
Nico հdzé - CV


Ph.D., University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, 1988-1992

Master of Social Work, University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, 1981-1983

Honours Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy), University of Toronto, Trinity College, 1977-1981


Sexual Abuse Specialist Training Program - Ministry of Community and Social Services, 1985

Child Protection Training Program, Phase I & II - Ministry of Community and Social Services, 1984


Amethyst Award (2007) Outstanding Achievement in the Ontario Public Service Child Welfare Secretariat Transformation Project: Team Member

Philip Fisher Chair in Social Work (2005-present) School of Social Work, ֱ.

Outstanding Leadership in Child Welfare Award (2005) Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies

Outstanding Achievement in Research and Evaluation Award (2004) Child Welfare League of Canada

Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Chair in Child and Family Social Work (2000-2004) University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work

NIS 3 Special Research Scholarship (1997) National Data Archives on Child Abuse and Neglect, Cornell University

Summer Research Institute Scholarship (1995) National Data Archives on Child Abuse and Neglect, Cornell University

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (1992-1993) McMaster University, Child Psychiatry Research Unit & The Institute for the Prevention of Child Abuse

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Graduate Fellowship (1990-1992)

University of Toronto Open Fellowship (1989-1990)

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (1988-1989)

University of Toronto Graduate Award (1988)


Centre for Research on Children and Families (CRCF), ֱ, Director (2007-present)

Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work University of Toronto, Adjunct Professor (2005-present)

Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (CECW), University of Toronto Director (2000-2005), Scientific Director (2006-2008)

Le Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Problès Conjugaux et les Agressions Sexuelles (CRIPCAS). Associate Researcher, (2007-present)

Groupe Recherche Action sur la Violence envers les Enfants (GRAVE), Montréal Chercheur Régulier (2006-present)

Institut de Recherche sur le Développement Social des Jeunes (IRDS), Montréal Chercheur Associé (2003-2010)

International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Member (2000-present)


Full Professor – School of Social Work, ֱ (2005-present)

Full Professor – Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto (2004-2005)

Associate Professor – Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto (1998-2004)

Assistant Professor – Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto (1993-1998)

Research Fellow – Institute for the Prevention of Child Abuse (1992-1993)

Teaching Assistant & Lecturer – Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto (1988-1992)

Social Worker – Sacred Heart Child and Family Services Outpatient Family Therapy (1987-1988)

Social Worker – Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto (1984-1987)

Research Assistant –University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, (1983-1984)

MSW Practicum – Thistletown Regional Centre for Children and Adolescents - Family therapy training program (1982-1983)

MSW Practicum – Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto (1982)

Camp Counsellor – Christie Lake Boys Camp (1981-1982)


RESEARCH GRANTS (Total grants awarded as Principle Investigator/Scientific Director: $13,953,278)

Building research capacity with First Nations and mainstream youth protection services in Quebec (2012-2018) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC: $1,560,352; ֱ VP Research $100,000; ֱ Arts $7,000) PI: N. հdzé Co-investigators: D. Rothwell, B. Fallon, W. Thomson, D. Collin-Vézina; A. Shlonsky; M. Goyette; C. Blackstock; D. Turcotte; S. Dufour.

Supporting First Nations and Youth Protection Research in Quebec (2012-2014) Canadian Foundation for Innovation - Leaders Opportunity Fund -$133,234 PI: N. հdzé

Gestion fondée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique en protection de la jeunesse (2012-2014) Ass.des centres jeunesses du Quebec - $78,000 PI: N. հdzé Co-PI: T. Esposito

Letter of Intent for Building data analysis capacity with First Nations and mainstream youth protection services in Quebec (2011-2012) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC: $20,000) PI: N. հdzé Co-investigators: D. Rothwell, B. Fallon, W. Thomson, D. Collin-Vézina; A. Shlonsky.

National Outcomes Measures (NOM) Phase IV Planning & Development (2010-2012) British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development , Intergrated Quality Assurance ($20,000) PI: N. հdzé Co-investigators: A. Shlonsky.

Increasing research capacity in Ontario child welfare authorities (2011-2012) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC: $48,718) 608-2010-0018 PI: B. Fallon Co-investigator: N. հdzé

Decline in sexual abuse cases investigated by the Canadian Child Welfare Systems (2009-2012) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC: $181,213) PI: D. Collin-Vézina Co-investigators: N. հdzé & C. Walsh.

First Nations Child Welfare: Exploratory Research at the National Level (2011-2013) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC: $73,000) PI: V.Sinha Co-investigators: M. Montgomery & N. հdzé.

Community-university partnership for aboriginal child welfare (2010) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC: $20,000) 833-2008-0017 PIs: N. հdzé & V.Sinha. Co-investigators: C. Blacksock & D.Collin-Vezina.

Evaluation de cercle de l’enfant (2008-2010) Fondation pour la promotion de la pediatrie sociale ($69,000) PI: N. հdzé - Co- Investigators: A.M. Piché, A. Campbell & E. Fast.

CIS 2008: First Nations Oversampling (2008-2009) Governement of Manitoba ($100,000) Co-PIs: Vandna Sinha & N. հdzé - Co- Investigators: B. Fallon, & B. MacLaurin

Summer Workshop in Quantitative Methods for Aboriginal Child Welfare Research (2008-2009) CIHR, National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research ($20,000) Natonal Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Mental Health ($10,000) Co-PIs: V. Sinha & N. հdzé

Canadian Child Welfare Data Lab (2008-2010) Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Leaders Opportunity Fund ($424,184) PI: N. հdzé

La polyvictimisation des jeunes au Québec (2008-2010) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC: $179,000) PI C. C. Chamberland. Co-Investigators: G. Lessard, MH Gagné, D.Collin-Vezina, ME Clément, N. հdzé, & J.O. Wemmers

EIQ2008 : Etude d’incidence des mauvais traitememts au Québec (2008-2010) Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux ($200,000) PI : N. հdzé, Co-Investigators : S. Helie & D. Turcotte

An Examination of Cognitive Processing and Health Outcomes among CAS involved Youth in the Maltreatment and Adolescent Pathways Project (2008-2011) Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR: $147, 967) PI: C. Wekerle, Co-Investigators: M. Boyle, E. Leung, H. MacMillan, N. հdzé, R. Waechter

National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research (2008-2011) Network Environments for Aboriginal Health Research (CIHR: $1,793,333) PI: L. Kirmayer, Co-Investigators: N. Adelson, J. Burak, M. Cargor, M. Chandler, C.A. Dell, M Doxtater, JO Fiske, C Fletcher, K. Gzill, K. Glass, J. Haggarty, C. Lalonde, A. Macaulay, R. McCormik, R. Nietxen, C. Tait, M. Toussignant, N. հdzé, J. Waldram.

Childhood Maltreatment & Deliberate Self-Harm: Letter of Intent (2008) Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) ($10,000) PI: C. Wekerle, Co-investigators: P. Links, H. MacMillan, N. հdzé, L. Tonmyr, Y. Bergmans, A-E. Rhodes, M. Bennett, S. Stewart, N, Wathen

Diminution de l’incidence des agressions sexuelles: Réel déclin ou profonde illusion? (2007-2008) Le Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Problès Conjugaux et les Agressions Sexuelles ($4,500) PI : D. Collin-Vézina, Co-Investigator N. հdzé

A regional qualitative study of enhanced permanency and child welfare outcomes (2007-2008) Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services ($210,000) PI: B. Kennedy – Co-investigators: B. MacKenzie, N. հdzé, M. Bennett, L. Miller

Le Développement d’outils d’intervention visant la préparation à la vie autonome et le soutien à la sortie des jeunes recevant des services des centres jeunesse du Québec (2007-2009) Centre national de prévention du crime ($490,966) PI : Martin Goyette – Co-Investigators : V. Manfredder, N. հdzé, S. Grenier, & D. Turcotte

Service Outcomes for Children and Youth Referred to Out-of-Home Care (2007-2008) Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research ($100,000) PI: B. MacLaurin - Co-Investigators: N. հdzé, C. Walsh & L. Hughes.

Evidenced-Based Management in Child Welfare Services (2006-2009) Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), # 603-2005-0012 ($300,000) matching funds ֱ, Batshaw Youth and Family Services & ACJQ ($300,000) PI: N. հdzé – Co-Investigators: W. Thomson, B. MacLaurin, A. Shlonsky & S. Helie

Variations des taux de mauvais traitements envers les enfants: réalité épidémiologique ou changements de normes? Conférence ACFAS (2006-2007) Public Health Agency of Canada ($10,000) PI: N. հdzé

La judiciarisation des mauvais traitements envers les enfants (2006-2007) Valorisation Recherche Québec / PIBE ($25,000) Co-PIs: A. Campbell& N. հdzé

Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (2005-2009) Health Canada ($4,000,000) PI: C. Regehr – Scientific Director: N. հdzé - Co-Directors: C. Chamberland, C. Blackstock & P. Dudding

Maltreatment and Adolescent pathways Longitudinal Study (2005-2010) Canadian Institutes of Health Research: MOP 74547 PI: C. Wekerle - Co-Investigators: M. Boyle, M. Leung, H. MacMillan, N. հdzé & A.M. Wall

Maltreatment and Adolescent pathways Longitudinal Study: Gender and Mental Health (2005-2006) The Provincial Centre of excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health RFA 280205-022 ($800,000) PI: C. Wekerle - Co-Investigators: H. MacMillan, N. հdzé, & A.M. Wall

Child Welfare Secretariat Research Support (2004) Ministry of Child and Youth Services ($40,000) PI: N. հdzé

Child welfare practices in domestic violence cases (2004) Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Institutional Grant Program (SIG) ($2,050.93) PI: R. Alaggia - Co-Investigator: N. հdzé

Reliability, predictive validity and impact of a child abuse risk assessment tool (2004-2005) Social Science and Humanities Research Council ($149,331) Co-PI: N. հdzé& J. Barber

Canadian child welfare research network (2003-2004) Network of Centres of Excellence, LOI ($25,000) PI: C. Wekerle - Co-Investigators: M. Battiste, C. Chamberland, N. հdzé, & H. MacMillan

CIS Cycle II: Aboriginal Oversampling (2003-2005) Health Canada, Centres of Excellence Secretariat ($75,000) PI: N. հdzé, Co-Investigators: C. Blackstock, & B. MacLaurin

CIS Cycle II: Ontario Oversampling (2003-2006) Ontario Ministry of Child, Family and Community Services ($105,000) PI: N. հdzé

Canadian Child Welfare Research Partnership (2000-2005) Canadian Institutes of Health Research: CIHR Grant #43277 ($1,998,000) PI: N. հdzé – Co-investigators: I. Brown, C. Chamberland, P. Dudding, L. Ethier, B. Isaacs, C. Lacharité, H. MacMillan, E. Marziali, N. Perlman, I. Rootman, A.M. Wall, & C. Wekerle

Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (2000-2005) Health Canada ($3,717,700) PI: N. հdzé – Co-Investigators: C. Chamberland, & P Dudding

Research Proposal Development Grant for the Canadian Child Welfare Research Partnership (2001) Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($5,000) PI: N. հdzé

Building bridges: The collaborative development of culturally appropriate definitions of child abuse and neglect for the South Asian community (1998-2000) Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement ($12,970) PI: N. հdzé – Co-Investigators: U. George, D. Herberg, U. Shakir, B. Leslie, & S. Maiter

Development and evaluation of the Childhood Experiences of Violence Questionnaire (1999-2000) Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit ($20,682.56) Statistics Canada ($24,992.54) PI: H. MacMillan - Co-Investigators: C. Walsh, N. հdzé, M. Boyle, & Y. Racine.

OIS 1998: Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (1998-2000) Ministry of Community and Social Services ($80,000) PI: N. հdzé

Child Maltreatment Parent Personality Disorder Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council - General Research Grant ($1,500 ), Maitland Foundation ($10,000), Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit ($10,000) Co-PIs: E. Marziali, & N. հdzé

Child Welfare in Canada in the Year 2000: A National Research and Policy Symposium (1999-2000) Human Resources and Development Canada ($172,497) Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit ($25,000) PI: P. Dudding, Co-Investigators: N. հdzé, & K. Kufeldt

Incidence of Child Abuse and Neglect: Ontario / U.S. Comparative Study (1997-2000) Maitland Foundation ($6,000) PI: N. հdzé

Client Outcomes in Child Welfare (1996-1999) National Welfare Grants ($240,000) PI: N. հdzé Co-Investigators: J. Oxman-Martinez , J. Moreau

Mapping maltreatment feasibility study (1996) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council - General Research Grant ($2,043) PI: N. հdzé

National Incidence Study of Reported Child Maltreatment: Feasibility Study (1994-1995) Family Violence Prevention Division, Health Canada ($35,000) Co-PIs: N. հdzé and S. Scarth Co-Investigators: K.K. Tam, & D. McPhee

Development of a Child Welfare Case File Data Extraction Instrument (1994) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council - General Research Grant ($1,964) Co-PIs: N. հdzé, & K.K. Tam

CAS Child Health Survey Pilot Study (1993-1994) Ontario Mental Health Foundation ($15,000) PI: N. հdzé Co-Investigators: D. Offord. M. Boyle, M. McConville, & D. Lindsey

Methodological Issues In Studying the Epidemiology of Child Abuse and Neglect (1993-1994) Connaught Start-Up Grant for New faculty ($6,000) PI: N. հdzé

OIS 1993: Ontario Incidence Study (1992-1993) Institute for the Prevention of Child Abuse ($25,000) PI: N. հdzé

Development of a Child Neglect Index (1990-1991) Child Youth & Family Policy Research Centre ($21,000) PI: N. հdzé

RESEARCH CONTRACTS (Total contracts awarded as Principle Investigator: $3,135,887)

Process Evaluation of Black Strengthening Families Program, Montreal: (2011-2017) Cotes des Neiges Black Community Association / National Crime Prevention Centre, ($50,000) PI: N. հdzé - Co-Investigator: V. Sinha

National Child Welfare Outcomes Project: Phase IV (2011-2013) Alberta Ministry of Children and Youth Services ($75,000) PI: N. հdzé - Co-Investigator: A. Shlonsky

Strengthening Families: African Canadian Development & Prevention Network: Phase II (2009-2011) Public Health Agency of Canada ($30,000) PI: N. հdzé - Co-Investigator: V. Sinha

CIS 2008: Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2008 (2008-2012) Public Health Agency of Canada ($1,455,000) PI: N. հdzé – Co- Investigators: B. Fallon, B. MacLaurin

AIS 2008: Alberta Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2008 (2008-2011) Alberta Children and Youth Services ($199,000) PI B. MacLaurin:– Co- Investigators: B. Fallon, N. հdzé

BCIS 2008: British Columbia Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2008 (2008-2011) British Columbia Ministry of Children & Family Development ($198,856) PI B. MacLaurin:– Co- Investigators: B. Fallon, N. հdzé

OIS 2008: Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2008 (2008-2011) Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services ($249,000) PI: B. Fallon– Co- Investigators: N. հdzé, B. MacLaurin

SIS 2008: Saskatchewan Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2008 (2008-2011) Saskatchewan Ministry of Social Services ($104,590) PI B. MacLaurin:– Co- Investigators: B. Fallon, N. հdzé

Disentangling Risk of Harm and Risk of Maltreatment (2008) Public Health Agency Canada ($9,500) PI: N. հdzé

Strengthening Families: African Canadian Development & Prevention Network: (2006-2009) Public Health Agency of Canada ($30,000) PI: N. հdzé - Co-Investigators: A.-M. Piché & V. Sinha

Follow-up analysis of Canadian Incidence Study, Cycle II (2005-2006) Public Health Agency Canada ($129,000) PI: N. հdzé

CIS: 2003: Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (2003-2005) Health Canada ($604,695) PI: N. հdzé – Co-investigators: B. MacLaurin, D. Turcotte, K. Barter, C. Blackstock, & R. Sullivan

