
Survival Skills for Scientists and Engineers

This one-day workshop will help you explore how your work may be applicable in a variety of careers by providing you with personal insight from keynote speakers and panelists from academia, industry, government, and the non-profit sectors. Survival Skills for Scientistswill give you the opportunity to have your questions answered while providing guidance to inspire and inform your own successful career paths.

Scientists in a labWorkshop Description

It can be daunting to think of the myriad of opportunities that await you after you graduate. Sure, you could pursue a career in academia; however, you may be curious about the incredible number of other options available to you as graduate student in the sciences. Fortunately, no matter where you want to go, there is high-demand for individuals who can apply scientific methods and logic to solve problems and analyze complex data.

But how do you get started? How do you identify these opportunities and how to you translate your work as a graduate student into employability? What is the honest reality of the job market for scientists?

The event is inspired by the book of the same name, written by Dr. Federico Rosei of Institut National de la Recherché Scientifique (INRS). In collaboration with INRS (including Dr. Rosei) and Concordia, SKILLSETS will host the event for students in the STEM and medical fields. The day will include keynote talks, a panel discussion, and career development workshops, followed by a networking wine and cheese.

Agenda Subject to change***
09:30-10:00 Registration (light refreshments)
10:00-10:40 “Montreal job market” plenary
10:40-12:00 “Career options” panel discussion
12:00-12:45 Lunch
12:45-13:45 Concurrent sessions (4)
13:45-14:00 Break
14:00-15:00 Concurrent sessions (4)
15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-16:15 Concurrent sessions (4)
16:15-16:30 Break
16:30-17:00 “Let’s talk networking” plenary
17:00-18:30 Speed networking reception

Discussion Topics

Previous workshops have featured discussion topics such as:

  • Discover Your Career Options Panel Discussion
  • Plotting your individual development plan
  • Navigating the academic job market
  • Resume writing for non-academic jobs
  • Own your IP
  • Preparing a Business Plan
  • Interview Preparation & Strategy
  • Designing your research pitch
  • Maximizing your conference experience
  • Writing for your audience

You may be interested in this event if...

  • you want to learn about a wide-range of career options open to you after completing your graduate studies

  • you want to develop skills to plan your career path and present yourself effectively to peers in your field and potential employers

  • you want to learn about the power of networking and have the opportunity to build your professional network

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