Interfaith Dialogue /morsl/taxonomy/term/130/all en Awakening in Fusion /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue-spiritual-wellness/awakening-fusion <p>In Jewish traditions, religion and artistic creativity are complimentary forms of spiritual enrichment. They both serve a similar purpose, which is to attach the self to G_d as manifested in human experience. Creation is a manifestation of G_dliness. “In the beginning G_d created” (Genesis 1:1). When human beings create, we experience awe and shame. We are in awe of G_d when we realize the amount of thought and energy it takes to create something from something else. Imagine creating something from nothing—it’s beyond human comprehension.</p> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 18:10:53 +0000 Ariella 2796 at /morsl Increase the Peace /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue-spiritual-wellness/increase-peace <p>The day I was invited to write this article, I entered a washroom in the MacDonald-Harrington building. On the door of my stall was scrawled, “increase the peace.” I could not agree more, but the anonymous author left no more suggestions than does our culture on how to go about increasing peace. Thank goodness Jesus is not so vague! “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it unto you. Do not let your hearts by troubled or afraid” (Luke 14:27). Now there is a message that I can understand! How comforting! Jesus gives us peace. He is perfect peace.</p> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 18:09:01 +0000 Emily Bessette 2795 at /morsl The Experience of God /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue-spiritual-wellness/experience-god <p>Transcendence. Experiencing the divine. Tasting that sweet essence of God. For the Sikh, God has no form. God has no shape, age, race, or gender. God was never born and will never cease to be. God is. That’s it. The Sikh definition of God, found in the beginning of the Sikh scripture (the Aad Guru Granth Sahib) and the main Sikh prayer (the Mool Mantra) is not so much a definition as an anti-definition. God is told to be timeless. The face of God? Guru Nanak says the face of God is immortality. The enemy of God? God has no enemy, and God holds no enmity. So what is this God then?</p> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 17:57:10 +0000 Santbir Singh Santbir 2794 at /morsl Religion /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue-spiritual-wellness/religion <p>It looks at me</p> <p>It hears me</p> <p>It feels me</p> <p>It judges me</p> <p>It helps me</p> <p>It enlightens me</p> <p>It traps me</p> <p> </p> <p>It bothers me</p> <p>It soothes me</p> <p>It produces for me</p> <p>It nurtures me</p> <p>It reasons for me</p> <p>It kills me</p> <p>It talks for me</p> <p> </p> <p>It wrecks me</p> <p>It develops me</p> <p>It wounds me</p> <p>It loves me</p> <p>It ____________ me</p> <p>It kills me</p> <p>It is me...</p> <p> </p> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 17:54:44 +0000 Hardip Singh Manku 2793 at /morsl Passion in Action; Love in Form /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue-queerness-and-faith-spiritual-wellness/passion-action-love-form <p>the Imam, the Priest, the Monk;</p> <p>all of them at once endorsing</p> <p>love between two men</p> <p>not only as acceptable</p> <p>but as sacred.</p> <p> </p> <p>the power of the moment</p> <p>as metaphor for love</p> <p>for what’s possible with love</p> <p>overshadowed only</p> <p>by its immanent beauty.</p> <p> </p> <p>right then in front of my eyes</p> <p>a union transcending boundaries</p> <p>subverting history</p> <p>and empowering faith</p> <p>all at once</p> <p> </p> <p>passion in action; love in form.</p> <p> </p> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 17:41:44 +0000 Ryan Brown 2790 at /morsl I Am... /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue-spiritual-wellness/i-am <p>Unique. That word has grown up with me throughout the years… From kindergarten, high school, and finally through university, unique has always been the word that has been entrenched in the back of my mind. I was different, I was “unique,” or so everyone said. Maybe they were being polite. Maybe I was unique.</p> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 17:35:40 +0000 Hardip Manku 2789 at /morsl Do Ye Remember Me; I Will Remember You /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue-spiritual-wellness/do-ye-remember-me-i-will-remember-you <p>I feel stressed about my upcoming biology exam. I’m saddened by the death of my friend’s mother. My grandparents’ declining health worries me. I’ve overjoyed by my recent academic accomplishment. The injustices in the world pain me. I’m confused and in need of help and guidance. What do I do in all of these situations? I calm myself, take a deep break and pray.