Development and focus testing of the CIS 2 child maltreatment assessment form (2003) Health Canada ($24,314) PI: N. հdzé – Co-investigators: B. Fallon, & J. Daciuk

Client Outcomes in Child Welfare Phase II (2000-2001) Human Resources Development Canada ($100,000) PI: N. հdzé – Co-investigators: B. Fallon, B. MacLaurin, B. Nutter, & S. Loo

Ontario Child Protection Outcome Indicator Pilot Test (2000) Ministry of Community and Social Services ($25,000) PI: N. հdzé – Co-Investigators: B. Nutter, & S. Loo

Ontario Risk Assessment Model: Phase I Evaluation (1998-1999) Ministry of Community and Social Services ($70,000) PI: N. հdzé – Co-Investigators: R. MacFadden, B. Mertins-Kikwood, R. Allaggia, & D.Goodman

Peer Support Program Evaluation - Toronto Child Abuse Centre (1998-1999) Trillium Foundation ($5,000) Co-Investigators: N. հdzé. B. MacLaurin, B. Fallon, & J. Daciuk

Ontario Outcomes Indicator Project: Phase I (1998-1999) Ministry of Community and Social Services ($25,000) PI: N. հdzé – Co-Investigators: B. MacLaurin, & B. Fallon

Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (1997-1999) Health Canada ($489,878) PI: N. հdzé – Co-Investigators: L. McDonald, C. Bouchard, M. Boyle, G. Burford, C. Chamberland, J. Hornick, M. Mayer, & R. Sullivan

An evaluation of the reliability and validity of the Child Welfare Assessment Instrument (1996-1997) Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto ($5,000) Co-Investigators: J. Michalski, R. Alaggia, & .հdzé

Adolescent fathers – A literature review (1996) Rosalie Hall & Laidlaw Foundation ($4,000) PI: N. հdzé

Development of an evaluation design for the Community Systems Initiative (1995-1996) Laidlaw Foundation ($14,500) PI: N. հdzé Co-investigators: J. Michalski, R. Birnbaum, & R. Wright

RESEARCH: GIFTS AND DONATIONS (Total gifts awarded as Principle Investigator: $3,055,000)

RBC Children’s Services Research & Training Program (2008-2018) Royal Bank of Canada ($2,000,000) PI: N. հdzé

Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, Web and Infrastructure Support (2002-2005) Bell Canada ($255,000) PI: N. հdzé

4th National Child Welfare Symposium: Community Collaboration and Differential Response (Banff, Alberta – March, 2003) IBM ($40,000) PI: P. Dudding Co-investigators: C. Chamberland & N. հdzé

Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit (1997-2002) Bell Canada ($800,000) PI: N. հdzé



Sinha, V., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin , B., Fast, E., Thomas Prokop, S., et al (2011). Kiskisik Awasisak: Remember the Children. Understanding the Overrepresentation of First Nations Children in the Child Welfare System. Ottawa, ON: Assembly of First Nations

Léveillé, S. հdzé, N., Brown, I. & Chamberland C. (Eds.) (2011). Research-Community Partnership in Child Welfare, Toronto, On: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E., Felstiner, C., Hélie, S., Turcotte, D., Weightman, P., Douglas, J., & Holroyd, J., (2010) Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect – 2008: Executive Summary & Chapters 1-5. Public Health Agency of Canada: Ottawa, 2010.

Fallon, B., հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Felstiner, C., . . . Johnston, A. (2010). Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect – 2008: Major Findings (pp. 112). Toronto, ON: Canadian Child Welfare Research Portal.

Chamberland, C., Léveillé, S., հdzé, N. (Eds.) (2007). Des enfants à protéger, des adultes à aider : deux univers à rapprocher, Sainte-Foy, Presses de l’Université du Québec.

հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B., Knoke, D., Pitman, L., & McCormack, M. (2005). Mesnmimk Wasatek - Understanding the Overrepresentation of First Nations Children in Canada’s Child Welfare System: An Analysis of the CIS-2003. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, 80 pages.

Fallon, B., հdzé, N, MacLaurin, B., Knoke, D., Black, T., Daciuk, J., & Felstiner, C., (2005). Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect – 2003: Major Findings. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, 160 pages.

հdzé, N, Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., et al. (2005). Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse & Neglect - 2003: Major Findings. / Étude canadienne sur l’incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants – 2003: Données principales. Ottawa, ON Public Health Agency of Canada, 148 pages.

հdzé, N., Knoke, D., & Roy, C. (Eds.) (2003). Community collaboration and differential response: Canadian and international research on emerging models of practice. Ottawa, ON: Child Welfare League of Canada, 153 pages.

Tourigny, M., Mayer, M., Wright, J., Lavergne, C., Helie, S., հdzé, N., Jacob, M., Boucher, J., & Larrivee, M-C. (2002).Étude sur l’incidence et les caractéristiques des situations d’abus, de négligence, d’abandon et de troubles de comportement sérieux signalées à la Direction de la protection de la jeunesse au Québec (EIQ). Montreal, QC: Centre de liaison sur l’intervention et la prévention psychosociales (CLIPP), 240 pages.

հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B., Daciuk, J., Billingsley, D., Tourigny, M., Mayer, M., Wright, J., Barter, K., Burford, G., Hornick, J., Sullivan, R., & McKenzie, B. (2001). Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect -1998: Final Report. / Étude canadienne sur l’incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants – 1998: Rapport final.

հdzé, N., McPhee, D., Tam, K.K., & Hay, T. (1994). Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect. Toronto, ON: Institute for the Prevention of Child Abuse, 127 pages.


Esposito, T., հdzé, N., Chabot, M., Shlonsky, A., Collin-Vézina, D. & Sinha, V. (accepted), The stability of child protection placements in Québec, Canada Children and Youth Services Review

Ellenbogen, S. Calame, R., Parker, K., Finne, J. հdzé. N. (accepted) Description and preliminary investigation of Family TIES (Training In Essential Skills), a strategy for treating youth aggression and related problems in a social services agency. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health

Esposito, T., հdzé, N., Chabot, M., Shlonsky, A., Collin-Vézina, D. & Sinha, V. (2013), Placement of children in out-of-home care in Québec, Canada: When and for whom initial out-of-home placement is most likely to occur. Children and Youth Services Review 35(12), pp. 2031–2039.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Sinha, V., Van Wert, M., Kozlowski, A. & MacLaurin, B., (2013) Differentiating between child protection and family support in the Canadian child welfare system’s response to intimate partner violence, corporal punishment, and child neglect. International Journal of Psychology. 48(2), 128–140.

Sinha, V. հdzé, N., Fallon, B. & Maclaurin, B. (2013). Understanding the investigation-stage overrepresentation of First Nations children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37 (10), 821-831.

Ellenbogen, S., Wekerle, C., հdzé, N. (2013) Comparing the Maltreatment Experiences of Aggressive and Nonaggressive Youth. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma 6(2), 91-105.

Chamberland, C. Fallon, B., Black, T., հdzé, N., & Chabot, M. (2012) Correlates of substantiated emotional maltreatment in the second Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Sinha, V., Van Wert, M., Kozlowski, A. & MacLaurin, B., (2013) Differentiating between child protection and family support in the Canadian child welfare system’s response to intimate partner violence, corporal punishment, and child neglect. International Journal of Psychology. 48(2), 128–140.

Sinha, V. հdzé, N., Fallon, B. & Maclaurin, B. (2013). Understanding the investigation-stage overrepresentation of First Nations children. Child Abuse & Neglect

Ellenbogen, S., Wekerle, C., հdzé, N. (2013) Comparing the Maltreatment Experiences of Aggressive and Nonaggressive Youth. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma 6(2), 91-105.

Kyte, A., հdzé, N., Chamberland, C. (2012) Evaluating where we’re at with differential response . Child Abuse & Neglect

Ellenbogen, S., հdzé, N., & Wekerle, C (2012). Comparing the self-generated violence outcome expectancies of aggressive and nonaggressive adolescents in a sample of Child Protective Services users. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 44(4), 300–307.

Fallon, B., հdzé, N., Fluke, J., Wert, M. V., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., . . . Turcotte, D. (2012). Responding to child maltreatment in Canada: Context for International Comparisons. Advances in Mental Health, 2719-2746.

Ruiz-Casares, M., Fallon, B. & հdzé, N. (2012). Supervisory Neglect and Risk of Harm: Evidence from the Canadian Child Welfare System. Child Abuse & Neglect. 36(6), 471–480.

Jud, A., Fallon, B., & հdzé, N. (2012). Who gets services and who does not? Multi-level approach to the decision for ongoing child welfare or referral to specialized services. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(5), 983-988.

Chamberland, C. Fallon, B., Black, T. & հdzé, N. (2011) Emotional Maltreatment in Canada: Prevalence, Reporting and Child Welfare Responses Child Abuse & Neglect, 35, 841-854.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B. Chamberland, C., Chabot, M., & Esposito, T. (2011) Shifting definitions of emotional maltreatment: An analysis child welfare investigation laws and practices in Canada. Child Abuse & Neglect , 35, 831– 840

Fallon, B. & հdzé, N. MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V. & Black, T. (2011) Untangling Risk of Maltreatment from Events of Maltreatment: An Analysis of the 2008 Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2008). International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 9 (10)

Fallon, B., հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B. (2011) Should child protection services respond differently to maltreatment, risk of maltreatment, and risk of harm? Child Abuse & Neglect. 35 (4), 236-239

Collin-Vezina, D., հdzé, N. & Hélie, S. (2010) Is child Sexual Abuse Declining in Canada? An Analysis of Child Welfare Data. Child Abuse & Neglect, 34 (11), 807–812.

Fallon, B., հdzé, N., Fluke, J., MacLaurin, B., Tonmyr, L., Yuan Y., (2010) Methodological challenges in measuring child maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 34(1), 70-79

Sinha, V., Fast, E., հdzé, N., Fallon, B. & MacLaurin, B. (2010) La composante Premières nations de l’Étude Canadienne sur l'incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants : une approche axée sur le renforcement des capacités dans le cadre d’une recherche nationale appliquée aux Premières nations Nouvelles Pratiques Sociales 23(1), 83-98.

Gough, P., LaJoie, J., Shlonsky A. & հdzé, N. (2010) Journal Watch: An inter-university collaborative e-learning partnership. Social Work Education, 29(1), 18-26.

Campbell, A., Springate, M., & հdzé, N. (2009) Legislation’s Influence on Judiciarization: Examining the effects of statutory structure and language on rates of court use in child welfare contexts. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 26(2), 1-28

Clément, M.E. & հdzé, N. (2009) Description du troisiè cycle des enquêtes sur la maltraitance et la violence envers les enfants au Québec. Santé, Société et Solidarité, (1), 159-164.

հdzé, N. La matrice d’indicateurs d’impacts des services de protection de la jeunesse. (2009) Santé, Société et Solidarité, (1),151-158.

Clément, ME, Chamberland, C., & հdzé, N., (2009) Épidémiologie de la maltraitance et de la violence envers les enfants au Québec. Santé, Société et Solidarité, (1), 27-38.

Larrivée, M.-C., Lavergne, C., Dufour, S. et հdzé, N. (2009). L’abus physique avec ou sans autres formes de mauvais traitements : deux réalités?. Revue canadienne d’orientation et de psychoéducation, 38, 2, 215-233.

Collin-Vézina, D., Dion, J., & հdzé N. (2009) Sexual Abuse in Canadian Aboriginal Communities: A Broad Review of Conflicting Evidence. Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health, 7(1), 27-41

հdzé, N., Esposito, T. Laurendeau, C. Thomson, W. & Milne, L. (2009) Knowledge Mobilization in Child Welfare. Criminologie, 42(1), 33-59.

Larrivée, M.-C., Lavergne, C., Dufour, S., հdzé, N. (2009). L’abus physique avec ou sans autres formes de mauvais traitements: deux réalités? Revue de Psychoéducation. 38(1), 73-95.

հdzé, N., Knoke, D., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2009) Differentiating between substantiated, suspected and unfounded maltreatment in Canada. Child Maltreatment. 14 (1), 4-16

Knoke, D., հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., & Fallon, B. (2009) Reliability of the Canadian Incidence Study Data Collection Instrument. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. 23 (1) , 87-112

Wekerle, C., Leung, E, Wall, AM, MacMillan, H., Boyle, M., հdzé, N., & Waechter, R. (2009). The contribution of childhood emotional abuse to teen dating violence among child protective services-involved youth. Child Abuse & Neglect, 33, 45–58.

Durrant, J., հdzé, N. Fallon, B., & Milne, C. (2009) Protection of Children from Physical Maltreatment in Canada: An Evaluation of the Supreme Court’s Definition of Reasonable Force Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma,18(1), p 64 – 87

Walsh, C., MacMillan, H., հdzé, N., Jamieson, E., & Boyle, M. (2008). Measurement of victimization in adolescence: Development and validation of The Childhood Experiences of Violence Questionnaire. Child Abuse and Neglect. 32(11), 1037–1057

Barber, J., .Shlonsky, A., Black, T., Goodman, D., & հdzé, N. (2008). Reliability and Predictive Validity of a risk assessment tool. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 2(2) 173-195

Gonzalez, M., Durrant, J-E., Brown, J., հdzé, N. (2008).What Predicts Injury from Physical Punishment? A Test of the Typologies of Violence Hypothesis. Child Abuse and Neglect. pp. 752-765

Lavergne, C., Dufour, S., հdzé, N. et Larrivée, M.-C. (2008). Visible Minority, Aboriginal and Caucasians Children investigated by Canadian Child protective services. Child Welfare, 87 (2), 59-76.

Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2008). The Canadian Child Welfare System Response to Exposure in Domestic Violence Investigations. Child Abuse & Neglect, 32(3), 393-404

Dufour, S., Lavergne, C., Larrivée, C., & հdzé, N. (2008). Who are these parents involved in child neglect? A differential analysis by parent gender and family structure. Children and Youth Services Review. 30(2)141-156.

Tourigny, M. Domond, P., հdzé, N., Sioui, B., and Baril, K. (2007) Les mauvais traitements envers les enfants autochtones signalés à la Protection de la jeunesse : Comparaison interculturelle. First Peoples Child & Family Review Journal, 3(3), 84-102.

Wekerle, C., Leung, E, Wall, AM, MacMillan, H., Boyle, M. & հdzé, N. (2007) The Maltreatment and Adolescent Pathways (MAP) Project: Using Adolescent Child Protective Services Population-Based Research to Identify Research Questions. First Peoples Child & Family Review Journal, 3(2), 43-49.

Knoke, D., Goodman, D., Leslie, B., & հdzé, N. (2007). Differences in the Factors Associated with Out-of-Home Placement for Children and Youth. Canadian Journal of Social Work, 9(1), 26-47.

Wein, F., Blackstock, C., Loxley, J., & հdzé, N. (2007).Keeping First Nations children at home: A few Federal policy changes could make a big difference. First Peoples Child and Family Review. 3(1), 10-14.

Bala, N., Mitnick, M., հdzé, N., & Houston, C. (2007). Sexual Abuse Allegations and Parental Separation: Smokescreen or Fire? Journal of Family Studies, 3(1), 26-56

Wekerle, C., Wall, A.-M., հdzé, N., & Leung, E. (2007). Cumulative stress and substantiated maltreatment: The importance of caregiver vulnerability and adult partner violence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 31(4), 427-443.

De Marco, R., Tonmyr. L., Fallon, B. & հdzé, N. (2007).The Effect of Maltreatment Co-occurrence on Emotional Harm among Sexually Abused Children. Victims and Offenders, (2), 45-62.

