
Provisional FY2021 budget

Dear members of the ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ community,


From the onset of the COVID-19 crisis in Quebec, my team and I have been working hard to keep the community apprised of how the University is navigating this crisis and its impact on academic life at ±«ÓãÖ±²¥. I am committed to maintaining ongoing communications with the ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ community as we continue to persevere through this period of adversity and uncertainty together.

Today, I write to update you on another important element of the future: the University’s Fiscal Year 2021 Budget. Last Thursday, April 23rd, ±«ÓãÖ±²¥â€™s Board of Governors approved a provisional FY21 budget. This is exceptional. In normal circumstances, the Board approves a final budget for the upcoming fiscal year, including a five-year forecast of revenues and expenditures. However, because of the uncertainties associated with COVID-19, the Board agreed to accept a provisional budget and forego the usual five-year forecast, on the condition that I present an updated, revised budget six months into the fiscal year.

The largest budgetary uncertainty we face concerns revenues. Like all universities, ±«ÓãÖ±²¥â€™s revenues are enrolment driven: 80% of our revenues come from student tuition and fees and the enrolment-driven Quebec grant to support our academic activities.

±«ÓãÖ±²¥, again like all universities, is anticipating a decline in student enrolment, due to many factors. In ±«ÓãÖ±²¥â€™s case, the fact that approximately 50 percent of our students are from outside Quebec makes this a particularly high risk. Consequently, the provisional budget I prepared includes several expenditure control measures to mitigate the impact of enrolment-driven revenue losses. These measures include:

  • Suspension of tenure-track and contract academic hiring until further notice (with the exception of course lecturers where necessary to ensure program continuity)
  • Suspension of administrative and support staff hiring until further notice
  • Salary freeze for all senior administrators and Deans
  • Six-month deferral of merit-based salary increases for all non-unionized academic and administrative support staff
  • Deferring planned expenditures across all sectors of the University
  • Additional non-salary expenditure reductions of approximately 3%
  • Restricting new expenditure allocations to mission-critical activities (including those that may be necessary to adjust to post-COVID 19 conditions), core operations, and contractual obligations.


Because capital projects are not funded from the operating revenue of the University, critical capital infrastructure projects will continue.

I am confident that these measures will allow ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ to enter the post-COVID 19 world with strength, unimpaired in our capacity to fulfill our essential mission.

These measures will be reviewed after six months, at which point I hope that financial circumstances will permit the easing of some. Having said this, in the interests of being fully transparent, I must be clear that additional measures may be necessary should the University’s financial position deteriorate further than the provisional FY21 budget anticipates.

In the coming weeks, I will be holding a series of town halls to hear from members of the ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ community on budget and academic planning.

In closing, my sincere thanks to each of you for your understanding and collaboration as we continue to work through this challenging period as a community.


Christopher Manfredi

Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)

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