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Rats Don't Really Squeak

30 May 2017

Despite what movies would have you think, rats barely ever make any sounds, at least those that humans are able to hear. Rat’s vocalizations start at around 2 kHz and extend as far up as 100 kHz....

Sleeping Astronauts

24 May 2017

Astronauts need to sleep next to a ventilator fan while they’re in weightless orbit; otherwise, they might suffocate in their sleep. Reason being, is that warm air does not naturally rise when...

You’re Annoying

24 May 2017

Scientists are now beginning to believe that people who annoy us are actually changing the way our brain works when we look at them. According to a study done that the University of Southern...

Why do tattoos stay in our skin?

22 May 2017

Our bodies are pretty good at ridding themselves of unwanted invaders, so why is it that we are able to inject ink into them, and have it stay? Over time, molecules are broken down by white blood...

Moving Kids is Not Good

22 May 2017

A huge study took place in Denmark from 1971 until 1997. It tracked all individuals born in this time period, and their moves across municipal boundaries, from birth until age 14, and gathered just...

Dimethicone Copolyol in Mascara?

22 May 2017

On hot, humid summer days many women rely on waterproof mascara to keep their lashes soft and smooth.  The main chemical responsible for smoothing the lashes is a type of silicone polymer known as...

The Dark Side of the Moon

13 May 2017

While it makes for a great album title, the dark side of the moon is simply a myth. As the moon rotates around the Earth, and the Earth around the sun, the moon is exposed to the sun’s light just...

Is It Really Dangerous to Use Your Phone on a Plane?

11 May 2017

The fear behind the rule of ‘no phones on planes’ is that portable electronic devices could potentially interfere via electromagnetic radiation with the measurement and navigation tools on board....

Do dead batteries really bounce?

10 May 2017

You’ve probably heard of the bounce test for dead batteries- simply drop a battery, and if it bounces, it’s dead. It turns out that this isn’t completely true. Conventional batteries have an outer...


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