Marziali, E., Damianakis, T., Smith, D., & Trocme, N. (2006). Supportive group therapy for parents who chronically neglect their children. Families in Society, 87 (3), 401-408.

Tourigny, M., հdzé, N., Helie, S., & Larrivee, M. (2006). Facteurs associés à la décision de recourir au Tribunal de la jeunesse lors de l’orientation des mesures de prise en charge. Criminologie, 39(1), 129-150.

Mayer, M., Dufour, S., Lavergne, C, Girard, M., հdzé, N. (2006). Structures familiales, paternité et négligence : des réalités à revisiter. Revue de psychoéducation, 35(1), 157-181.

հdzé, N., & Blackstock, C. (2005). Community based child welfare for aboriginal children: Supporting resilience through structural change. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 24, 12-33.

Knoke, D., & հdzé, N. (2005). Reviewing the evidence on assessing risk for child abuse and neglect. Brief Therapy and Evidence Based Practice Journal, 5(3). 310-327.

հdzé, N., & Bala, N. (2005). False allegations of abuse when parents separate: Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, 1998. Child Abuse & Neglect, 29(12), 1333-1345.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & Neves, T. (2005). What is driving increasing child welfare caseloads in Canada? Analysis of the 1993 and 1998 Ontario Incidence Studies of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. Child Welfare, 84(3), 341-359.

հdzé, N., Knoke, D., Blackstock, C. (2004). Pathways to the overrepresentation of Aboriginal children in Canada’s child welfare system. Social Service Review, 78(4), 577-600.

Maiter, S., Alaggia, R., & հdzé, N. (2004). Perceptions of child maltreatment by parents from the Indian sub-continent: Challenging myths about culturally based abusive parenting practices. Child Maltreatment, 9(3), 309-324.

Blackstock, C., հdzé, N., & Bennett, M. (2004). Child maltreatment investigations among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Families in Canada: A comparative analysis. Violence Against Women, 10(8), 901-916.

Walsh, C., Jamieson, E., MacMillan, H., & հdzé, N. (2004). Measuring child sexual abuse in children and youth. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 13(1), 39-68.

Marziali, E., Damianakis, T., հdzé, N. (2003). Nature and consequences of personality problems in maltreating caregivers. Families in Society, 84(4), 530-538.

հdzé, N., MacMillan, H., Fallon, B., & de Marco, R. (2003). The nature and severity of physical harm caused by child abuse and neglect: Results from the Canadian Incidence Study. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 169(9), 911-915.

King, G., & հdzé, N., & Thatte, N. (2003). Substantiation as a multi-tier process: The results of an NIS3 Analysis. Child Maltreatment, 8(3), 173-182.

հdzé, N., Tourigny, M., MacLaurin, B., & Fallon, B. (2003). Major findings from the Canadian Incidence Study. Child Abuse and Neglect, 27(12), 1427-1439.

հdzé, N., & Durrant, J. (2003). Physical punishment and the response of the Canadian child welfare system: implications for legislative reform. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 25(1) 1-18.

MacLaurin, B., հdzé, N., & Fallon, B. (2001) The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and neglect: Study Findings. Journal of the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies. Vol. 45 (2), p. 7-11.

հdzé. N., MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B., Daciuk, J., Tourigny, M., & Billingsley, D. (2001). The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect: Methodology. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 92(4), 259-263.

հdzé, N., & Tourigny, M. (2000). Facteurs associés aux décisions d’engager des poursuites pénales après enquêtes sur des abus physiques ou sexuels infligés à des enfants. Criminologie, 33(2), 7-30.

հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., & Fallon, B. (2000). Canadian child welfare outcomes indicator matrix: An ecological approach to tracking service outcomes. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 4(1), 165-190.

հdzé, N., & Schumaker, K. (1999). Reported child sexual abuse in Canadian schools and recreational facilities: Implications for developing effective prevention strategies. Children and Youth Services Review, 21(8), 621-642.

Oxman-Martinez, J., հdzé, N., & Moreau, J. (1998). Client outcomes in Canadian child welfare. The Social Worker, 66(3), 66-78.

Barsky, A., & հdzé, N. (1998). The essential aspects of mediation in child welfare protection cases. Child and Youth Services Review, 20(7), 629-696.

MacMillan, H., Fleming, J., հdzé, N., Boyle, M., Wong, M., Racine, Y., et al. (1997). Prevalence of child physical and sexual abuse in a community sample: Results from the Ontario Health Supplement. Journal of the American Medical Association, 278(2), 131-135.

հdzé, N. (1996). Le rôle des facteurs de classe et de genre dans la sélection de stratégies de recherche, d'intervention et de prévention de la maltraitance des enfants. Réflections, 4, 7-34.

հdzé, N. (1996). L’étranger: ogre ou bon samaritain. Reflets: revue Ontaroise d’intervention sociale et communautaire, 2(1), 58-68.

հdzé, N. (1996). Development and evaluation of a child neglect index. Child Maltreatment, 1(2), 145-155. (CNI reprinted in Crosson-Tower, C. (1999). Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect, Allyn and Bacon.).

հdzé, N., & Lindsey, D. (1996). What can child homicide rates tell us about the effectiveness of child welfare services? Child Abuse & Neglect, 20(3), 171-184.

հdzé, N., McPhee, D., & Tam, K.K. (1995). Child abuse and neglect in Ontario: Incidence and characteristics. Child Welfare, 74(3), 563-586.

հdzé, N., & Caunce, C. (1995). Educational needs of abused and neglected children: A review of the literature. Early Childhood Development and Care, 106, 101-135.

Lindsey, D., & հdzé, N. (1994). Have child protection efforts reduced child homicides: An examination of data from Britain and North America. British Journal of Social Work, 24, 715-732.

Irving, H., Benjamin, M., & հdzé, N. (1984). Shared parenting: An empirical analysis using a large data base. Family Process, 23, 561-569.


Esposito, T., հdzé, N., Chabot, M., Gaumont, C., Coughlin, L., Laurendeau, C., & Duret, A. (in press). Gestion Fondéen Sur Les Indicateurs De Suivi Clinique En Protection De La Jeunesse In M.-A. Poirier & S. Léveillé (Eds.) Jeunesse en tête: au-delà du risque, les besoins de développement, Presses du l'Université du Québec.

հdzé, N., Milne, L., Esposito, T., Laurendeau, C., & Gervais, M.-J. (2014). Supporting evidence based management in child welfare: A Canadian university-agency collaboration. In A. Shlonsky & R. Benbenishty (Eds.) From Evidence to Outcomes in Child Welfare: An International Reader. Oxford University Press.

Esposito, T., հdzé, N., Chabot, M., Gaumont, C., Coughlin, L., Laurendeau, C., & Duret, A. (in press). Gestion Fondée Sur Les Indicateurs De Suivi Clinique En Protection De La Jeunesse In M.-A. Poirier & S. Léveillé (Eds.) Jeunesse en tête: au-delà des risques, les besoins de développement des enfants, Presses du l'Université du Québec.

Vine, C., հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., & Fallon, B. (2012). Children abused, neglected, and living with violence: An overview. In R. Allagia & C. Vine (Eds.), Cruel but not unusual, second edition. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Barr, R., MacMillan, & հdzé, N. (2012) Interventions to Prevent Child Maltreatment and Associated Impairment in Childhood and Adolescence. In: M. Boivin, & C. Hertzman, (Eds) Early Childhood Development. Ottawa, ON: Royal Society of Canada. (85-102)

հdzé N. (2012) Child maltreatment and its impact on psychosocial child development: Epidemiology. Rev ed. MacMillan H, topic ed. In: Tremblay RE, Boivin M, Peters RDeV, eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Montreal, Quebec: Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development and Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Early Child Development; 2012:1-5. Available at:

հdzé, N., (2011) Poverty, Inadequate Housing and Social Isolation are Interwoven with Child Abuse. In Sarra, J. (Ed.) A Voice for Many - Margaret Philip, Journalist, Toronto, ON: Carswell.

Lavergne, C., Dufour, S., հdzé, N. et Larrivée, M.-C. (2011). Visible Minority and Aboriginal Children, and Canadian Protective Services. In Deborah K. Green, Kathleen Belanger, Ruth McRoy and Lloyd Bullard (Eds.). Challenging Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare: Research, Policy, and Practice. Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America

հdzé, N., Esposito, T., Mulcahy, M., Coughlin, L., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & Shlonsky, A. (2011) The National Child Welfare Outcomes Indicator Matrix (NOM) and its application in a child welfare agency In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice, 2nd Edition. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Sinha, V., հdzé, N. Blackstock, C. Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B. (2011). Understanding the overrepresentation of First Nations children in Canada’s child welfare system. In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice, 2nd Edition. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

հdzé, N. Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B. (2011). Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Changing patterns of reported maltreatment: 1998 and 2003. In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice, 2nd Edition. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B. հdzé, N. Gail, J., & Golden, C. (2011) Canadian child welfare worker qualifications: Examining a changing national profile. In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice, 2nd Edition. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Fallon. B. & հdzé, N. (2011) Factors associated with the decision to provide ongoing services: Are worker characteristics and organization geographic location important? In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice, 2nd Edition. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Schumaker, K., Fallon. B. & հdzé, N. (2011) The response of the Ontatrio child welfare system to neglect: 1992 to 2003. In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice, 2nd Edition. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Fallon, B., հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., Knoke, D., Black. T., Felstiner, C. Supporting Secondary Analyses of the Canadian Incidence Studies of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. (2011) in S. Léveillé, N. հdzé, I. Brown & C. Chamberland (eds.) Research-Community Partnership in Child Welfare, Toronto, On: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

հdzé, N., Thomson, W., & Roy, C. (2011) Evidence-Based Management in Child Welfare: researchers and decision-makers working hand in hand, in S. Léveillé, N. հdzé, I. Brown & C. Chamberland (eds.) Research-community Partnership in Child Welfare, Toronto, On: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, 43-58.

Wekerle, C., Chen, M., Leung, E., Waechter, R., Wall, AM, MacMillan, H., հdzé, N., Boyle, M., Leslie, B., Goodman, D., & Mood, B. (2011) Is Epidemiological Research of Child Welfare Youth Feasible? In, S. Léveillé, N. հdzé, I. Brown & C. Chamberland (eds.) Research-Community Partnership in Child Welfare, Toronto, On: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, 59-90.

Léveillé, S., Chamberland, C., հdzé, N., & Brown, I. (2011) An evaluation of Canadian research-community partnerships in child welfare. In, S. Léveillé, N. հdzé, I. Brown & C. Chamberland (eds.) Research-Community Partnership in Child Welfare, Toronto, On: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, 231-278.

Brown, I, հdzé, N., Chamberland, C., & Leveillé, S. (2011). Research Partenerships in Child Welfare: Synthesis & Future Directions. In, S. Léveillé, N. հdzé, I. Brown & C. Chamberland (eds.) Research-Community Partnership in Child Welfare, Toronto, On: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, 279-2298.

Milne, L. & հdzé, N. (2010) Premières leçons tirées de trois initiatives de mobilisation des connaissances In Lafortune, D., Cousineau, M. & Tremblay, C. (Eds.) Pratiques innovantes auprès des jeunes en difficulté Quebec, Qc.: Presse de l’Univeristé de Montréal., 525-537.

հdzé, N. (2010) Préface. In A. Stipanicic, P. Nolin et G. Fortin (Eds.) Le syndrome du bébé secoué. Quebec, Qc.: Presse de l’Université du Québec. vii-viii.

հdzé, N. (2009). Avant-propos. In S. Dufour. & C. Lavergne (eds.) La violence envers les enfants en milieu familial. Montréal, QC: Edition CEC. vii-viii.

հdzé, N. (2008). The Epidemiology of child maltreatment. In D. Lindsey & A. Shlonsky (Eds.), Child Welfare Research. Oxford University Press.(pp 15-24)

հdzé, N. (2008). Voices Discovering Each Other as They Rise From Canada's Fragmented Child Welfare System. In Brown, I., Chaze. F., Fuchs, D., Lafrance, J., McKay, S., & Thomas Prokop, S. (Eds.) Putting a human face on child welfare: Voices from the Prairies. Prairie Child Welfare Consortium / Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Blackstock, C., & հdzé, N., (2006). Community-based child welfare for Aboriginal children: Supporting resilience through structural change In Ungar, M. (Ed.), Pathways to relilience: A handbook of theory, methods and interventions. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE

Tonmyr, L., հdzé. N., & Fallon, B. (2006). Overview of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS), 2003. In G. Phaneuf (Ed.), Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile 2006. (9 pages in Catalogue no. 85-224). Ottawa, ON: Statistics Canada.

Tonmyr, L., հdzé, N., & Fallon, B. (2006). Aperçu de l’Étude canadienne sur l’incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants (ECI), 2003. In G. Phaneuf (Ed.), La violence familiale au Canada: un profil statistique 2006. (12 pages dans le Catalogue no. 85-224). Ottawa, ON: Statistique Canada.

Hayes, J. հdzé, N., & Jenney, A. (2006). Children’s exposure to domestic violence. In R. Alaggia & C. Vine (Eds.), Cruel but not unusual: Violence in Canadian families. A sourcebook of history, theory & practice. (pp.201-235). Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Vine, C. հdzé, N., & Finlay, J. (2006). Children abused, neglected & living with violence: An overview. In R. Alaggia & C. Vine (Eds.), Cruel but not unusual: Violence in Canadian families. A sourcebook of history, theory & practice. (pp.147-176). Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

հdzé, N., Knoke, D., Shangreaux, C., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B. (2005). The experiences of first nations children coming into contact with the child welfare system in Canada. In Wen: De , We are coming to the light of day. (pp. 60-86). Ottawa, ON: First Nations Child and Family caring Society.

հdzé, N. (2005). Child Maltreatment and its impact on psychosocial child development epidemiology / Maltraitance chez les enfants son impact sur l’épidémiologie du développement psychosocial. In R. Tremblay, R.G. Barr, & R.DeV. Peters (Eds.), Encyclopedia of early childhood development, [pp. 1-5 online]. Montreal, QC: Centre of Excellence for Early Child Development.

Mayer, M., Lavergne, C. Guyon, L., Gemme, E., հdzé, N., Girard M. (2005). Toxicomanie parentale et négligence chez les enfants: les révélations de l’Étude d’incidence québécoise. In L. Guyon, S. Brochu & M. Landry (Eds.), Jeunesse et toxicomanies: bilan des connaissances et des recherches québécoise sur l’usage et l’abus de substances chez les jeunes et leurs familles. Quebec, QC: Presse de l’Université Laval.

Blackstock, C., & հdzé, N. (2005). Community Based Child Welfare for Aboriginal Children: Supporting Resilience through Structural Change. In M. Ungar (Ed.), Handbook for working with children and youth: Pathways to resilience across cultures and contexts, (pp. 105-120). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

MacLaurin, B., & հdzé, N. (2004). Abuse and neglect. In J. Winterdyk (Ed.), Issues and Perspectives on Young Offenders in Canada. (3rd edition). (pp 289-310). Toronto, ON: Thomson Press.

հdzé, N., & Chamberland, C. (2003). Re-involving the community: The need for a differential response to rising child welfare caseloads in Canada. In N. հdzé, D. Knoke & C. Roy (Eds.), Community collaboration & Differential Response. (pp. 45-56). Child Welfare league of Canada. Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N., Phaneuf, G., Scarth, S., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2003). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Methodology and Major findings. In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice. (pp. 13-26). Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B., & հdzé, N. (2003). Characteristics of investigated children and families referred for out-of-home placement. In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice. (pp. 27-40). Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

McKenzie, B., & հdzé, N. (2003). Child Maltreatment: Themes and Implications. In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice. (pp. 67-76). Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & հdzé, N. (2003). A national profile of child protection workers. In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy and practice. (pp. 41-52). Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Tourigny, M., Mayer, Micheline, Hélie, S., Wright, J., & հdzé, N. (2001). Les mauvais traitements envers les enfants. In Portrait social du Québec, Données et analyses: Edition 2001. (Ch. 20, pp. 461-473). Quebec, QC: Institut de la statistique.

