

Modern farming is the future: Experts

On the second day of the 8th Asian-Australasian conference on precision agriculture at PAU, the keynote speaker of the day, Prof Viacheslav Adamchuk, [BRE] shared his views on sensor systems in precision agriculture with special emphasis on development of proximal soil and plant sensing systems, geospatial data processing and management and practical implementation of precision agriculture.

Published: 17 Oct 2019

Interactive map shows nature’s contributions to people

Nature supports people in critical ways, often at a highly local level. A wild bee buzzes through a farm, pollinating vegetables as it goes. Nearby, wetlands remove chemicals from the farm’s runoff, protecting a community drinking water source. In communities all around the world, nature’s contributions are constantly flowing to people.

Published: 11 Oct 2019

La mémoire des plantes

« Je suis un gars de l’Abitibi, donc je suis habituĂ© au froid! » s’exclame Jean-Benoit Charron, chercheur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą. En raison des changements climatiques, le froid n’est toutefois plus ce qu’il Ă©tait. Les plantes cultivĂ©es dans les champs doivent s’adapter Ă  ces nouvelles conditions.

Published: 9 Oct 2019

Gare à la transmission de maladies par l’eau

Lorsqu’une contamination bactérienne se déclare à proximité d’une ferme, il faut cibler le plus rapidement possible les élevages problématiques puisque certaines souches peuvent parfois infecter l’homme. L’objectif est de mettre en place des barrières naturelles qui empêcheront les ruissellements provenant de ces fermes de se retrouver dans l’eau potable environnante.

Published: 9 Oct 2019

SPF provides seed money for fully autonomous, year-round vegetable production system

Autonomous Controlled-Environment Chamber is "a growth system with minimal input and maximum crop yield"

When the Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF) was established in 2009, it was an experiment.

Published: 9 Oct 2019

So much to discover: Research in the era of legal cannabis

Approximately a year after the legalization of marijuana in Canada last fall, the new ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą Research Centre for Cannabis is poised to examine the role that legal cannabis will be playing in our society on many fronts.

Published: 9 Oct 2019

Two-stage exams: A strategy for reducing exam-related stress

OpEd by Dr Alice Cherestes, Director, Freshman Program

Students talk about the course as OChem or Orgo, otherwise known as Organic Chemistry, one of the most dreaded courses for any student doing a university science degree. The course, taken mostly in the early stage of a student’s undergraduate degree, requires that material taught during the first week of class be understood and applied many weeks later when students do the final exam.  

Published: 3 Oct 2019

The loss of three billion birds in North America is the canary in the coal mine

OpEd by Emeritus Professor David Bird:

David M. Bird is an emeritus professor of wildlife biology at ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą who has studied birds for five decades.

When I read the recent headlines that North America has lost nearly three billion birds over just the past five decades, I was not surprised. But I must admit it did depress me to a degree. That’s a lot of birds!

Published: 3 Oct 2019

Sustainability Projects Fund: Giving the green light to new ideas for 10 years

Ten years, and $7 million in funding, later, it’s safe to say the Sustainability Projects Fund "experiment" has been a huge success

When the Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF) was established in 2009, it was an experiment.

Published: 3 Oct 2019

Alumni to be honoured at Homecoming Luncheon

The Macdonald Distinguished Alumni Award was created by the Macdonald Branch of the ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą Alumni Association to recognize distinguished graduates for their outstanding professional contributions, scholarly distinction and/or service to the community at large. The first Awards were presented at Homecoming 2006.

Published: 27 Sep 2019

Opinion: Instead of flight shaming, let’s be thoughtful and selective about all travel

Opinion: Instead of flight shaming, let’s be thoughtful and selective about all travel

A conversation [between Raman Navankutty and Lior Silberman, both professors at the University of British Columbia; and Elena Bennett, a professor at ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą] about flying leads to some unexpected discoveries about how to minimize the climate impacts of getting around.

Published: 26 Sep 2019

Le défi de nourrir la planète

Nourrir la planète : voilĂ , chers lecteurs et chères lectrices de La Terre de chez nous, le dĂ©fi auquel vous travaillez sans relâche. Les chercheurs de la FacultĂ© des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’environnement de l’UniversitĂ© ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, que je reprĂ©sente, s’y dĂ©vouent chaque jour en proposant des pistes de solution aux obstacles que vous rencontrez sur le terrain.

Published: 25 Sep 2019

Getting to know ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ąâ€™s Morgan Arboretum

On Sept. 14, ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ąâ€™s Morgan Arboretum forest reserve held its annual open house, giving students an opportunity to experience a unique part of the Macdonald campus. With activities including the monarch butterfly launch and a birds of prey flight show, visitors had the opportunity to learn more about the local flora and fauna found at the Arboretum.

Published: 25 Sep 2019

GODAN Moves Headquarters to Montreal, Canada


Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), the UN, UK and US government supported initiative driving global efforts to tackle food security and to end world hunger by propagating open data polices in agriculture and nutrition across the world, announces the relocation of its headquarters from Oxford, in the United Kingdom to ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą in MontrĂ©al, Canada effective of 24 of September 2019.

Published: 25 Sep 2019

Eby Noroozi recognized for safety excellence

Congrats to Ebrahim Noroozi, Lab Manager (Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry) who was recognized for his excellence recently by both the Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (Individual Award) and the Iranian Food Science and Technology Association (Food Scientist of the Year-Academic Category).

Published: 16 Sep 2019


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