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When Living Things Make Our Drugs for Us

21 Apr 2022

Could you recreate your favourite restaurant meal at home? Imagine the challenge of getting that meal to go and receiving no recipe, no ingredient list; just the final dish that you get to taste,...

Shining a Light on Testicular Red Light Therapy

20 Apr 2022

A few years ago, I hosted a television documentary on food. One of the episodes focused on milk and so we visited many different farms and witnessed countless herds of cows actually being milked....

Bunnies and Cancer

12 Apr 2022

Dr. Katsusaburo Yamagiwa, a Japanese pathologist at Imperial Tokyo University, and his research assistant, Dr. Koichi Ichikawa, carried out an experiment in which they repeatedly painted the inner...

Do some perfumes actually contain whale excrement?

6 Apr 2022

Sperm whales subsist on a diet of squid, octopus and cuttle fish, all of which have small hard beaks. The beaks are commonly regurgitated but sometimes may work their way into the lining of the...

Is there a legitimate medical use for camphor?

31 Mar 2022

It wasn't so long ago that mothers would treat their children's colds by hanging little bags of camphor around their necks. The strong medicinal smell probably had some effect in opening up...

Splendid Rays and Skin Cancer

29 Mar 2022

Helios, the sun god in Greek mythology, rode a chariot across the sky, east to west, sunrise to sundown, year round, as dusk bestows silvery moonlight accompanied by stars that extend to infinity...

Phthalate Fears

23 Mar 2022

I don’t think Einstein had chemical anxiety or the amount of chemicals in our urine in mind when he famously stated that “not everything that counts can be measured and not everything that can be...

Why does lettuce turn brown?

23 Mar 2022

That’s an interesting question. How lettuce turns brown is well known, but why this happens is a different story. Let's deal with the how first.

How the Cell Makes a Living

11 Mar 2022

What is the smallest unit of life? If a living thing is like the rain, what are the raindrops it is made of?...


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