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հdzé, N., & Brison, R. (1998). Homicide and injuries due to assault and to abuse and neglect. In G. Beaulne (Ed.), For the Safety of Canadian Children and Youth: From data to prevention measures. (pp. 254-265). Ottawa, ON: Health Canada.

հdzé, N., Tam, K.K., & McPhee, D., (1995). Correlates of substantiation of maltreatment in child welfare investigations. In J. Hudson & B. Galaway (Eds.), Child welfare in Canada: Research and policy implications. (pp. 20-39). Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational Press.

Lindsey, D., & հdzé, N. (1994). Should the police have greater authority in investigating cases of suspected child abuse? In E. Gambrill & T. Stein (Eds.), Controversial issues in child welfare. (pp. 90-97). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

հdzé, N. (1991). Child welfare services. In D. Barnhorst & L. Johnson (Eds.), State of the child in Ontario. (pp. 63-91). Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press.

Irving, H., Benjamin, M., & հdzé, N. (1984). Shared parenting: An empirical analysis using a large Canadian data base. In J. Folberg (Ed.), Joint custody and shared parenting. (pp.128-135). Washington, DC: Bureau of National Affairs.


Black, T., & հdzé, N. (2005). [Review of the book Protecting Children from Domestic Violence Strategies for Community Intervention], Canadian Psychology, 46(3), 170-171.

հdzé, N. (2001). [Review of the book Promoting family wellness and preventing child maltreatment: Fundamentals for thinking and action], Canadian Social Work Review. University of Toronto Press, p. 48

հdzé, N. (1996). The return of morality in liberalism [Review of the book The missing child in liberal theory], Children and Youth Services Review, 18(7), 655-657.

հdzé, N. (1993). [Review of the book Children at risk: An Evaluation of factors contributing to child abuse and neglect], Children and Youth Services Review, 15, 157-159.



հdzé, N., Esposito, T., Wegner-Lohin, J. & Miller, R. (2014). Tracking court use at Batshaw Youth and Family Centres & across Québec. In-The-Know, 3(2), 1-2.

Esposito, T., Wegner-Lohin, J., հdzé, N., Gallo, S. (2013). Tracking child welfare placement outcomes at BYFC and across Québec. In-The-Know, 3(1), 1-3.

հdzé, N., Milne, L., Laurendeau, C. & Gervais, M.L. (2012). Evaluation of the Evidence Based Management Project at BYFC. In-The-Know, Special Edition, 1-4.

Esposito, T., հdzé, N., Coughlin, L. & Chabot, M. (2012) “Time to permanence”: where do children in out-of-home care end up and how long does it take? In-The-Know 2(5), 1-2

հdzé, N. & Esposito, T. (2011) Comment mesurer l’impact de la protection de la jeunesse? Le Point en adminstration de la santé et des services sociaux, 7(2), 48-50.

հdzé, N. Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B. & Sinha, V. (2011) The changing nature of substantitated maltreatment in Canada Canada’s Children, 18(1), 18-20.

Ouimet, C., Van Wert, M., Fallon, B., Black, T., & հdzé, N. (2011) Select findings from the CIS-2008 Canada’s Children, 18(1), 6-17.

հdzé, N., Esposito, T., Coughlin,L. (2010). Placement stability. In-The-Know 2(4), 1-2

Mulcahy, M & հdzé, N. (2010). CECW Information Sheet #78. Children and youth in outof-home care in Canada. Montreal, QC, Canada: Centre for Research on Children and Families, ֱ.

Coughlin,L. Esposito, T., հdzé, N.., (2010). Out-of-home placement. In-The-Know 2(3), 1-2

Coughlin,L. Esposito, T., Milne, L., հdzé, N.., (2010). School delay. In-The-Know 1(5), 1-2

հdzé, N., Esposito, T., Milne, L., Chabot, M., Coughlin,L. (2009). Court use. In-The-Know 1(4), 1-2.

Esposito, T., Mulcahy, M. & հdzé, N. (2009). EBM in child welfare: Using outcome indicators to understanding child welfare service patterns. Canada’s Children, (Winter 2009) 15 (3). 19-22.

Esposito, T., Chabot, M., Coughlin,L. & հdzé, N. (2009). Recurrence of maltreatment. In-The-Know 1(3), 1-2.

հdzé, N. (2009). Neglectful parenting: symptom or diagnosis? MDC Journal : Batshaw Youth & Family Services, Volume 5, Spring 2009.

հdzé, N., Esposito, T., & Milne, L. (2009). National Child Welfare Outcomes Indicator Matrix (NOM). In-The-Know 1(2), 1-2.

Laurendeau, C. & հdzé, N., (2009). Evidence-Based Management: An Initiative of Batshaw Youth and Family Centres and ֱ Centre for Research on Children and Families In-The-Know 1(1), 1-2.

հdzé, N. (2008). What Do We Know About Resilience and Child Maltreatment? MDC Journal : Batshaw Youth & Family Services, Volume 4, Spring 2008. Pp 17, 18

MacLaurin, B., McCormack, M., հdzé, N., Blackstock, C., Fallon, B., Knoke, D., Black, T., & Pitman, L. (2007). Understanding the overrepresentation of First Nations children in Canada’s child welfare system: An analysis of the Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect (CIS-2003). Canada’s Children, 13(1), 19-23.

Parker, J., Black, T., & հdzé, N. (2007) Adolescent childbearing and child neglect: What’s the connection? Canada’s Children, Summer 2007.

հdzé, N. (2007). What do We Know about Permanency Planning? MDC Journal : Batshaw Youth & Family Services, Volume 3, Spring 2007. Pp 17, 18.

հdzé, N., & Mayer, M. (2007). Child Welfare Research Partnership: Supporting policy and practice with secondary data analysis. Canada’s Children, Winter 2006.

հdzé, N., Roy, C., & Belanger, S. Evidence based management in child welfare: Using outcome indicators to understand child welfare service patterns. Canada’s Children (Spring 2007).

հdzé, N. (2006). Family Group Conferencing: Great idea, but is it effective? MDC Journal : Batshaw Youth & Family Services, Volume 2, Spring 2006. Pp 17, 18.

Chaze, F., Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B & MacLaurin, B. (2006). Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2003 (CIS-2003): Selected Findings. Canada’s Children, Winter 2006.

Wekerle, C, Leung, E., Wall. AM, Waechter, R., MacMillan, H., Boyle, M. & հdzé, N. (2005). Academic agency research partnership in practice: The MAP study. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) Journal, 49(1), 26-34.

հdzé, N. (2005). Collaborative Research in Child Welfare: Stepping up to a Higher Standard. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) Journal, 49(1), 4.

Blackstock, C., Chamberland, C., Dudding, P., & հdzé, N. (2005). Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare. Canada’s Children, Winter 2005, 3-4.

հdzé, N. (2004). The Canadian Incidence Study: Establishing an Evidence Base. Health Policy Research Bulletin, September, 2004, Issue 9, 9-11.

հdzé, N., Durrant, J., Ensom, R. & Marwah, I. (2004). Physical abuse of children in the context of punishment. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) Journal 48(2), 28-32.

հdzé, N. (2004). The Canadian Incidence Study: 1993, 1998, 2003. World Perspectives. International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, 54-55.

Wekerle, C., Wall, A-M., հdzé, N., Leung, M.A., Racine, S. (2004). Caring to Know Caregivers in Child Welfare: Substance Abuse and its Association to Child Maltreatment. Health Policy Research Bulletin, September 2004, Issue 9, 16-18.

Fallon, B., հdzé, N., & Daciuk, J. (2003). A Canadian national worker profile. Canada’s Children, Summer 2003, 26-31.

հdzé, N., Chamberland, C., & Dudding, P. (2002). Forging a network of practitioners, researchers and policy makers. Canada’s Children, Winter 2002, 3-4.

Rivers, B., հdzé, N., Goodman, D., & Marwah, I. (2002). Reporting and beyond: Current trends in child abuse and Neglect for broader reforms. Voices for Children - Child abuse and neglect: Concerning trends and child welfare response in Ontario. E-bulletin, November 2002, 13 pages.

հdzé, N. (2002). Highlights from the Ontario incidence studies of reported child abuse. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) Journal, 46(3), 4-12.

հdzé, N. (2001). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Selected findings. Canada’s Children, Summer 2001, 32-34.

հdzé, N. (2000). From triage to treatment: The next challenge for child welfare in Ontario. Ontario Association of Social Workers Newsmagazine, 26(3), 9-10.

հdzé, N., & Fallon, B. (2000). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: An Overview. Canada’s Children, Summer 2000, 6-8.

Nutter, B., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (1999). Child welfare outcomes: An incremental approach. The Advocate: Alberta Association of Registered Social Workers, 24(4), 26.

Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & հdzé, N., (1998). A Canadian framework for measuring outcomes in child welfare. Canada’s Children, Summer 1998, 6-9.

Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & հdzé, N. (1998). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect – Project overview. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) Journal, 4(2), 4-6.

հdzé, N. (1997). Staying on track while the pendulum swings: Commentary on Canadian child welfare policy trends. Ontario Association of Social Workers Newsmagazine, 3(2), 5-7.

հdzé, N. (1996). The effect of growing rates of poverty and social service cuts on children at risk of abuse and neglect: Reflections from the American experience. Ontario Association of Social Workers Newsmagazine, 23(1), 12-13.

հdzé, N. (1995). Successes and failures of permanency planning in Ontario: 1971-1991. Canada’s Children, Summer 1995, 5-7.


հdzé, N., Wegner-Lohin, J., Easton, J., Thompson, D. & Shlonsky, A. (2013). Options for Moving Forward with the National Child Welfare Outcomes Matrix. Prepared for the Directors of Child Welfare Committee. Montreal: Centre for Research on Children & Families, ֱ.

Wegner-Lohin, J., հdzé, N., Shlonsky, A. & Esposito, T. (2013). National Child Welfare Outcomes Indicator Matrix, NOM Phase 6 Data Report. Prepared for the Directors of Child Welfare Committee. Montreal: Centre for Research on Children & Families, ֱ.

Thompson, D., Easton, J., հdzé, N., Wegner-Lohin, J. & Shlonsky, A. (2013). National Outcomes Measures in Canada, 1996-2013. Prepared for the Directors of Child Welfare Committee. Montreal: Centre for Research on Children & Families, ֱ.

Sinha, V. & հdzé, N.., (2013). Child maltreatment realted investigations involving First Nations children living on and off reserve: An analysis of the Canadian Incidecne Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2008. Prepared for the Candian Human Rights Tribunal. Montreal: ֱ Centre for Research on Children and Families.

Hélie, S., Turcotte, D., հdzé, N & Tourigny, M. (2012). Étude d’incidence québécoise sur les signalements évalués en protection de la jeunesse en 2008. Rapport final. Montréal, Centre jeunesse de Montréal-Institut universitaire, 252 p.

Kyte, A., Sinha, V., & հdzé, N. (2012) Final Report Phase II – Strengthening Families Program. Submitted to African Canadian Development & Prevention Network and the Public health Agency of Canada. Montreal: ֱ Centre for Research on Children and Families.

MacLaurin, B., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Sinha, V., Enns, R., …Daoust, .G,. (2011). Saskatchewan Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuseand Neglect-2008 (SIS‑2008): Major Findings. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary.

հdzé, N., Milne, L., Laurendeau, C., & Gervais, M-J.(2011) Evidence-Based Management in Child Welfare: A process and outcome evaluation. Montreal, Qc: Mcgill Centre for Research on Children and Families, 130 pages.

Fallon, B., հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Black, T., Fast, E., ... Holroyd, J. (2010). Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2008 (CIS-2008): Study Methods (pp. 24). Montreal, QC: ֱ Centre for Research on Children and Families.

Alberta Child Intervention Review Panel, հdzé, N. & Dudding, P. & (co-chairs) (2010) Closing the Gap Between Vision and Reality: Strengthening Accountability, Adaptability and Continuous Improvement in Alberta’s Child Intervention System. Government of Alberta Children and Youth Services, Edmonton, AB. 174 pages.

Piché, A-M & հdzé, N. (2010). Le Cercle de l’Enfant Évaluation Phase I: Sommaire Final. Soumis à la Fondation du Dr Julien. Centre de recherche sur l'enfance et la famille (CREF), Université ֱ: Montréal, Qc. 17 pages.

Roy, C. Sinha, V., & հdzé, N. (2010) Évaluation des initiatives actuelles et émergentes en pédiatrie sociale Bilan de mi-projet. Soumis à La Fondation du Dr. Julien , Montéal, Qc. Centre de recherche sur l'enfance et la famille (CREF), Université ֱ: Montréal, Qc.

Sinha, V., fast, E. & հdzé, N. (201o) Interim Report Phase II – Strengthening Families Program. Submitted to African Canadian Development and Prevention Network and the Public health Agency of Canada. Montreal: ֱ Centre for Research on Children and Families.

Fallon, B. հdzé, N. MacLaurin, B. Sinha, V. & Herbert, A. (2010) Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect - 2008 Process Evaluation Report Submittted tot eh Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON.

Sinha, V., Piché, A-M, հdzé, N. (2009) Evaluation Report – The Strengthening Families Community Study. Submitted to African Canadian Development & Prevention Network and the Public health Agency of Canada. Montreal: ֱ Centre for Research on Children and Families

Sinha, V., Piché, A-M, հdzé, N. (2007) Interim Evaluation Report – The Strengthening Families Community Study (Fall 2006-Winter 2007) Submitted to African Canadian Development & Prevention Network and the Public health Agency of Canada. Montreal: ֱ Centre for Research on Children and Families

Bala, N., & հdzé, N. (2007) Child Protection Issues and Pediatric Forensic Pathology, Goudge Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology, Government of Ontario.

Barber, J., հdzé, N., Goodman, D., Shlonsky, A., Black, T., & Leslie B. (2007). The Reliability and Predictive Validity of Consensus-Based Risk Assessment. Toronto: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (34 pages)

հdzé, N., Knoke, D. Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B. (2006). Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2003: Understanding the case substantiation decision. Technical Paper Series, Public Health Agency of Canada.

MacLaurin, B., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., McCormack, M., Pitman, L., Forest, N., Banks, J., Shangreaux, C., & Perrault, E.(2005). Alberta Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect-2003 (AIS-2003) Major Findings. Calgary, University of Calgary.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Black, T., & Felstiner, C. (2006). Documentation of Statistical Advice and Support for the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, 2003. Technical Paper Series, Public Health Agency of Canada.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Black, T., & Felstiner, C. (2006). Report on the Site Dissemination of the Findings from the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, 2003. Technical Paper Series, Public Health Agency of Canada.

Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006). The Canadian Child Welfare System Response to Exposure to Domestic Violence Investigations. Technical Paper Series, Public Health Agency of Canada.

Durrant, J, հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C., Black, T. & Knoke, D. (2006). Punitive violence against children in Canada. Technical Paper Series, Public Health Agency of Canada.

Gonzalez, M., Durrant, J.E., Brown, J., & հdzé, N. (2005). Injurious and Non-injurious Physical Maltreatment: A Continuum of Violence or Distinct Phenomena? Child Maltreatment.

Regehr, C. Barber, J. հdzé, N. Hart, S. Knoke, D. (2005) An Evidence-Based Model for Risk Assessment in Child Welfare, SSHRC Research Cluster Grants, Concept Paper. University of Toronto: Centre for Applied Social Research.

