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TAKE NOTE: The content on this page is only relevant forundergraduate students in the Faculty of Education (B.A.(Education), B.Ed. and B.Sc. Kin). Undergraduate students in other Faculties and graduate students shouldcontact their Facultyfor the appropriate information.

Request for Late Course Withdrawal

Late Course Withdrawal Policy

Prior to theuniversity late withdrawal (without refund) deadline, students must withdraw themselves from their course(s) via Minerva

After the university late withdrawal (without refund) deadline, students may request a late withdrawal without refund via this form. Please note, requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and permission for a late withdrawal will be grantedonly under exceptional circumstances(with supporting documentation) andonly in the term in which a student is registered for the course(..Դdzretroactively). Supporting documentation must be submitted in the term in which a student is registered for the course. Late course withdrawal requests arenot guaranteed.

Students should be advised that:

  1. A meeting with the Internships & Student Affairs Office may be required
  2. Late withdrawal(s) will not be granted for unsatisfactory academic performance
  3. Late withdrawal(s) from individual courses(as opposed to awhole term) will be carefully considered to ensure that the reasonis truly relevant/limited to the requestedcourse(s)
  4. Repeat late withdrawal requests and requests for previously approved circumstances may be refusedin future terms, depending on the situation
  5. Approved requests will be assessed an administrative fee of $50.00
  6. Requests must be submitted to the Internships & Student Affairs Office, accompanied by a personal statement, responding to the following questions:
  • Why are you requesting a late withdrawal(s) (i.e. What exceptional circumstances exist?)
  • Why did you not withdraw during the approved time period on Minerva?
  • What steps have you taken to address this problem, prior to making this request?

For questions or further information about the policy or process, please contact isa.education [at] mcgill.ca or visit the Internships & Student Affairs Office in Room #243.

Please note:Requests to withdrawڰdz all courses in a termshould be done via either a request for:

  • Leave of Absence (before the withdraw with refund deadline)
  • University Withdrawal(if after the add/drop with refund deadline or if the student does not desire a Leave of Absence); please note, with a university withdrawal, a student must apply for readmissionin order to return to their studies

Disclaimer regarding impact of course withdrawals
Note that withdrawing from one or more courses during the semester may– where applicable – affect your government financial aid and/or ֱ work--studyeligibility. For international students, it may also impact your immigration statusand/or permission to work in Canada.Please ensure that you are aware of any consequences related to thiscourse withdrawal request: consult with Scholarships & Student Aid Office,and/orInternational Student Services.


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