
We are delighted to announce that our colleague, Dana Small, is officially the recipient of the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Metabolism and the Brain.

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 21 Nov 2023

We are pleased to announce that this year Alan (cross-field), Bratislav (cross-field), Doug (cross-field), Danilo (cross-field), and Nathan (Neuroscience and Behavior), have been selected as Highly Cited Researchers for exceptional cross-field performance that are frequently cited by other researchers: 

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 21 Nov 2023

The BIC is pleased to share this  presentation from Helmholtz International BigBrain Analytics Learning Laboratory, supported by HBHL.

Classified as: BIC, HBHL
Published on: 4 May 2021

$4.67M from Brain Canada will help probe the brain’s mysteries and create international research links

Research at The Neuro’s McConnell Brain Imaging Centre (BIC) of ֱ will receive a major boost thanks to a $4.67M grant from Brain Canada’s Platform Support Grant (PSG) program.

Classified as: BIC, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Brain Canada, Julien Doyon, brain imaging, Neuro, Montreal Neurological Institute
Published on: 3 Mar 2021

PET modeler and Physicist - job postings

The Research Imaging Centre (RIC) at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto has two fulltime permanent positions, a PET physicist and a kinetic modeler. We are looking for motivated candidates to join the Image Methodology group within the RIC to develop methods, and provide strong scientific support, for both the pre-clinical and clinical PET programs in CAMH.

Please review the attached PDF for details.

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 26 Jan 2021

Each year, five distinguished Canadian scholars are awarded the Killam Prize for their outstanding research across engineering, the humanities, social sciences, health sciences and natural sciences.  

In celebration of these winners’ contribution to Canada’s society and economy, TheFutureEconomy.ca interviewed each of the five outstanding researchers to share their discoveries with Canadians.

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 20 Jan 2021

We are truly happy and fortunate to welcome Drs. Christine Tardif and David Rudko as new BIC core Faculty members, effective May 01, 2017. They join the BIC team and platform as MR specialists, in particular at ultra-high fields for small-animal and human imaging.

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 2 May 2017

It is our great pleasure to announce that our centre has been awarded a Brain Canada Platform Support Grant of $3.9M. We are thankful to the MNI and the Webster Family Foundation for providing the matching funds that have been key to secure this funding. The PSG grant is to add capacity for data acquisition, management, analytics, dissemination, with an emphasis on open-access sharing, expanding capacity for all imaging modalities featured at the BIC, and training of staff, highly-qualified personnel and platform users over 3 years. 

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 27 Apr 2017

Deep learning transforming neuroscience research

In an article published in Nature on Feb. 15, 2017, researchers, including principal investigators from the Montreal Neurological Institute’s McConnell Brain Imaging Centre (BIC), used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to predict the development of autism in babies.

Classified as: MNI, autism, Neuro, Sylvain Baillet, BIC, neuroimaging, brain imaging centre, deep learning
Published on: 20 Mar 2017

The BIC hosted a series of Deep Learning workshops organized by Santiago Paiva (Hoge lab) and Dr. Robert Brown (Arnold lab) on January 19th and 26th. 

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 6 Feb 2017

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Stephan Blinder as the new BIC PET physicist on staff. 
Stephan completed his PhD in Astrophysics (U de Bordeaux I, France) and later shifted his interest towards biomedical imaging research. He worked for 4 years with the MIRG group led by Dr. Anna Celler (U of British Columbia, Vancouver) on SPECT imaging, focusing on 3D and 4D image reconstruction techniques. 

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 6 Feb 2017

Truly happy to see Ted join our core staff as Manager, Data Resources. Ted has 12+ years experience as a programmer, database administrator and technology generalist in the industry and academia. He will assist in creating a strategy and enabling the tools for short- and long-term data management over all modalities used at our Centre, all in coordination with the developments of the MNI's open-science infrastructure. 
Ted will draw from several years supporting open source, open data, and open science through policy and organizing. 

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 13 Dec 2016

We are fortunate to welcome Dr. Boris Bernhardt as BIC core Faculty Member as of August 1, 2016. Boris is a new Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at ֱ and a member of the Epilepsy research group at the MNI. He obtained his PhD in Neuroscience at ֱ in 2011 and carried out postdoctoral studies at the Max-Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany. Boris heads the newly-founded  at the BIC.

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 22 Aug 2016

Two exciting core staff job opportunities at the McConnell Brain Imaging Centre/Montreal Neurological Institute (ֱ, Montreal):

  • 1 Scientific Developer/Application Specialist (MEG & EEG)
  • 1 Manager, Data Resources  

Full job descriptions and details on how to apply.

Looking ֱ to hiring new talents, with the strongest motivation to work and make a difference in an open, collaborative and multidisciplinary environment. 

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 17 Jun 2016

Congratulation to teenage sensation Raphael Hotter for winning the Montreal Neurological Institute Award, the Order of Chemistry Award, and the Highest Distinction Award at a Montreal regional science fair, with a PET-Radiochemistry project mentored with Dr. Gassan Massarweh, Head of Cyclotron at the BIC. This was one of fifteen projects chosen to represent Montreal at the upcoming provincial fair this Spring.

Classified as: BIC
Published on: 9 May 2016


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