
Axis “Economy, social innovation, and social transformation”


Richard Shearmur

Axis Director


Full Professor, Director, School of Urban Planning (±«ÓăֱȄ)

Research interests

Urban economic development, workplaces and mobility, urban form, municipal innovation, innovation within SMEs


Contact information

richard.shearmur [at] mcgill.com (> Email)

> Webpage


Selected and recent publications

Doloreux, D., Shearmur, R. and Garneau, F., 2024, The Rise of The Craft Brewing Industry in QuĂ©bec’s Peripheral Regions (Canada): Location, Neolocalism, and Community Building, Geographical Review, 114:1, 1-30

Seker, M., R.Shearmur & Beaudet, G., 2024, Defying Stereotypes, Populism and Neoliberal Discourse: Municipal Agility and Innovation, Urban Affairs Review

Shearmur, R., Doloreux, D. et Kristensen, I., 2023, Canada’s Ocean Supercluster initiative: A national policy in regional clothing? Le GĂ©ographe Canadien / Canadian Geographer, 67.4, 484-498

Kristensen, I., R.Shearmur and D.Doloreux, 2023, Comparing innovation strategies: Canada's Ocean Supercluster and Europe's Smart Specialisation initiatives, Canadian Public Policy, 66.3, 285-302

Doloreux, D., Shearmur, R., Suire, R. et Berthinier-Poncet, A., 2023, Which types of firm use collaborative innovative spaces? Creativity and innovation management, 32.1, 141-157

Shearmur, R. et Doloreux, D., 2023, The Geography of KIBS, in Gallouj, F., Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, M-C., Rubalcaba, L. (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, Cheltenham: Elgar, 522-524

Doloreux, D., Shearmur, R. and Baldassarri, G., 2023, Innovation in KIBS, in Gallouj, F., Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, M-C., Rubalcaba, L. (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, Cheltenham: Elgar, 420-423

Doloreux, D., Shearmur, R. et Kristensen, I., 2023, KIBS as knowledge sources for innovation in rural regions, Journal of Rural Studies, 99, 53-61

Garneau, F., Doloreux, D. and Shearmur, R., 2023, Origine, dĂ©veloppement et ancrage territorial des microbrasseries artisanales: le cas de l'Est‐du‐QuĂ©bec, Le GĂ©ographe Canadien / Canadian Geographer,

Gluckler, J., R.Shearmur & K.Martinus, 2023, Liability or Opportunity? Reconceptualizing the periphery and its role in innovation, Journal of Economic Geography, 23 (1), 231-249,

Doloreux, D. and R.Shearmur, 2023, Does location matter? STI and DUI innovation modes in different geographic settings, Technovation,

David DoloreuxÌęand Richard Shearmur. "Does the Geographic Distribution of Knowledge Intensive Business Services Affect the Use of Services for Innovation? Empirical Evidence from Quebec KIBS Manufacturers", in Ferreira, J., M. Raposo, C. Fernandes and M. Desjardins (dir.),ÌęKnowledge Intensive Business Services and Regional Competitiveness, London, Routledge, 2016.

Richard ShearmurÌęand David Doloreux. "Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) Use and User Innovation: High-Order Services, Geographic Hierarchies and Internet Use in Quebec's Manufacturing Sector",ÌęRegional Studies, vol. XLIX, no 10, 2015, p. 1654-1671.ÌęDOI:Ìę10.1080/00343404.2013.870988.

Richard Shearmur. "Que reste-t-il de la classe crĂ©ative?",ÌęNouveau Projet, no 3, 2013, p. 141-144.

Richard ShearmurÌęand D. Doloreux. "Innovation and KIBS: The Contribution of KIBS to Innovation in Manufacturing Establishments",ÌęEconomics of Innovation and New Technology, 2013, online. DOI:10.1080/10438599.2013.786581

Richard Shearmur, L. Terral and M. PolĂšse. "La gĂ©ographie de la croissance d’emploi en France Ă  l’aune de processus Nord-AmĂ©ricains: vers une thĂ©orisation du contexte",ÌęCybergeo, article 631, 2013.

Richard Shearmur. "Are Cities the Font of Innovation? A Critical Review of the Literature On Cities and Innovation",ÌęCities. The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, vol. XXIX, 2012, p. S9-S18.

Richard Shearmur. "MontrĂ©al 1950-2010: la mĂ©tamorphose de l'Ă©conomie spatiale",ÌęWorking paperÌę(INRS), no 1, 2011.

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