հdzé, N., Knoke, D. Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J. & Kiang, H. (2004) Reliability of the CIS-2003 Maltreatment Assessment Form: Technical Report. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada, 30 pages.

հdzé, N., Nutter, B., Loo, S., & Fallon, B. (2002). Client Outcomes in Child Welfare: Phase II Final Report. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit, 56 pages.

Walsh, C., MacMillan, H., հdzé, N., Boyle, M., Jamieson, E., Daciuk, J., & Racine, Y. (2002). The childhood experiences of violence questionnaire: A brief self-report measure of child maltreatment for youth. Toronto, ON: Internal Document, Statistics Canada and Federal Department of Justice, 150 pages.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & Copp, B. (2002). The changing face of child welfare investigations in Ontario: Ontario Incidence Studies of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (OIS 1993/1998). Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, 23 pages.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Bartholomew, S., Ortiz, J., Thompson, J., & Helfrich, W. (2002). 1998 Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (OIS 1998). Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, 230 pages.

հdzé, N., & Wolfe, D. (2001). Child maltreatment in Canada: Selected results from the Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect. Ottawa, ON: Health Canada, 49 pages.

հdzé, N., Nutter, B., & Loo, S. (2000) Client outcomes in child protection in Ontario: Data collection project final report. Ottawa, ON: Ministry of Community and Social Services, Children Services Branch, 31 pages.

հdzé, N., Mertins-Kirkwood, B., MacFadden, R., Allagia, R., & Goodman, D. (1999). Ontario risk assessment model Phase 1: Implementation and training. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit, 69 pages.

հdzé, N., Nutter, B., MacLaurin B., & Fallon, B. (1999). Child welfare outcome indicator matrix. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit, 4 pages.

հdzé, N., Nutter, B., MacLaurin B., & Fallon, B. (1999). Matrice des indicateurs d’impacts en protection de l’enfance. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit, 4 pages.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Nutter, B., MacLaurin, B., & Thompson, Julie. (1999). Outcomes for child welfare services in Ontario. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit, 21 pages.

Bala, N.C., Paetsch J., հdzé, N., Schuman, J., Tanchak, S., & Hornick, J. (1999). Allegations of child abuse in the context of parental separation. Ottawa, ON: Department of Justice, 115 pages.

MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B., Daciuk, J., & հdzé, N. (1999). A program evaluation of making a difference, part two: A community response to child abuse. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, Centre for Applied Social Research, 32 pages.

Michalski, J., Alaggia, R., & հdzé, N. (1996). A literature review of risk assessment models. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, Centre for Applied Social Research, 22 pages.

հdzé, N., Michalski, J., Birnbaum, R., & Wright, R. (1996). Community systems initiative impact study design consultation. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, Centre for Applied Social Research, 43 pages.

Kirkland, M., & հdzé, N. (1996). Including fathers: A review of the literature on adolescent fathers. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, 19 pages.

MacMillan, H., Racine, Y., հdzé, N., & Walsh, C. (1996). Investigation of the measurement of child maltreatment by the National longitudinal study of children. Contract for Human Resource Development Canada. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University, Centre for Studies of Children at Risk, 59 pages.

հdzé, N. (1996). Review of child welfare services provided by the Children’s aid society of Algoma. Algoma, ON: Ministry of Community and Social Services, 44 pages.

հdzé, N., Michalski, J., McPhee, D., Tam, K.K., & Scarth, S. (1995). Canadian incidence study of reported child maltreatment: Methodology & feasibility review. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, Centre for Applied Social Research, 55 pages.

հdzé, N., Offord, D., Boyle, M., McConville, M., & Lindsey, D. (1995). CAS Child health survey pilot study: Final report. Toronto, ON: Ontario Mental Health Foundation, 18 pages.

Alaggia, R., & հdzé, N. (1995). Sexually abused preschoolers: Characteristics, prevention, assessment and intervention. Background paper for the First national research and best practice symposium on the Sexual abuse of young children. Toronto, ON: West End Crèche / Institute for the Prevention of Child Abuse, 39 pages.

հdzé, N. (1994). Reducing child abuse. In R. Peters (Ed.) Community action programs for children: Ontario evaluation framework. Kingston, ON: Queen’s University.

հdzé, N., & Caunce, C. (1993). The Educational needs of abused and neglected children: A review of the literature. For the Royal Commission on Learning. Toronto, ON: Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto, 59 pages.

հdzé, N. (1992). Estimating the scope of child abuse and neglect in Ontario. Research Connections, Fall Issue. Toronto, ON: Institute for the Prevention of Child Abuse, 11 pages.

հdzé, N., Isbister, K., & Hughes, C. (1992). Retrench or reform: A discussion paper on social work practices in Ontario’s children’s services system. Toronto, ON: Ontario Association of Professional Social Workers, 16 pages.

հdzé, N. (1992). Development of an expert-based child neglect index: making social work practice knowledge explicit. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, 35 pages.

հdzé, N. (1992). Focus on child neglect: A review of research and policy, and development of a child neglect index. Toronto, ON: Child, Youth, and Family Policy Research Centre, 51 pages.

հdzé, N. (1990). Child welfare services for visible minorities: A review of the literature. Toronto, ON: Harambee Child & Family Services, 41 pages.

հdzé, N. (1989). Child welfare and children’s mental health services for visible minorities. In R. Barnhorst (Ed.) Visible Minority Youth Project. Toronto, ON: Ministry of Citizenship, Child Youth & Family Policy Research Centre, 38 pages.

հdzé, N. (1989). Permanency Planning: Minimum standard or innovative practice. Toronto, ON: Ministry of Community and Social Services, Child, Youth & Family Policy Research Centre, 69 pages.


հdzé, N., Esposito, T., Chabot, M., Duret, A. Gaumont, C. (2013) Gestion fondée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique: Rapport Synthese. Association des centres jeuness du Quebec: Novembre 2013, pp 1-9.

հdzé, N.,(2010). The BYFC-CRCF Community-University Research Collaboration. Batshaw MDC Journal, Volume 6, pp 35-36.

հdzé, N.,(2009). Neglectful parenting: symptom or diagnosis. Batshaw MDC Journal, Volume 5, pp 29-30.

հdzé, N.,(2009). Shifting Conceptions of Emotional Maltreatment. Practice, Policy and Research Public Health Agency of Canada’s Policy Think Tank on the Public Health Perspective of Early Childhood Emotional Maltreatment. Ottawa, March 12, 2009.

հdzé, N.,MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B., Shlonsky,A., Mulcahy, M., Esposito,T. (2009). National Child Welfare Outcomes Indicator Matrix (NOM). Montreal, QC: ֱ: Centre for Research on Children and Families.

հdzé, N.,(2008). What do we know about resilience and child maltreatment? Batshaw MDC Journal, Volume 4, pp 12-14.

հdzé, N.,(2007). What do we know about Permanency Planning? Batshaw MDC Journal, Volume 3, pp 20-21.

հdzé, N., Lajoie, J., Fallon, B., &Felstiner, C. (2007). Injuries and deaths of children at the hands of their parents. CECW Information Sheet #57E. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Faculty of Social Work.

Durrant, J, հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C., Black, T. & Knoke, D. (2006). Punitive Violence Against Children in Canada. CECW Information Sheet #41E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

հdzé, N. (2006) Family Group Conferencing: Great idea, but is it effective? Batshaw MDC Journal, Volume 2, pp 17-18.

հdzé, N., Knoke, D., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006). Substantiating Child Maltreatment: CIS-2003. CECW Information Sheet #40E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006). The Canadian Child Welfare System Response to Exposure to Domestic Violence Investigations. CECW Information Sheet #39E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Black, T. & հdzé, N., (2005) Book Review: Protecting Children from Domestic Violence: Strategies for Community Intervention. Batshaw MDC Journal, Volume 1, pp 12-13.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Black, T., & Roy, C. (2005) Child Emotional Maltreatment in Canada. CECW Information Sheet #29E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Roy, C., & Lajoie, J. (2005). Children’s Exposure to Domestic Violence in Canada. CECW Information Sheet #28E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Roy, C., Black, T., հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., & Fallon, B. (2005). Child neglect in Canada. CECW Information Sheet #27E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B.,Black, T., & Lajoie, J. (2005). Child abuse and neglect investigations in Canada: Comparing 1998 and 2003 data. CECW Information Sheet #26E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Fallon, B., Lajoie, J., հdzé, N., Chaze, F., MacLaurin, B., & Black, T. (2005). Sexual abuse of children in Canada. CECW Information Sheet #25E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

MacLaurin, B., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Chaze, F., Black, T., & Lajoie, J. (2005). Physical abuse of children in Canada. CECW Information Sheet #24E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Gough, P., հdzé, N., Brown, I., Knoke, D., & Blackstock, C. (2005). Pathways to the overrepresentation of Aboriginal children in care. CECW Information Sheet #23E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Gonzalez, M., Durrant, J., Brown I., & հdzé, N. (2005). Parental Punishment and Physical Abuse: A Continuum of Violence or Distinct Behaviours? Public Health Agency of Canada, Injury and Child Maltreatment Section, March 16, 2005.

Knoke, D., & հdzé, N. (2004). Risk assessment in child welfare. CECW Info Sheet #18E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Knott, T., հdzé, N., & Bala, N. (2004). False allegations of abuse and neglect. CECW Info Sheet #13E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Montgomery, V., & հdzé, N. (2004). Injuries cause by child abuse and neglect. CECW Info Sheet #10E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

հdzé, N., Durrant, J., Ensom, R., & Marwah, I. (2004). Physical abuse of children in the context of punishment. CECW Info Sheet #8E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Dufour, S., Chamberland, C., & հdzé, N. (2003). A state of knowledge review: What is the effectiveness of child welfare interventions? CECW Poster hand-out. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

Mayer, M., Dufour, S., Lavergne, C., Girard, M., & հdzé, N. (2003). Comparing parental characteristics regarding child neglect: An analysis of cases retained by child protection services in Quebec. CECW Poster hand-out. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

հdzé, N., Knott, T., & Knoke, D. (2003). An overview of differential response models. CECW Info Sheet #4E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

հdzé, N. (2002). Responding to changes in reported child maltreatment: Federal program and policy implications (OIS 1993/1998). Ottawa, ON: Health Canada Policy Forum on the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect.

հdzé, N., & Siddiqi, J. (2002). Child Maltreatment Investigations in Canada: Judicial Implications. Ottawa, ON: National Judicial Institute’s Child Protection and the Law Seminar.

հdzé, N., Neves, T., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & Sullivan, S. (2002). Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect 1993/1998: Source of referrals. CECW Info Sheet #3E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

հdzé, N., Siddiqi, J., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & Sullivan, S. (2002). Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect 1993/1998: Outcomes of investigations. CECW Info Sheet #2E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

հdzé, N., Siddiqi, J., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & Sullivan, S. (2002). Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect 1993/1998: Maltreatment rates. CECW Info Sheet #1E. Toronto, ON: Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2000). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Project update. CIS Newsletter, 4, (1). Toronto, ON: Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2000). Étude canadienne de l’incidence des cas signalés de violence et de négligence à l’égard des enfants: Mise à jour sur le projet. CIS Bulletin, 4, (1). Toronto, ON: Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (1999). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Project update. CIS Newsletter, 3, (1). Toronto, ON: Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.

հdzé, N. (1999). Canadian child welfare multi-dimensional outcomes framework and incremental measurement development strategy. In J. Thompson & B. Fallon (Eds.) The First Canadian Roundtable on Child Welfare Outcomes. Toronto, ON: Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit, Faculty of Social Work.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (1999). Étude canadienne de l’incidence des cas signalés de violence et de négligence à l’égard des enfants: Mise à jour sur le projet. CIS Bulletin, 3, (1). Toronto, ON: Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (1999). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Project update. CIS Newsletter, 2, (1). Toronto, ON: Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (1999). Étude canadienne de l’incidence des cas signalés de violence et de négligence à l’égard des enfants: Mise à jour sur le projet. CIS Bulletin, 2, (1). Toronto, ON: Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.

Brochu, S., Bouchard, C., հdzé, N., Ethier, K., & Fortin, G. (1998). Rapport du groupe conseil de l’association des centres jeunesse du Québec au sujet des recommendations de la Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse sur le cas des enfants maltraités de Beaumont. Montreal, QC: Association des centres jeunesse du Québec.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (1998). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Project update. CIS Newsletter, 1, (1). Toronto, ON: Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.

հdzé, N. Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (1998). Étude canadienne de l’incidence des cas signalés de violence et de négligence à l’égard des enfants: Mise à jour sur le projet. CIS Bulletin, 1, (1). Toronto, ON: Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.



Fallon, B. & հdzé, N. (2012, September). Decision making ecology: Placement decision analysis with the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS). Symposium, 12th European Scientific Association on Residential & Foster Care for Children and Adolescents Conference. Glasgow, Scotland..

Collin-Vézina, D., հdzé, N., Fallon, B. & Hélie, S. (2012, July) Does the use of more conservative standards help explain the decline in rates of substantiated child sexual abuse in Canada? International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth NH.

Fallon, B., հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., & Sinha, V. (2012, July). Understanding increasing reports of maltreatment in Canada. Paper presented at the Annual Colloquium of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children; Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Sinha, V. հdzé, N. (2012, July). Comparing First Nations and provincial/territorial agencies: An analysis of the First Nations component of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. Paper presented at the Annual Colloquium of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children; Chicago, Illinois, USA.

MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B., հdzé, N., & Sinha, V. (2012, July). The association between ethnicity and child maltreatment: Explaining factors. Symposium, International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Edmonton, Alberta.

Fast, E., Ma, J., հdzé, N., Chabot, M., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2012, July). Examining the role of age in the response of Child welfare systems. International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Chagnon, F., Gervais, M-J, հdzé, N. & Laurendeau, C. (2010, October) La modélisation pour améliorer une stratégie basée sur des données probantes. Congrès ACJQ / 9e Conférence internationale S’occuper des enfants. Montréal, Qc..

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Sinha, V., Turcotte, D., Helie, S. (2010, October). The Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect – 2008 Major Findings. Congrès ACJQ / 9e Conférence internationale S’occuper des enfants. Montréal, Qc.

Fallon, B, հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., & Sinha (2010, September) . CIS-2008: Investigations of Maltreatment versus Risk of Maltreatment . XVIII International Society for the Protection of Child abuse and Neglect Conference International Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Fallon, B., հdzé, N. (2010, Septmeber). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect. XVIII International Society for the Protection of Child abuse and Neglect Conference International Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Ellenbogen, S., հdzé, N., & Wekerle, C. (2011, January). Adding a layer of depth to quantitative research: A Strategy for Coding Open-Ended Questions. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Tampa Bay, January 12-16.

Ellenbogen, S. & հdzé, N. (2010, June) Child protection worker's perception of the resiliency of their neglect clients. Pathways to Resilience II Conference: The Social Ecology of Resilience Halifax, NS.

Milne, L, & հdzé, N. (2010, May) University-agency partnership: The use of evidence to inform practice with children and families. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Association of Social Work Education, Concordia University, Montréal.

Ellenbogen, S., հdzé, N., & Wekerle, C. (2010, January ). Testing a shame-rage explanation for increased aggressiveness among physically abused youth. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: San Francisco, January 13-17.

հdzé, N. (2009, May). Trouver le juste milieu: Réflexions sur l’expansion des mandats des services de protection au Canada. Séminaire francophone international en prévention des traumatismes et promotion de la sécurité chez les jeunes de 0 à 18 ans, Institut national de la santé publique du Québec, Montréal, QC.

Piché, A.M, Trudel, H. & հdzé, N. (2009, August) The child’s protective circle: a family group conferencing model to promote and safeguard children’s fundamental rights within social paediatrics centres. 5th World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights, Halifax, NS.

