
Four Burning Questions for John Robinson, Associate Provost, Sustainability at UBC

Published: 23 January 2014

John Robinson is the Associate Provost, Sustainability at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and is a professor with UBC’s Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability and...

ECOLE to Integrate Sustainable Living into ֱ Residence

Published: 23 January 2014

The student-run initiative “ECOLE” (Educational COmmunity Living Environment) is working to transform a MORE house into a space for sustainable living to open in September 2014. Published on...

Des étudiants de l’Université ֱ se mobilisent

Published: 23 January 2014

Alors que la population des abeilles chute de façon alarmante, des étudiants de l'Université ֱ amassent des fonds pour construire un pavillon où vivront des colonies entières de ces insectes...

ֱ Sustainability Research Symposium 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sustainability research is, by design and necessity, interdisciplinary, and researchers in this field require platforms and spaces to share ideas and create connections. Find the 2014 speaker...

3rd annual SSMU Sustainability Case Competition application deadline

Friday, January 24, 2014 23:59

How would you sustainably invest $10 million? Applications for the 3rd annual SSMU Sustainability Case Competition are due January 24th at 11:59pm, and this year’s topic is sustainable investments...

Student-Run Café opens for business

Published: 17 January 2014

Project managers seek student feedback on The Nest, cite dedication to sustainability as main goal. Published January 14 2014 | ֱ TribuneWritten by Catherine-Laure Juste Redel said the...

ֱ Net Positive: a living place for sustainability presents its opening speaker

Friday, January 24, 2014 15:00

Join John Robinson (Associate Provost, Sustainability at UBC) in a conversation about The Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability and Next Generation Sustainability at University of...

New research establishes link between CSR and financial performance

Published: 13 January 2014

A major new study at Desautels Faculty of Management at ֱ in Canada has established a direct and measurable link between corporate social initiatives and financial performance. ...

The campus divestment movement against fossil fuels

Published: 13 January 2014

A growing divestment campaign aims to push universities into divesting their holding in the fossil fuel industry. Published on December 19 2013 | CBC Day 6


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