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Time Conundrum

20 Mar 2017

I was fascinated by yesterdays announcement that "old light"
 revealed trace evidence in the background radiation of the earliest
  trillionth of a trillionth (and then some) of a second of the ...

Should we worry about arsenic in wine?

20 Mar 2017

A story about arsenic-laced wine is panicking a lot of people. It’s all about a lawsuit brought against the producers of some wines claiming they contain unsafe amounts of arsenic. As far as I can...

Pain causes anger. Can relieving anger relieve pain?

20 Mar 2017

Theories suggesting that pain can be eliminated or suppressed by anger management are hard to confirm. Various studies have investigated this claim, however, the results tend to be contradictory....

Is there any reason to drink coconut water?

20 Mar 2017

Yes. If you like the taste and don’t mind unloading your wallet, drink it by all means. But if you are thinking of making coconut water a part of your life for some perceived health benefit or as...

Blueberries and Milk

20 Mar 2017

“I put blueberries and milk on my cereal in the morning. Which one should I give up?â€

Why does a barber’s pole have a red stripe?

20 Mar 2017

It represents the colour of blood. During the Middle Ages monks were required to shave the crown of their head, a function commonly performed by itinerant barbers. Also, under ecclesiastic law,...

Don't Blame the Water Bottle!

20 Mar 2017

I've repeatedly been asked about the circulating email that claims Sheryl Crow blames her breast cancer on chemicals leaching out of water bottles and warns women to never keep bottled water in the...

Is it true that some candies are coloured with insect extract?

20 Mar 2017

Yes some candies and other foods can be coloured with cochineal extract which is an approved food additive. Hernan Cortez was the first European to learn about this colourant when he became...

Is it true that people are drinking poop coffee?

20 Mar 2017

Kopi Luwak, or Civet Coffee is made from coffee beans that have been put through a special machine-a living machine, called the Javan civet cat. The luak is a species of civet cat found only on the...


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