Ellenbogen, S, հdzé, N., Wekerle, C., & the MAP research team (2008, September). Violence outcome expectancies among maltreated adolescents: Motivations and implications of aggressive behaviour, WorldForum 2008: Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom.

Ellenbogen, S, հdzé, N., Wekerle, C., & the MAP research team (2008, March). What do adolescents think will happen if they behave aggressively: examining the cognitions of maltreated youth. First Biennial Conference of the International Family Aggression Society: Preston, UK.

Ellenbogen, S, հdzé, N., Wekerle, C., & the MAP research team (2008, March). Are higher levels of child physical abuse a risk factor for later aggression problems, over and above other maltreatment? First Biennial Conference of the International Family Aggression Society: Preston, UK.

հdzé, N. & Laurendeau, C. (2008, November) Gestion fondée sur les données probantes Ensemble! Parce que le Québec a besoin de tous ses jeunes. 15e conférence de l’Association des centres jeunesse du Québec, Montréal, QC.

Collin-Vézina, D. & հdzé, N. (2008, November) Déclin des investigations sur les agressions sexuelles au Canada. Ensemble! Parce que le Québec a besoin de tous ses jeunes. 15e conférence de l’Association des centres jeunesse du Québec, Montréal, QC.

Wekerle, C., Leung, E., Waechter, R., MacMillan, H., Boyle, M., & հdzé, N., & the MAP Research Team (2008, June). Perception of safety, maltreatment, and emotional regulation: Examining resilience among child protective service adolescents. Abstracts of the 69th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association Childhood Maltreatment and Emotion-based Outcomes Symposium, p. 193. Halifax, Canada

հdzé, N., Roy, C., & Laurendeau, C., (2008, June) L’utilisation de données probantes en protection de l’enfance: une stratégie de transfert des connaissances novatrice et prometteuse Trois-Rivères, QC.

Piché, A.M., հdzé, N. & Sinha, V. (2008, May) Program Evaluation in Partnership with a Cultural Community: The Strengthening Families Program of the African Canadian Development and Prevention Network. Cultural Diversity and Vulnerable Families: A Bias in Favour of Cultural Competence. Montreal, QC.

Ellenbogen, S., հdzé, N., Wekerle, C. (2008, March) What do adolescents think will happen if they behave aggressively: examining the cognitions of maltreated youth. Family Aggression: Causes & Consequences, First Biennial Conference of the International Family Aggression Society. Preston, UK

Ellenbogen, S., հdzé, N., Wekerle, C. (2008, March) Are higher levels of child physical abuse a risk factor for later aggression problems, over and above other maltreatment, First Biennial Conference of the International Family Aggression Society: Preston, UK

Dufour, S., Lavergne, C., Larrivée, M-C., & հdzé, N. (2007, July). Who are neglecting parents? A gender and family structures differential analysis. Paper presented at the International Family violence and Child Victimization Research Conference. Portsmouth, NH.

Larrivée, M-C., հdzé, N., Dufour, S., & Lavergne, C. (2007, July). Child physical abuse with and without other forms of maltreatment: Two distinct realities? Communication présentée au International Family and Child Victimization Research Conference. Portsmouth, NH.

Blackstock, C, Knoke, D. & հdzé, N. (2007) A comparison of child abuse and neglect from the CIS2003: Service implications for Aboriginal children and their families. The 2nd International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health, Montreal, Quebec, April 20-22, 2007.

հdzé, N. (2007, May). Responding to child abuse and neglect: Disentangling imminent risk from chronic need. Paper presented at the Children, Family and the State Conference. Montreal, QC.

Wekerle, C., Leung, E., Wall, A-M., MacMillan, H.L., հdzé, N., Boyle, M., & Waechter, R. (2007, March). The Role of childhood emotional abuse in trauma symptomatology and dating violence among CPS-involved adolescents. & The impact of childhood emotional maltreatment on development : (Mal) adaptation in adolescence and young adulthood.Papers presented at the Society for Research on Child Development, Conference. Boston, MA.

հdzé, N., & Belanger, S., & Roy, C. (2007, February). Knowledge Mobilization in child welfare. Paper presented at The 2007 Canadian Symposium of Child and Family Service Outcomes. Vancouver, BC.

Coughlin, L., & հdzé, N. (2007, February). A Trip Through Québec’s Youth Protection Information System. Paper presented at The 2007 Canadian Symposium of Child and Family Service Outcomes. Vancouver, BC.

Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2007, January). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) conference. San Francisco, CA.

Roy, C. & հdzé, N. (2005, November). La violence et la négligence envers les enfants: Problè de santé publique? Journées annuelles de santé publique, Institut de la statistique du Québec, Centre des Congrès, Quebec, QC.

Fu, S., հdzé, N., & Mayer, M., (2006 November). The Family Maltreatment Seriousness in Canada. Paper presented at The World Forum 2006 Future Directions in Child Welfare Conference. Vancouver, BC.

հdzé, N., Fallon B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D., & Cloutier, R. (2006, November). Select Comparisons from Two Cycles of a National Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect: Understanding Increases in Canadian Reports to Child Welfare Services. Paper presented at The World Forum 2006 Future Directions in Child Welfare Conference. Vancouver, BC.

հdzé, N., Roy, C., & Black, T. (2006, October). L’intervention en protection e la jeunesse dans les situations d’exposition à la violence conjugale/Youth Protection Intervention and Conjugal Violence. Paper presented at the International Conference on Violence Against Women: Diversifying Social Responses, Montréal, QC

հdzé N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D., & Cloutier, R. (2006, October). Select Comparisons from Two Cycles of a National Incidence Study or Reported Child Abuse and Neglect: Understanding Increases in Canadian Reports to Child Welfare Services. Paper presented at The 8e International Child and Youth Care Conference and the Congrès Conjoint Familiales, Enfance Jeunesse du Québec. Montréal, QC

Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, September). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse & Neglect. Paper presented at the XVIth ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect: Children in a Changing World: Getting It Right, York, UK.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D., & Cloutier, R. (2006, September). Select comparisons from two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the XVIth ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect: Children in a Changing World: Getting It Right, York, UK.

Fallon, B. & հdzé, N. (2006, September). Factors driving case decisions in child welfare services: Challenging conventional wisdom about organizations and workers. Doctoral dissertation presented at the XVIth ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect: Children in a Changing World: Getting It Right, York, UK.

Fallon, B., & հdzé, N. (2006, July). Factors driving case decisions in child welfare services: Challenging conventional wisdom about organizations and workers. Doctoral dissertation presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH.

հdzé, N., Knoke, D., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, July). Understanding the case substantiation decision. Paper presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH.

Durrant, J., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C., Black, T., & Knoke, D. (2006, July). Punitive violence against children in Canada. Paper presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research conference, Portsmouth, NH.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D., & Cloutier, R. (2006, July). Select comparisons from two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH.

Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, July). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse & Neglect. Paper presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D., & Cloutier, R. (2006, June). Select comparisons from two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the 2006 National Social Work Conference: Transformation: Charting Our Course, Halifax, NS.

Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, June). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse & Neglect. Paper presented at the 2006 National Social Work Conference: Transformation: Charting Our Course, Halifax, NS.

հdzé, N., Knoke, D., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, June). Understanding the case substantiation decision. Poster session presented at the Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Program's at the Hospital for Sick Children: Current Issues in Child Maltreatment 2006 conference, Toronto, ON.

Durrant, J., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., Milne, C., Black, T., & Knoke, D. (2006, June). Punitive violence against children in Canada. Poster session presented at the Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Program's at the Hospital for Sick Children: Current Issues in Child Maltreatment 2006 conference, Toronto, ON.

Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, June). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse & Neglect. Poster session presented at the Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Program's at the Hospital for Sick Children: Current Issues in Child Maltreatment 2006 conference, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D., & Cloutier, R. (2006, June). Select comparisons from two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Program's at the Hospital for Sick Children: Current Issues in Child Maltreatment 2006 conference, Toronto, ON.

Gerbert, M., Tonmyr, L., Ugnat, A., McCourt, C. , Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & հdzé, N. (2006, June) Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect New Data Implications” Canadian Paediatric Society 83rd Annual Conference, Delta St. John’s Hotel, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D., Cloutier, R. (2006, June). Select comparisons from two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the Foster Care Operators Association of Ontario (FCOAO) conference, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N., Léveillé, S., Chamberland, C., Bouchard, V., & Tremblay-Renaud, A. (2006, May). Qu’est-ce que ça prend pour réussir un partenariat entre la recherche et la pratique ? Journées professionnelles 2006 du Conseil multidisciplinaire du Centre jeunesse de Montréal – Institut universitaire, Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N., Black, T., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D., Cloutier, R. (2006, January). The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect – 2003 Major Findings. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment, San Diego, CA.

Tourigny, M., & հdzé, N. (2005, July). Analyse des sources de variation des pratiques dans les centres jeunesse du Québec. Premier congrès international des formateurs en travail social et des professionnels francophones de l’intervention sociale (ARRFIS / IRTS), Basse-Normandie - Hérouville Saint-Clair, Normandie, France.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Tonmyr, L., & de Marco, R. (2004, September). Preliminary findings from the 2003 Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Maltreatment: Interpreting changes between the 1998 and 2003 cycles. 15th International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Brisbane, Australia.

Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., & հdzé, N. (2004, September). Influence of organizational characteristics on decisions to provide services in cases of investigated maltreatment. 15th International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Brisbane, Australia.

MacLaurin, B., հdzé, N., & Fallon, B. (2004, September). Factors determining out of home placement decisions in Canada. 15th International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Brisbane, Australia.

Fluke, J., Gray, J. Kelly, S. Tonmyr, L. & հdzé, N. (2004, September). International Strategies and Approaches to Child Maltreatment Data Collection. 15th International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Brisbane, Australia.

հdzé, N. & Blackstock, C. (2004, August). Pathways to the Overrepresentation of Aboriginal Children in Canada’s Child Welfare System. Promoting Resilient Development in Children Receiving Care: 6th International Looking After Children Conference & the 5th National Child Welfare Symposium, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N., Knoke, D. Blackstock, C & Fallon, B. (2004, July). Pathways to overrepresentation: Child welfare service response to Aboriginal children in Canada. Victimization of Children and Youth: An International Research Conference Family Research Laboratory & Crimes Against Children Research Center, Portsmouth, NH.

հdzé, N., & Walsh C. (2003, July). Why are rates of child sexual abuse declining in Ontario, Canada? 8th International Family Violence Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH.

հdzé, N., & Blackstock, C. (2003, June). Child welfare response to aboriginal and non-aboriginal children in Canada: A comparative analysis. Towards a Cross-Cultural Analysis of Family Violence, Esterel, QC.

հdzé, N. (2003, June). National and international perspectives on child abuse and neglect. Third Congress on Child & Youth Health, Vancouver, BC.

Mayer, M., Lavergne, C., Dufour, S., հdzé, N., & Girard, M. (2003, June). Les caractéristiques des figures parentales dans les familles signalées aux services de protection. Paper presented at the 71st ACFAS Congress, Rimouski, QC.

Mayer, M., Dufour, S., Lavergne, C., Girard, & հdzé, N., (2003, June). Comparing parental characteristics regarding child neglect: An analysis of cases retained by child protection services in Quebec. Poster session presented at the Child & Youth Health Congress, Vancouver, BC.

Dufour, S., Chamberland, C., & հdzé, N. (2003, June). A State-of-knowledge review: What is the effectiveness of child welfare interventions? Poster session presented at the Child & Youth Health Congress, Vancouver, Canada.

հdzé, N. (2002, December). Responding to changes in reported child maltreatment: Federal program and policy implications (OIS 1993/1998). Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect Policy Forum, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (2002, July). The nature and severity of physical harm caused by child abuse and neglect: Results from the first Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. 14th International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Denver, CO.

հdzé, N. (2002, May). Emerging trends in Canadian child welfare: Implications from the Canadian (98) and Ontario (93) Incidence Studies of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. Canada’s Children. Canada’s Future 2002 Conference, Child Welfare League of Canada/Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2001, October). The Canadian Incidence Study- What Does It Mean? Paper presented at Current Issues in Child Maltreatment 2001, Hospital for Sick Children, SCAN, Toronto, ON.

Walsh, C.A., MacMillan, H.L., հdzé, N., & Daciuk, J. (2001, July). The childhood experience of violence questionnaire: Recent developments. Paper presented at the 7th International Family Violence Conference, Portsmouth, NH.

հdzé, N., & Fallon, B. (2001, July). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Factors associated with ongoing service delivery. Paper presented at the 7th International Family Violence Conference, Portsmouth, NH.

De Marco, R., & հdzé, N, (2001, June). Physical and emotional harm due to child maltreatment. Paper presented at the Canadian Pediatric Association Annual Conference, Vancouver.

հdzé, N., Phaneuf, G., Scarth, S., MacLaurin, B., & Fallon, B. (2000, October). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse & neglect: Major findings. In Child Welfare in Canada in the Year 2000: The State of the Art and Directions for the Future. Symposium conducted at the Research and Policy Symposium, Cornwall, ON.

Fallon, B., & հdzé, N. (2000, October). The impact of professional and organizational factors on decision-making in child welfare: An empirical study. In Child Welfare in Canada in the Year 2000: The State of the Art and Directions for the Future. Symposium conducted at the Research and Policy Symposium, Cornwall, ON.

MacLaurin, B., & հdzé, N. (2000, October). Trends in child welfare services in Ontario: Analysis of the 1993 and 1998 Ontario incidence studies of reported child abuse & neglect. In Child Welfare in Canada in the Year 2000: The State of the Art and Directions for the Future. Symposium conducted at the Research and Policy Symposium, Cornwall, ON.

հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., & Fallon, B. (2000, June). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Methodology. Paper presented at the Victimization of Children and Youth: An International Research Conference, Durham, NH.

Walsh, C.A., MacMillan H.L., հdzé, N., Daciuk, J., & Boyle, M. (2000, June). Psychometric properties of the childhood experience of violence questionnaire. Paper presented at the Victimization of Children and Youth: An International Research Conference, Durham, NH.

հdzé, N. (1999, October). As the pendulum swings: A 25 year analysis of Ontario child welfare services data. Paper presented at the Current Issues in Child Maltreatment Conference. SCAN Program, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.

Theriault, E., Berland, J., հdzé, N., & MacLaurin, B. (1999). A Canadian child welfare research agenda. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Roundtable for Outcome Measures in Child Welfare Services, San Antonio, TX.

հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., Theriault, E., & Berland, J. (1999, April). Child welfare services, Canadian child welfare outcomes indicator matrix. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Roundtable for Outcome Measures, San Antonio, TX.

հdzé, N., & Fallon, B. (1999, June). Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect. Paper presented at The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Dumbrill, G., & հdzé, N. (1999, February). The social construction of modern child welfare – Learning about the present by researching the past. Paper presented at the First International Interdisciplinary Conference in Advances in Qualitative Methods: Critical Reflections on Doing Qualitative Health Care Research, Edmonton, AB.

Maiter, S., & հdzé, N. (1999, May). Building bridges: The collaborative development of culturally appropriate definitions of child abuse and neglect for the South Asian community. Paper presented at the Qualitative Analysis Conference, Fredericton, NB.

հdzé, N. (1998, March). Canadian child welfare multi-dimensional outcomes framework and incremental measurement development strategy. Paper presented at The First Canadian Roundtable on Child Welfare Outcomes, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1998, July). Client outcomes in child welfare in Canada: A framework for program evaluation. Paper presented at the Program evaluation and family violence research: An international conference. Family Violence Research Laboratory, Durham, NH.

