
Bieler School of Environment

Internships are a great way to put academic knowledge into practice while exploring career possibilities. An intern expects to acquire practical skills in the day-to-day operation of an environmental organization. Often an intern will develop a relationship with a mentor within the organization, establishing valuable contacts in his or her field of interest.

Once you have secured an internship position, complete the steps below if you wish to obtain internship course credit. The Arts Internship requires approval before the beginning of the internship. Please use the web form () to submit your documents to the Arts Internship Office. The Faculty of Arts Internship Course Credit Approval Form (found in webform), must be signed by:

  1. the Academic Supervisor,
  2. the Faculty of Arts Internship Officer
  3. the Department
  4. the student

Students wishing to undertake an internship must complete a Faculty of Arts Internship Course Credit Approval Form (available in webform) accompanied by a formal proposal well in advance of the proposed starting date. The form must be signed by both the Faculty of Arts Internship officer and the supervising professor. The proposal must then be approved by the Department Chair.

Internship Resources - Database

Internships come in a great variety of sizes and colors. This database is a tool to assist you as you explore internship possibilities.

Click here to access the database of internship opportunities. Please note that a valid ֱ ID and Minerva Pin are required to access the database.

Students wishing to receive credit for an “environmental” internship have a couple of options, depending on which Faculty and which Program they are in. For further information, please contact the Program Adviser of the Bieler School of Environment (www.mcgill.ca/environment/study.

  • Application Deadlines are indicators only and can change or become fixed without prior notice.
  • Cover Letters are your first (and sometimes only) chance to make an impression. The Career Planning Service (CaPS) will help you draft a dynamic, informative and professional cover letter and CV.

For further information, contact:

Bieler School of Environment Administrative Office
For departmental contact information, please click here.

Faculty of Science Students:

ֱ Career and Placement Students (CAPS)
For more information, please click here.

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