
Expert: Health Care Accessory Fees (Quebec)

Published: 2 May 2016

The Quebec government has the intention to prohibit all accessory fees in health care. (La Presse)

Expert: Prince (1958-2016)

Published: 22 April 2016

"Prince, the superstar American singer-songwriter known for his incredible musicianship, diverse appeal across multiple genres and cavalcade of award-winning hits, has died at age 57." (CBC)

Expert: Impeachment of Brazilian President

Published: 18 April 2016

Brazilian legislators voted on Sunday night to approve impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, the nation’s first female president. (The New York Times)

Canada: Children at back of the pack among rich nations

Published: 18 April 2016

A new report released today by UNICEF highlights the inequalities in child well-being in the world’s most affluent nations, including Canada. While progress in reducing child well-being gaps has...

Expert: Pope Francis on Divorce

Published: 12 April 2016

"In a broad proclamation on family life, Pope Francis on Friday called for the Roman Catholic Church to be more welcoming and less judgmental, and he seemingly signaled a pastoral path for divorced...

Expert: Opioid epidemic

Published: 12 April 2016

​Prescriptions for dangerous alternatives to OxyContin are soaring, showing that a crackdown on the popular painkiller has failed to curb Canada’s opioid crisis.

Expert: IGA cuts food prices

Published: 5 April 2016

Grocer IGA is cutting its fresh food prices in Quebec. (Le Journal de Québec)...

Expert: Panama Papers

Published: 4 April 2016

"The hidden identities of 350 Canadians with offshore tax haven investments have been revealed in the private database of one of the world’s leading shell company registration firms, according to a...


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