Maiter, S., & հdzé, N. (1998, June). Developing racial and cultural equity in child welfare education and training. Paper presented at the American professional Society on the Abuse of Children Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

հdzé, N. (1996, May). Le paradoxe de la négligence: Problématique sociale - solution individualiste. Keynote given at the Parents négligents et parents en dificultés d’adaptation, 64th ACFAS Congress, Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N. (1995, May). Le rôle des facteurs de classe et de genre dans la sélection de stratégies de rechèrche, d’intervention, et de prévention de la maltraitance des enfants. Keynote given at the Violences dans les relations affectives: Représentations et interventions, 63rd ACFAS Congress, Chicoutimi, QC.

հdzé, N., & Tam, K.K (1994, May) Correlates of substantiation of maltreatment in child welfare investigations. Paper presented at the National Research and Policy Symposium on Child Welfare, National Welfare Grants, Kananasakis, AB.

հdzé, N. (1992). Development of an expert based index of child neglect. Paper presented at the Ninth International Congress of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Chicago, IL.

հdzé, N., Sedlack, A., & Leck, G. (1992). Issues collecting and analyzing data on the incidence and prevalence of child maltreatment. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Institute for the Prevention of Child Abuse, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1991). Child neglect: Social label or psychological syndrome. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work Annual Conference, Kingston, ON.

հdzé, N. (1991). The Re-emergence of child neglect. Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.

Lang, N., հdzé, N., et al. (1984). Worker management of key variables in social work with groups. Paper presented at the Sixth Symposium on Social Work with Groups, Chicago, IL.


Alain, M., Lafortune, D. & հdzé, N. (2013, Nov 22) Les avantages et les limites des données probantes, émergentes et innovantes dans le développement, l’application et l’évaluation des interventions destinées aux jeunes et aux familles. Colloque JEFAR Jeunes et familles a risque, Québecm Qc.

հdzé, N. (2013, July 17) Les défis éthiques et méthodologiques impliqués dans le collecte de données et les rapports sur l'ethnicité, la race et le patrimoine autochtones. Cours d'ete international relatif aux droits de l'enfant, Moncton, NB

հdzé, N. (2013, April) Négligence: Enfants maltraités ou familles en difficulté? 2e Symposium de la pédiatrie sociale en communauté, Fondation du Dr Julien, Montréal, Qc.

հdzé, N. Collin-Vézina, D., & Fallon, B. (2012, April) Does mandate drift help explain the decline in rates of reported child sexual abuse in Canada? BASPCAN 8th National Congress, Queens University, Belfast, UK

հdzé, N., Sinha, V., & Fallon, B. (2011, November). The FN Component of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Abuse and Neglect 2008. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Directors Meeting

հdzé, N. (2011, November) Regards croisés avec le Québec: des chiffres pour quoi faire? Aide à la jeunesse: Les Chiffes 2010, Direction Générale de l’Aide à la Jeunesses, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

հdzé, N. (2010, October) Comment organiser une circulation des connaissances au service de la pratique? Journée franco-québécoise Observatoire national de l’enfance en danger, Assemblée nationale, Paris.

հdzé, N., Douek, M. Esposito, T., & Chabot M.(2010, September) La performance axée sur la finalité de l’intervention. Association des centres jeunesse du Québec Colloque des conseils d’administration. Centre jeunesse de Laval: Laval Qc.

հdzé, N (2010, August) Decisions about what? Critical reflections about operationalizing child welfare decisions American Humane Association Decision-Making Meeting, August 18-19, Denver Colorado

Engelbrecht, P. & հdzé, N. (2010) Research Challenges in Supporting Resilient Social Policy. Pathways to Resilience II Conference: The Social Ecology of Resilience Halifax, NS, June 7-10

հdzé, N. (2009, November) Perspectives d’avenir en protection de la jeunesse Les 30 ans de la Loi sur la protection de la jeuness au Quebec. Colloque JEFAR, Quebec, 27 novembre 2009

հdzé, N. (2009, November) De la dissémination à la mobilization, Les savoirs en action. Pour une utilisation optimale des connaissances. CRI-VIFF, Longeuil, Qc.

հdzé, N. (2009, October) Le transfert des connaissances de la théorie à la pratique. 4e Colloque québécois sur la maltraitance envers les enfants et les adolescents St Justine, Montreal, Qc

հdzé, N. (2009, October) Beyond the battered child syndrome: the shifting epidemiology of child maltreatment, Jubiläumssymposium 40 Jahre Kinderschutzgruppe am Kinderspital, Zurich, CH

հdzé, N. Slonsky, A., Mulcahy, M., & Esposito, T. (2009, October) National Outcomes Matrix: Core Indicators. Second National Roundtable on Child Welfare Outcomes. Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, Montreal

հdzé, N. (2009, May) Trouver le juste milieu: Réflexions sur l’expansion des mandats des services de protection au Canada 8e Séminaire francophone international en promotion de la sécurité et en prévention des traumatismes, Institut National de la Santé Publique, Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N. (2008, July) Have We Stretched the Definition of Child Maltreatment Too Far? International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, University of New Hampshire: Portsmouth, NH.

հdzé, N. (2008, July) Ethical Issues in Child Protection: Disentangling imminent risk from chronic need. Ethical Issues in Child Protection: Canadian Bioethics Society (CBS) Conference, St. John’s, NF.

հdzé, N. (2007, May) Responding to child abuse and neglect: Disentangling imminent risk from chronic need Children, Family, and the State International Conference University of Montreal, Montreal, Qc.

հdzé, N. (2007, February). Re-involving the community: Flexible responses to rising child welfare caseloads. Paper presented at The National Judicial Institute. Family Law Seminar. Victoria, BC.

Fallon, B. & հdzé, N. (2007, January). Models and Experiences on Monitoring “Methodological Issues on Child Abuse Data Collection”. Paper presented at The European Seminar on Monitoring Systems of Child Abuse Program. Florence, IT

հdzé, N., Fallon B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D., & Cloutier, R. (2006, November). Select Comparisons from Two Cycles of a National Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect: Understanding Increases in Canadian Reports to Child Welfare Services. Paper presented at The World Forum 2006 Future Directions in Child Welfare Conference. Vancouver, BC.

հdzé, N. (2005, November). Enfants maltraités ou familles en difficulté ? Étude canadienne sur l’incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants – 2003. L’utilisation des forces des parents dans un contexte d’intervention psychosociale. Centre de recherche sur l’adaptation des jeunes et des familles à risque et Centre jeunesse de Québec Université Laval, Quebec, QC.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D. and Cloutier, R. (October 2005). The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect – 2003 Major Findings. Paper presented at the World Conference on Prevention of Family Violence, Banff, AB.

հdzé, N. & Chamberland, C. (2005, May). Des univers parallèles? De l’urgence spécialisée à la collaboration intersectorielle. Deux univers a rapprocher / Bringing Two Worlds Closer Together, Montréal, QC.

հdzé, N. (2004, November). 25 ans de protection de la jeunesse: où s’en va l’intervention? Être avec les enfants, 25è anniversaire de la loi sur la protection de la jeunesse, Quebec, QC.

հdzé, N. (2004, November). The importance of community involvement in child welfare. Ontario Children and Youth Summit, Ministry of Community and Children’s Services, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N., & Knoke, D. (2004, June). Differential response & community collaboration. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2004, April). Nos enfants sont-ils mieux protégés aujourd'hui qu'il y a 25 ans? Colloque Protection de la jeunesse: Au croisement des pratiques et des savoirs, Montreal, QC.

Mustard, F., Jaffe, P, հdzé, N., et al. (2004, May). Panel presentation for the Alberta Roundtable on Family Violence & Bullying, Calgary, AB.

հdzé, N (2004, May) Re-involving the community: Alternative responses to rising child welfare caseloads. Roundtable on Family Violence & Bullying, Calgary, AB.

հdzé, N. (2004, March). Regards sur les défis futurs du travailleur social en protection de la jeunesse. Le travail social en centre jeunesse: 25 ans plus tard, Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N. (2003, October). La maltraitance d’hier a aujourd’hui: Implications intersectorielles pour la protection et le bien-être des enfants. 1er colloque québécois sur la maltraitance envers les enfants et les adolescents, Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N. (2003, September). An overview of child welfare services in Canada: Prevention of maltreatment from Vivaldi's foundlings to today. Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N., & Chamberland, C. (2003, March). Re-involving the community: The need for a differential response to rising child welfare caseloads in Canada. Community collaboration & Differential Response – 4th National Child Welfare Symposium, Banff, AB.

հdzé, N. (2003, February). From concept to practice: The Canadian child welfare outcomes indicator matrix. Canadian Symposium of Child & Family Services Outcomes: Creating a common national focus on outcome monitoring. Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (2003, February). The importance of process in developing outcome measures: Keynote Address. Canadian Symposium of Child & Family Services Outcomes: Creating a common national focus on outcome monitoring. Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (2003, September). Child maltreatment investigations in Canada. Child Protection and the Law: National Judicial Institute. Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (2002, December). Responding to changes in reported child maltreatment: Federal program and policy implications (OIS 1993/1998). Health Canada Policy Forum on the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (2002, April). The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse & Neglect: Implications for policy and practice. Sparrow Lake Alliance: 13th Annual Meeting, Port Stanton, ON.

հdzé, N. (2002, April). Emerging trends in reported child abuse across Canada. Sexual Assault Care and Treatment Centres in Ontario Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2002, February). Assessing risk of injury in cases of child maltreatment: Implications for risk assessment in the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. Ontario Psychological Association Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2001, October). Innocents Among Us Fall Event. Keynote Speaker, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2001, August). Intervening in Child Physical Assault. Workshop conducted by The Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MA.

հdzé, N., & MacLaurin, B. (2000, November). Investigated sexual abuse in Ontario: 1993-1998. Member of the expert panel on the Decline in Child Sexual Abuse Cases: An exploration of possible causes, Washington, DC.

հdzé, N. (2000, June). Participant on the Research Focus Group Meeting: National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect, Washington, DC.

հdzé, N. (1999, November). Les grands enjeux des services à l’enfance. Participant on the Forum Québécois sur les jeunes en grande détresse, Ministère de la Santé et des services sociaux et L’Association des centres jeunesse du Québec, Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N. (1999). Child neglect: Research & theory. Participant at the Child Neglect: A Shared Responsibility Conference conducted by the Department of Health and Community Services, Saint John, NB.

հdzé, N. (1999, February). Protecting Children at Risk: Proposed Changes to the Child and Family Services Act. Participant at the Symposium conducted by the Ontario Psychological Association (OPA) at its 52nd Annual Convention, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1998, November). Child welfare outcomes measurement framework. Paraticipant at the First National Child Welfare League of Canada Teleconference, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1998, October). An incremental ecological approach to measuring client outcomes in child welfare. Participant at the Annual Conference of Children’s Advocates, Edmonton, AB.

հdzé, N. (1998, March). Canadian client outcomes framework for child welfare. Participant at the First Canadian Roundtable on Client Outcomes in Child Welfare, Human Resources Development Canada, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1997). Client outcomes in child welfare: Preliminary results from a national study. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, Annual Director’s Conference, Alliston, ON.

հdzé, N. (1997). Sexual abuse in educational and recreational settings. Centre for Studies of Children at Risk: Dealing with violence in children and youth, Hamilton, ON.

հdzé, N. (1996, August). Issues in responding to child homicides. Canada’s Children, Canada’s future: Second national policy conference on children, Special Child Welfare League of Canada Pre-Conference Session, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (1996, April). Epidemiologie institutionelle. Groupe de Recherche et d’Action sur la Victimisation des Enfants - Laboratoire de Recherche en Écologie Humaine et Sociale, Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N. (1995, November). The effect of growing rates of poverty and social service cuts on children at risk of abuse and neglect: Reflections from the American experience. Paper presented at the Community hearings on child poverty and the U.N. convention on the rights of the child, Queen's Park, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N., & McPhee, D. (1994, October). Principal findings from the Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect. Participant at the Ninth Annual Conference of the Institute for the Prevention of Child Abuse, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1994, June). Child maltreatment: Universal vs. residual approaches. Symposium conducted by the Centre for Studies of Children at Risk, Hamilton, ON.

հdzé, N. (1994, April). The effect of child abuse and neglect on school performance. Participant at the Ontario Association for Students At Risk Conference, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N., McPhee, D., & Hay, T. (1993). Initial findings from the Ontario Incidence Study. Participant at the Eighth Annual Conference of the Institute for the Prevention of Child Abuse, Toronto, ON.


հdzé, N., Esposito, T. & de la Sabloniere, M. (2014, January 13). Gestion fondée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique. Centre de protection et de réadaptation de la Côte-Nord, Baie Comeau, Qc.

հdzé, N. (2013, December 10) Knowledge translation. Expert panel for developing A Guide and Toolkit for Mapping Legal, Health, and Social Service Responses to Child Maltreatment, Optimus Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland.

Gray R. Jacobs, K; Jacco, L.; Rien, R; Rosebush, N.; հdzé, N.(2013, November 14). Initiatives for Aboriginal Children in Quebec. Child Welfare League of Canada, Montreal, Qc.

հdzé, N. & Esposito, T. (2013, October 18) Les défis de la mise en contexte des indicateurs cliniques en protection de la jeunesse. Colloque des conseils d'administration de l'ACJQ, Quebec, Qc.

հdzé, N., Sinha, V. & Esposito, T. (2013, October 9) Ethical and methodological challenges involved in tracking and reporting on ethnicity, race and Aboriginal heritage. Centre for Research on Children and Families Research Seminar, Montreal, Qc.

հdzé, N., Esposito, T. & de la Sabloniere, M. (2013, October 7). Gestion fondée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique. Centre jeunesse de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Val d'Or Qc

հdzé, N. (2013, Septembre 18) Les mauvais traitements envers les enfants au Canada. Soutien à la pratique professionnelle (SPP) L'Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants, Montreal, Qc.

հdzé, N. (2013, Septembre 10) Using outcomes to move from risk averse practice to creative professional child welfare practice Alberta Ministry of Human Services, Edmonton, AB

հdzé, N. (2012, June) Using outcomes to move from risk averse practice to creative professional child welfare practice. Child Intervention System Think Tank: Building on past success and current leading practices, Edmonton, Alberta

հdzé, N. & Esposito, T. (2012, May) Outiller les directives de l’ONU sur la protection de remplacement pour les enfants avec la Matrice d’indicateurs de protection de la jeunesse (MIP). Child Welfare League of Canada Webinar, Ottawa, On.

հdzé, N. & Sinha, V. (2012, April) La Composante premières nations de l’étude canadienne sur l’incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants. Commission de la santé et des services sociaux des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador, Visio-Conférence, Qc.

հdzé, N. Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Chamberland, C., Chabot M. & Esposito, T. (2011, December) Shifting definitions of emotional maltreatment: An analysis child welfare investigation laws and practices in Canada. Centre for Research on Children and Families, Research Seminar, Montreal, Qc.

հdzé, N. & Esposito, T. (2011, September)The Use of Service Statistics in Child Protection. Batshaw Youh and Family Centres, Montreal, Qc.

հdzé, N. & Esposito, T. (2011, July) La performance axée sur la finalité de l’intervention. Association des Centres Jeunesse du Québec, Montréal, Qc.

հdzé, N. & Sinha. V. (2011, July). The First Nations component of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. Assmblyof First Nations 32nd Gneral Assembly: Child Welfare Strategy Session., Moncton, NB.

Hotte, JP & հdzé, N. L’application des modèles d’analyse de la performance en centre jeunesse (2011, March) Les mesures de performance : un outil pour assurer la pérennité des systès de santé et de services sociaux ? Ministère de la sante et des services sociaux Québec: Qc

հdzé, N.(2011, January) Table ronde sur la mobilization des connaissances, Reseau universitaire integration jeunesse, Laval, Qc

հdzé, N. (2011, January). The importance of process in measuring outcomes. Alberta Ministry of Children and Youth Services: Edmonton, AB

հdzé (2010, April). L’exposition a la violence congugale: Interventions des services de protection Canadiens Enfants victimes… adultes de demain . A cœur d’homme – Réseau d’aide aux hommes pour une société sans violence: Montreal Qc.