</p> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 17:32:32 +0000 Memuna A. Jamal 2788 at /morsl What is Sufism? /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue-meditation/what-sufism <p>Sufism is the broad term given to several related mystical schools, or movements within Islam. Although elements of mysticism have always been present in Islam to some degree or another Sufism became extremely prominent and well ordered starting in the 11th century. It is around this time that the formalized Sufi orders started to appear in something approaching the forms we see them in today.</p> Wed, 15 Nov 2023 19:43:47 +0000 MORSL 2643 at /morsl Ratha Yatra Festival of India /morsl/article/holidays-and-holy-days-interfaith-dialogue/ratha-yatra-festival-india <p>On July 8, 2023, I attended the Ratha Yatra Festival of India with MORSL staff and ֱ students during a My Neighbour’s Faith Event. It was a moving experience to be immersed in Hindu traditions downtown in the streets of Montreal! Here are some of the things I learned before and during the event.</p> Wed, 12 Jul 2023 16:21:38 +0000 Candice Wendt 2569 at /morsl A New Muslim Chaplain Joins our Team /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue-spiritual-wellness/new-muslim-chaplain-joins-our-team <p><b>Faisal Malik </b>is the newest member of the MORSL faith volunteer roster, a team that is here to support ֱ students of any (and no) faith. Faisal will be specifically supporting Muslim college and university students in Montreal, and his work is supported through Mont-Lumiere, an organization established by alumni of ֱ and the Muslim Students’ Association of ֱ (MSA ֱ) that works to help students with their mental health and spiritual struggles.</p> Mon, 29 May 2023 12:43:22 +0000 MORSL 2557 at /morsl Celebrating the Ascension of Abdu'l-Bahá /morsl/article/holidays-and-holy-days-spiritual-wellness/celebrating-ascension-abdul-baha <p>An experience celebrating the Ascension of Abdu'l-Bahá (November 28, 2021) brought some spiritual light and joy into my life at a time I needed it.</p> Tue, 16 May 2023 13:45:48 +0000 Candice Wendt 2556 at /morsl The Intersection of Astrology and Spirituality /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue/intersection-astrology-and-spirituality <p>Most of us can remember a time when we've stared up at the night sky and become wrapped in a sense of peaceful awe by the beauty of the moon, but have you ever wondered about the connection between the moon and religious traditions? Throughout history, the moon has been a significant symbol in many cultures and religions. Lunar cycles have been used to track time and seasons, as well as to mark important religious holidays. In this article, we will explore the astrological significance of the moon for various religious celebrations.</p> Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:20:21 +0000 MORSL 2539 at /morsl Interfaith Dialogue at the Colloquium on the Spirituality of Young People /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue/interfaith-dialogue-colloquium-spirituality-young-people <p>On Wednesday, March 22nd, students, professors, faith leaders, and members of the greater Montreal community gathered together for a Colloquium on the Spirituality of Young People. The colloquium was organized in collaboration with the School of Religious Studies, with MORSL director Carlene Gardner and Dr. Gerbern Oegema, Professor of Biblical studies offering opening remarks and co-facilitating the talks and panel that followed. </p> Wed, 05 Apr 2023 18:27:39 +0000 Sana Mohtadi 2527 at /morsl In a Perfect World We'd All be Pantheists /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue/perfect-world-wed-all-be-pantheists <p>Many Eastern and Native religions are concerned with the conservation of nature and the preservation of the environment. Pantheism is an ancient religion that developed well before Buddhism or Taoism; not only does it care for nature, but it holds that the earth is the most sacred order there is. Pantheism is not an exclusive religion in that most of the time it is not in a category of its own. Many Taoists and Buddhists, Pagans and ecologists, are Pantheists. The average environmentalist may also be a Pantheist and not even realize it.</p> Tue, 20 Dec 2022 20:46:49 +0000 Laura Gallo 2423 at /morsl The Experience of God /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue/experience-god <p>Transcendence. Experiencing the divine. Tasting that sweet essence of God. For the Sikh, God has no form. God has no shape, age, race, or gender. God was never born, and will never cease to be. God is. That's it. The Sikh definition of God, found in the beginning of the Sikh scripture (the Aad Guru Granth Sahib) and the main Sikh prayer (the Mool Mantra), is not so much a definition as an anti-definition. God is told to be timeless. The face of God Guru Nanak says the face of God is immortality. The enemy of God? God has no enemy, and God holds no enmity. So what is this God then?</p> Mon, 19 Dec 2022 21:13:56 +0000 Santbir Singh 2419 at /morsl