translation principles and techniques applied to judgments. Study of macro-level translation strategies specific to judgments, including structure, genre, function (of the judgment and its translation) and context, and micro-level textual specificities of judgments and their translation. Strategies used to solve specific terminological and phraseological translation problems. Research techniques and use of appropriate references and tools when translating judgments.
CCTR 554 Legal Translation: Judgments (French to English) (2 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020, Automne 2020
Legal Translation: Judgments (French to English)
CCTR 555 Legal Translation: Contracts (English to French) (2 credits)
Translation of contracts from English to French. Overview of the legal framework for contracts translated in Canada, including differences between the civil law principles applied in Quebec and the common law principles applied in the rest of Canada, and other translation problems typical of international contracts. Examination of the structure of contracts. Application of context-specific translation strategies. Translation of standard and general clauses, as well as specific types of contracts. Examination of English and French terminology and phraseology in the subfield of contracts.
CCTR 556 Legal Translation: Contracts (French to English) (2 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020, Automne 2020
Legal Translation: Contracts (French to English)
CCTR 557 Legal Translation: Statutes and Regulations (English to French) (2 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020, Automne 2020
Translation of legislation from English to French. Review of legislative systems in Canada. Analysis of methods of legislative translation in Canada. Legal translation principles and techniques applied to the translation of legislation. Study of macro-level translation strategies specific to statutes and regulations, including jurisdiction, sources of law, law structure, genre, function (of statutes and regulations and their translation) and context, and micro-level textual specificities of statutes and regulations and their translation. Strategies used to solve specific terminological and phraseological translation problems. Research techniques and use of appropriate references and tools when translating legislation.
CCTR 558 Legal Translation: Statutes and Regulations (French to English) (2 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020, Automne 2020
Legal Translation: Statutes and Regulations (French to English)
CCTR 599 Special Topics in Translation Studies. (3 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020
Selected topics in translation and translation studies.
CCTR 600 Translation Practicum 2 (3 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020, Automne 2020
Translation project supervised by faculty and/or external partner.

*Choose either CCTR 500 and CCTR 600 or CCTR 605 and CCTR 606.
CCTR 601 Independent Studies. (3 credits)
Automne 2019
Independent study under the guidance of a staff member specializing in the field of interest.
CCTR 602 Special Topics in Legal Translation (3 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020, Automne 2020
Selected topics in legal translation.
CCTR 605 Applied Research Project 1 (3 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020, Automne 2020
Preparation of an applied research proposal and initiation of research under the supervision of a faculty member.

*Choose either CCTR 500 and CCTR 600 or CCTR 605 and CCTR 606.
CCTR 606 Applied Research Project 2 (3 credits)
Printemps/Été 2020, Automne 2020
Completion of research and submission of completed research project under the supervision of a faculty member.

*Choose either CCTR 500 and CCTR 600 or CCTR 605 and CCTR 606.


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