Google /newsroom/taxonomy/term/1567/all en Expert: Canada reaches online news deal with Google /newsroom/channels/news/expert-canada-reaches-online-news-deal-google-353186 <p><!-- x-tinymce/html -->The Canadian government has reached a deal with Google over the Online News Act that will see the tech giant pay $100 million annually to publishers, and continue to allow access to Canadian news content on its platform. Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge announced the "historic development" regarding the implementation of Bill C-18 on Wednesday, after the tech giant had threatened to block news on its platform when the contentious new rules come into effect next month.</p> Thu, 30 Nov 2023 18:54:34 +0000 307501 at /newsroom Experts: Apple users can say no to being tracked with new software update /newsroom/channels/news/experts-apple-users-can-say-no-being-tracked-new-software-update-330714 <p>Apple rolled out a software update for its mobile devices that gives users the option of stopping apps from tracking their location and sharing other identifying information with third parties. Services such as Facebook and others currently have the ability to track users on mobile devices in order to learn more about them to target advertisements and other location-based services to them. In some instances, the tracking is in place even if the user is not actively using the app in question.</p> Wed, 28 Apr 2021 15:09:36 +0000 261899 at /newsroom Expert: Google Duplex / AI /newsroom/channels/news/expert-google-duplex-ai-287133 <p>Google’s AI fest offers an ominous glimpse of the robot future: Machines fooling humans into thinking they are people raise obvious ethical concerns (source: <a href="">Financial Times</a>)</p> Thu, 10 May 2018 17:35:58 +0000 39770 at /newsroom Experts: Google AI against Go Champion /newsroom/channels/news/experts-googles-ai-wins-game-over-go-champion-259562 <p><img src="/newsroom/files/newsroom/go_720x220.jpg" /></p> Wed, 09 Mar 2016 14:47:07 +0000 25464 at /newsroom Social media /newsroom/faculty-and-staff/socialmedia <h2>Social media at ֱ</h2> <p>The goal of ֱ social media pages is to strengthen our community, which includes students, faculty and alumni. The aim is to provide information about the University to the public and the internal community, celebrate our successes, promote events, publicize campus news and promote networking. </p> <p>ֱ University encourages all ֱ faculties, departments to become involved in using social media in communications with stakeholders. ֱ’s social media team provides guidance to faculties on how best to use social media toward communications goals, as the manager/moderator of an account for department or faculty.  </p> <p>ֱ's centrally-managed social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube are carefully managed by the social media team to preserve the trust that we've established with our audiences. </p> <p>We have an audience that expects an authentic, authoritative voice on news and general information about the University.  </p> <p>Through our stories and news on successes of the University community, or campus life, we are proud promoters of the community’s achievements, initiatives, and major University events. </p> <table> <tr> <td>ֱ fosters freedom of expression, while valuing respect and collegiality. Participants on our social media channels are expected to treat each other, and us, with respect. We reserve the right to remove the following: Comments deemed offensive, vulgar or profane; comments off-topic and/or unrelated to posted content; content that promotes services or products, content that infringes on an individual's safety, privacy or copyright. A user will be blocked after repeated breaches.</td> </tr> </table> <p>We accept submissions for broadcasting items from the internal community on our social channels, but use our discretion on what we will publish and how it will be framed. Items must be suitable, of interest, and of importance to a majority or an important segment of our audience. The shared items will be framed and shared in our own “voice”. If not of wide appeal to our audience, we can direct you to the many unit, faculty or department social media platforms where items may be more suitable. </p> <p>The views expressed and published on ֱ’s social media channels by a participant, invitee, expert, guest or other person are not necessarily the views of ֱ. We do not endorse any opinions expressed by users, nor accept responsibility or liability for the comments, statements or claims of users on our accounts.</p> <p>For enquiries or further information about ֱ’s social media channels please email <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">info.communications</span> [at] <span class="d"></span><span class="e"><!--target="_blank"--></span></span></p> <p>Our audiences include: </p> <p>Internal: students, faculty, staff </p> <p>External: prospective students, alumni, journalists, government (municipal, provincial, federal, international), friends of the University, other academic communities and their members. </p> <p>Next:</p> <div class="bl-tpl"><a class="button--outline" href="/newsroom/socialmedia/guidelines">Social media guidelines</a></div> <p> Tue, 12 Jun 2012 15:57:16 +0000 10 at /newsroom