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Could Omega 3's be used as a treatment for ADHD?

20 Mar 2017

My question is regarding the treatment of ADHD. I'm a psychologist in private practice on the West Island, specializing in assessments for ADHD and learning disabilities, etc. I usually talk about...

Many substinence farmers in Africa grow peanuts. Why are they being encouraged to store these in sacks made of natural fibers instead of plastic?

20 Mar 2017

In North America we hear a great deal about chemicals such as plasticizers leaching out of plastic. In this case, though, the problem is not what the plastic releases but what it retains, namely,...

Why isn't the carbon dioxide from breathing a concern for global warming?

20 Mar 2017

The carbon dioxide we exhale does not contribute to global warming for the simple reason that we also take up an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide from the air, albeit indirectly. Everything we...

Creatine Supplements

20 Mar 2017

Creatine hit the media big time in 1998 when Mark McGwire hit seventy home runs attributing part of his success to the use of the widely available and legal dietary supplement creatine.  And he is...

South American Poison Dart Frog

20 Mar 2017

There are several species of such frogs which contain such powerful toxins that just brushing against its poisonous skin is enough to kill an adult human. One hundredth of a milligram of...

Dr. Watson's article in 'Open Biology'

20 Mar 2017

When Dr. Jim Watson speaks, people listen. But they don't always hear the right things. Many press accounts reported that Watson had said that antioxidants cause cancer. He didn't say that. He...

Witches Knickers: the plastic bag crisis

20 Mar 2017

Plastic bags that have been carelessly discarded and get caught up on tree branches. Polyethylene bags fluttering in the wind, desecrating our beaches and piling up in cabinets under our sinks,...

How safe is imported fish from China?

20 Mar 2017

Your question is way to inclusive to accurately answer ---the answer is "it depends"----some fish can  be perfectly safe to eat and other imports can be quite problematic. Here is a recent short...

The 1950 NHL ice change

20 Mar 2017

The ice was painted white. Artificial ice, which is a misnomer since it is very real ice, is made by pouring water over a concrete surface that can be cooled by circulating refrigerated brine...


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