
We have moved from SSTI to MSSI

The SSTI has been renamed intoÌýMSSIÌý(±«ÓãÖ±²¥ Sustainability Systems Initiative) and we have also moved to a new website.

Contents of this site are not up toÌýdate (unmaintained) and this site will be brought down in due course. Please visit our new website.

SSTI Grand Challenge development

The deadline for submittingÌýgrand challenge NOIs has passed. We have receivedÌý40 NOIs under different themes. We are currently in the process of designing the next stage in determination of the Grand Challenge research themes.ÌýFurther announcements will follow shortly.Ìý

Grand Challenge Information

About the Sustainability Science and Technologies Initiative

The ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ Sustainability Sciences and Technologies Initiative (SSTI) creates aÌýcentreÌýof expertise and excellence at ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ in the field of sustainability sciences and technologies. It will provide support and seed funding for transdisciplinary teams to address some of the most complex problems facing humanity as we strive to createÌýa worldÌýthat ensures the prosperity of people today without endangering the well-being of ourÌýneighboursÌýor our future generations. These problems, which are far too complex and too wide in scope and scale to be addressed by existing discipline-based research structures, are sustainability’s ‘Grand Challenges’. Answering these questions required working across disciplines in new institutional configurations.

Following the Lightning Talk events, the SSTI is now soliciting suggestions for SSTI Grand Challenges. The current document describes the Grand Challenge NOI submission process and ends with a synopsis of the revised schedule for the full Grand Challenge development process.

Grand Challenges in the SSTI context

±«ÓãÖ±²¥ SSTI Grand Challenges are those in which ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ expertise, grounded in science and technology, can make a tangible and significant impact.Ìý The SSTI will provide funding for unique and original research carried out by trans-disciplinary research teams under each Grand Challenge research theme. This research is expected to be eligible for significant long-term funding and to place ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ at the forefront of sustainability research on the Canadian and international stage.

Areas of strength in science and technology at ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ include the development of innovative materials and technologies to replace those whose production or use is unsustainable, redesign of existing technologies to eliminate negative impacts on Earth’s natural capital, and research on ways to increase food production while maintaining or restoring ecosystem services. Advances in areas of science and technology are, however, insufficient unless they are framed within a societal context, and consider aspects such as human and environmental health, social and economic well-being, and legal and geopolitical implications. Only by taking into consideration the interrelated yet often poorly understood and shifting relationships between the many aspects of development will the implementation of complex scientific and technological advances succeed. The aim of the ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ SSTI Grand Challenges is to provide support for ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ researchers from both the sciences and humanities to work together to develop significant, impactful and socially acceptable advances that move society towards a more sustainable model of existence.

Grand Challenge solicitation

The SSTI is seeking notices of intent (NOI) that propose sustainability Grand Challenges that are grounded in areas of science and technology in which ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ has strong existing expertise. These Grand Challenges will provide the overarching themes for the main SSTI research effort and should have the potential to generate long-term fundable research that will elevate ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ into a position of national and international prominence in sustainability research.

For further information on Grand Challenges and NOI solicitations please refer here.Ìý

NOI format

The NOI should be a short (maximum 1.5 pages) high-level outline of the Grand Challenge. It should include the following information:

  • A short (1/4 page) description of a recognized sustainability Grand Challenge in the area of sciences and technologies;
  • A short (1/4 page) description of the long-term vision for this Grand Challenge, the overall research goals and why addressing this Grand Challenge requires a trans-disciplinary approach;
  • Description of unique avenues of research that will contribute to tackling the Grand Challenge.ÌýHigh levelÌýsuggestions rather than specific project descriptions are sought at this stage. The NOI should briefly demonstrate that these research avenues:

    oÌý Are feasible and addressable within the ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ research context.

    oÌý Are within the SSTI funding capacity (circa $400K per annum for 3 years).

    oÌý Require a trans-disciplinary team effort.

    oÌý Are likely to attract significant external funding

  • A short and non-exhaustive list of ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ researchers or departments that can contribute to addressing this Grand Challenge. For reference, it might be useful to refer to the attached list of researchers who presented during the SSTI Lightning Talks. Abstracts and recordings of their presentations can be found on the SSTI website /ssti/ (note that some abstracts and videos are still to be loaded).

SSTI assistance during NOI development

The SSTI can provide a small budget to cover meeting costs (e.g., space, coffee) during the NOI and Grand Challenge development stage. It can also circulate NOI descriptions to other members of the ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ community and assist in connecting NOI teams with researchers with specific interests. Requests (in advance for assistance with meetings) can be sent by email to info.ssti [at] mcgill.ca.


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