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Can you change your eye colour?

Increased media attention on beauty and perfection has influenced many to turn to cosmetic surgery.Ā AĀ recent survey revealed that, if possible, many would consider altering their eye colour. Now, Dr. Gregg Homer, a U.S. Doctor, claims that this will be possible via a new laser procedure. The procedureĀ startsĀ with a computerised scan of the patientsā€™ iris so a laser can hit one spot on the iris at a time, to heat up the pigment cells. Once the laser hasĀ targetedĀ all the necessary spots, the process repeats itself.Ā TheĀ procedure lasts for twenty seconds and ultimately the melanin in brown eyes will be removedĀ resulting in the eyes turningĀ blue. This treatment is irreversible because melanin does not regenerate. Although, Dr. Gregg Homer is fairly confident that his laser treatment is safe, many other eye specialists remain skeptical; some claiming that destroying eye pigment can cause sight problems like glare or double vision.

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