Campbell, A., Springate, M, & հdzé (2010, February) Legislation’s Influence on Judiciarization: Examining the effects of statutory structure and language on rates of court use in child welfare contexts. Center for Research on Children and Families: Montreal, Qc.

հdzé, N. (2010, January) La mobilisaton des connaissances dans le domaine de la protection de la jeunesse. Conférence annuelle du Réseau de santé enfant, jeune et famille, Montreal Children’s Hospital: Montreal, Qc.

հdzé, N. (2009, May) National Outcomes Matrix: Evidence of Intervention Effectiveness. Provincial Forum on Improving Outcomes for Children: Edmonton, AB

հdzé, N. (2009, April) National Outcomes Matrix& Evidence Based Mangeemnt in Child Welfare. Ontario Child Welfare Secretariat: Toronto, On.

հdzé, N. (2009, March) Shifting Conceptions of Emotional Maltreatment. Policy Think Tank on the Public Health Perspective of Early Childhood Emotional Maltreatment, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, On.

հdzé, N. (2008, December) Trouver le juste milieux : leçons à tirer des succès et excès des 45 dernières années de protection de la jeunesse en Amérique du Nord. Voyage aux frontières du possible La place du risque dans nos décisions, nos interventions, nos innovations: Versailles, FR

հdzé, N. (2008, December) Mieux comprendre pour mieux servir : stratégies pour monitorer l’impact des services de protection. Voyage aux frontières du possible La place du risque dans nos décisions, nos interventions, nos innovations: Versailles, FR

հdzé, N. (2008, October), Re-involving the community: Flexible responses to rising child welfare caseloads. Champions for Children and Youth 2008 Summit: Vancouver, BC.

հdzé, N. (2008, September). Responding to the Overrepresentation of First Nations children in Canada’s Child Welfare System. Western Ministers Retreat on Aboriginal Issues: Banff, AB.

հdzé, N. & Sinha, V. (2008, August). The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect – Quantitative Methods in Aboriginal Child Welfare Research . National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC.

Collin-Vézina, D. Quinn, A. հdzé, N., Blackstock, C. (2008, April) Current Evidence on Sexual Abuse in Canadian Aboriginal Communities: Resilience or Hidden Epidemic? First Nations and Innuit Health Branch, Inaugural First Nations, Inuit and Metis Research Meeting: Montreal, QC

հdzé, N. (2008, March) Exit cohorts, units of analysis, and stacked bars: Challenges helping social service administrators understand their own data. ֱ Social Statistics: Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N. (2008, January) L’étude Canadienne de l’incidence des mauvais traitements et la Matrice nationale d’impacts Obesrvatoire Natonal de l’Enfance en Danger: Paris, FR.

հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B., Knoke, D., Pitman, L., McCormack, M. (2007) The overrepresentation of First Nations Children in Child Welfare. Paper presented at the Jewish General Hospital’s Culture and Mental Health Researah Unit.

հdzé, N., Ugnat, A-M., MacLaurin, B., Fallon, B., Tonmyr, L., & Turcotte, D. (2007, March) Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. 2nd Annual Public Health Agency of Canada Research Forum. Winnipeg, MA.

Leslie, B., Goodman, D., Knoke, D., հdzé, N. (2006, June). Improving Service Decisions for Children and Youth at Risk of Placement. Study findings presented at the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) & Canadian Mental Health Organization?s (CMHO) Joint Conference: Working Together for Ontario?s Children and Families, Toronto, ON.

Fallon, B., հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., Knoke, D., Black, T., Daciuk, J., & Felstiner, C., (2006, June). Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (OIS): Major findings. Report presented at the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) & Canadian Mental Health Organization’s (CMHO) Joint Conference: Working Together for Ontario’s Children and Families, Toronto, ON.

Black, T., հdzé, N., Fallon, B., & MacLaurin, B. (2006, June). Response of the Canadian child welfare system to cases of exposure to domestic violence: Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse & Neglect. Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies & Canadian Mental Health Organization’s Joint Conference: Working Together for Ontario’s Children and Families, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Daciuk, J., Felstiner, C., Black, T., Tonmyr, L., Blackstock, C., Barter, K., Turcotte, D., & Cloutier, R. (2006, May). Select comparisons from two cycles of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS): Understanding increases in Canadian reports to child welfare services. Report presented at the Foster Care Operators Association of Ontario (FCOAO) conference, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2006, May). Enfants maltraités ou familles en difficulté ? Étude canadienne sur l’incidence des signalements de cas de violence et de négligence envers les enfants – 2003. Commission des droits de la personne, QC.

հdzé, N., MacLaurin, B., & Blackstock, C. (2006, April). Pathways to over-representation of First Nations children in out of home care. JIRU Board, Manitoba Southern Authority, Winnipeg, MB

հdzé, N., Bennett, M., & Shangraux, C. (2006, April). Child Welfare Services to First Nations Children: A Comparative Analysis. Weechi-it-te-win Family Services, Fort Frances, ON

Chamberland, C., Poirier, M., & հdzé, N. (2006, February) Commentaires sur les revisions à la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse, Assemblée nationale du Québec.

Fallon, B., & հdzé, N. (2005, November). OIS Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect: 1993/1998/2003. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2005, November). Research for Practice: Four Questions About Child Welfare Services. Batshaw Youth and Family Centres, Professional Development Day, Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N. (2005, October). First Nations Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. Briefing to Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (2005, October). Outcome indicators Workshop. Batshaw Youth and Family Centres, Annual Retreat for the Evaluation & Orientation Division, Weredale, QC.

հdzé, N. (2005, October). The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect -2003. National Release. Public Health Agency of Canada, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (2005, September). The Experience of First Nations Children Coming into Contact with the Child Welfare System in Canada: CIS 2003. Chiefs Task Group on the National Policy Review, Saskatoon, SK.

հdzé, N. (2005, May). CIS-2003: Preliminary Findings. Federal, Provincial, Territorial Directors of Child Welfare, St John’s, NL.

հdzé, N. (2005, May). Child Neglect: Etiology, Epidemiology & Assessment. Batshaw Multidisciplinary Committee Conference, Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N., & Chamberland, C. (2004, October). La maltraitance des enfants: Implications pour les politiques de périnatalité au Québec. Comité sur la politique de périnatalité au Québec, Montreal, QC.

հdzé, N. (2004, May). Re-involving the community: Alternative responses to rising child welfare caseloads. Child Abuse Workshop, Brockville, ON.

հdzé, N. (2004, January). Evidence based social work practice. Field practice seminar at York University, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2003, December). Beyond risk assessment: Emerging differential responsemodels in Canada. Ottawa Children’s Aid Society Centenary Annual General Meeting, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (2003, March). The Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse & neglect: Implications for child welfare policy and practice in Canada. Presentation at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

հdzé, N. (2003, October) Child protection and child well-being: Addressing the underlying tensions Expert conference, Chapin Hall Center for Children, Chicago,

հdzé, N. (2002, November). Outcome measurement in child welfare. Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies, Quality Assurance Committee, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2002, February). Trends in child welfare in Ontario: Preliminary findings. Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies’ Consultation, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2002). Beyond reporting & risk assessment: Treatment & prevention of child neglect. “Best Practice Practices” Workshops, Faculty of Social Work, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N., MacMillan, H., & De Marco, R. (2001, November). Injuries due to maltreatment: Implications for Risk Assessment. CIS Research Forum, co-sponsored by Health Canada & the Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, Val David, QC.

MacLaurin, B., & հdzé, N. (2001, November). Predictors of placement. CIS Research Forum, co-sponsored by Health Canada & the Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, Val David, QC.

հdzé, N. (2000, December). Canadian incidence study, Preliminary findings. Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies’ Consultation, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2000, November). A profile of child neglect in Ontario: Research & practice. Paper presented at the Workshop Presentation, Waterloo CAS, Waterloo, ON.

հdzé, N. (2000, November) A presentation of results and implications from the recent national Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect. Paper presented at the Keeping Our Children Safe: Community Solutions, Ottawa-Carleton Community Committee on Child Abuse, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (2000, September). Canadian incidence study on reported child abuse and neglect: Preliminary findings. Paper presented at the Faculty of Social Work Alumni Association Continuing Education Seminar, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (2000, June). A profile of child maltreatment in Canada: Emerging research & effective intervention. Workshop Presentation at the Cape Breton CAS, Cape Breton, NS.

հdzé, N. (1999, June). What gets measured gets funded: An outcomes tracking strategy for an ecological approach to child welfare. Keynote address for the Renfrew CAS Annual Meeting, Renfrew, ON.

հdzé N. (1999, May). Recherches sur les enfants négligés et abusés. Présentation au Groupe de recherche et famille - École de service social, Université Laval, Laval, Quebec.

հdzé, N. (1999). Practice implications from recent developments in research on child neglect. Paper presented at the Health and Social Services Child Welfare Symposium, Charlottetown, P.E.I.

հdzé, N. (1998, September). Canadian child welfare matrix of indicators. Presentation to the Ministry of Community and Social Services Senior Management Policy Forum, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1998, September). Standards for assessing and treating child neglect: Implications from research. Presentation to the Ministry of Community and Social Services Child Neglect Standards Work Group, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1998, May). Staying on track while the pendulum swings: Commentary on child welfare policy trends. Keynote address for the Ottawa CAS Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (1997, September). Child welfare in Ontario. Filmed presentation for Japanese Open University Film Series on Social Welfare, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1997, August). Client outcomes in child welfare: Preliminary results from a national study. Presentation made to the Provincial and Territorial Directors of Child Welfare Meeting, Victoria, BC.

հdzé, N. (1997, May). Child neglect: Review and implications of findings from the Ontario incidence study. Presentation to the Ministry of Community and Social Services, Children’s Division, Policy Group, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1997, Spring). Critical appraisal of social work research: Evaluating research designs. Three presentations made to the Hospital for Sick Children’s social work department, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1996, October). Sexual abuse & coacs: Myths and realities. Presentation to the Toronto Branch Lions Club, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1996, September). Presentation to the 1996 Child Welfare Study Mission to Canada and the USA. Foundation for Children’s Future (Japan), Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1996, September). Research perspective: Forum on child fatalities. Presentation to the Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1996, May). Issues in interpreting child homicide rates. Presentation to the Homicide Task Force-Toronto: Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1996, May). Child abuse, child neglect and child homicides: Presentation of findings from the Ontario incidence study. Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1996, May). Child abuse, child neglect and child homicides: Presentation of findings from the Ontario incidence study. Presentation to the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N., & Michalski, J. (1995). National incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Feasibility and methodological issues. Presentation at the National Panel Conference, Child Welfare League of Canada, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (1994). Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Major findings. Presentations at Family Violence Prevention Division, Health Canada, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (1994). Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Major findings. Presentation at the Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1994). Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Major findings. Presentation at the Jewish Child and family Services, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1994). Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Major findings. Presentation at the Ottawa-Carleton Children’s Aid Society, Ottawa, ON.

հdzé, N. (1994). Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Major findings. Presentation at the Children’s Aid Society of Haldimand Norfolk, ON.

հdzé, N. (1994). Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect: Major findings. Presentation at the Institute for Child Study, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.

հdzé, N. (1994). L’Incidence de la maltraitance des enfants en Ontario. Presentation at l’École de Service Social, Université d’Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.



Reclaiming Child Welfare (SWK 606) (2013-present)

Advanced Research Methods and Analysis: Quantitative Data (SWK 724) (2008-2011)

Research Methods 2: Quantitative (SWK 643) (2009-present)

Summer Workshop in Quantitative Methods for Aboriginal Child Welfare Research (2008-2009)

Doctoral Dissertation Seminar (SwK 721) (2006-2008)

MSW Quantitative Research (SWK 643) (2006-2008)

Designing and Implementing Social Work Research Methods: Quantitative Methods (SWK 6308) (2002-2005)

Survey Design (SWK 6308) (200-2002)

Welfare of Children: Policy and Clinical Knowledge for Practice (SWK 4668) (1993-2004)

Parenting: Interdisciplinary perspectives (JPX 1001) (2001-2002)

Research in Social Work II: Experimental Design (SWK 4502) (2000-2001)

Design Thesis (SWK 2005H) (1998-2002)

Critical Appraisal of Social Work Literature (SWK 2001H) (1998-2001)

Research Diploma: Outcome Effectiveness Research (SWK 2002H) (1998-1999)

Research Methods (SWK 4508) (1995-2000)

MSW Design Thesis (SWK 4509) (1995-2000)

Social Work Skills Lab (SWK 4105) (1993-1997)

Elements of Social Work Practice (SWK 4103) (1993-1997)

Critical Appraisal of Social Work Research Literature (SWK 4507) (1993-1997)



Melanie Doucet, ֱ, Youth transitions from care (In progress)

Anna Kozlowski, ֱ, Funding inequities for First Nations child welfare services (In progress)

Jennifer Nutton, ֱ, Culturally appropriate child welfare services to First Nations communities (In progress)

Jaime Wegner-Lohin , ֱ, (co-supervised with David Rothwell), Educational success for children in foster care (In progress)

Alicia Boatswain-Kyte, Université de Montréal (co-supervised with Claire Chamberland), Permanency for children in foster care.(In progress)

Elizabeth Fast, ֱ, Exploring the role of culture among urban Indigenous youth in Montreal (In progress)

Ye Ri Choi, ֱ (co-supervised with Jacqueline Oxman-Martinez), Adaptation of adolescent immigrants (In progress)

Toni Esposito, ֱ, From initial maltreatment investigation: Exploring the placement trajectories of children in the Québec child protection system. (2012) ֱ e_thesis PID: 114201

Stephen Ellenbogen, ֱ (co-supervised with Claire Chamberland). From physical abuse victim to aggressor: deconstructing the relationship (2009)

Della Knoke, University of Toronto, Pathways to Severe Child Physical Abuse: Exploring the Use of Subtypes (2008)

Louise Carignan, ֱ Univeristy (co-supervised with Jacques Moreau), Analyse de l’adaptation sociale et personnelle des jeunes placés à majorité en fonction de leur trajectoire de placement et du maintien ou non maintien des contacts avec leurs parents biologiques (2008)

Marie-Claude Simard, ֱ (co-supervised with Carol Speirs), La réunion familiale des adolescents placés en resources de réadaptation (2007)

Barbara Fallon, University of Toronto, Factors driving case dispositions in child welfare services: Challenging conventional wisdom about the importance of organizations of workers (2005),
DAI, 65 (06) (UMI No. AAT NR02921)

Christine Walsh, University of Toronto Asking youths about exposure to child sexual abuse: An evaluation of the Childhood Experiences of Violence Questionnaire (2005) DAI, 65 (10) (UMI No. AAT NQ94524)

Gary Dumbrill, University of Toronto, Parental experience of child protection intervention (2002)
DAI, 65 (10) (UMI No. AAT NQ94560)

Sarah Maiter, University of Toronto,Child welfare in a multicultural context: Definitions, values and service issues (2001) DAI, 62 (04) (UMI No. AAT NQ59082)


Lise Milne, ֱ, Child Sexual Abuse (in progress)

Kate Schumaker, University of Toronto, Child Neglect (2012)

Tara Black, University of Toronto, Children’s exposure to domestic violence (2009)

Cindy Blackstock, University of Toronto, Over-representation of First Nations children in long-term foster care (2009)

Theresa Knott, University of Toronto, Testing the maternal response hypothesis in cases of child sexual abuse (2008)

Miriam Gonzalez, University of Manitoba, Predictors of Injury Severity in Reported Cases of Child Physical Abuse in Canada (2004)

Rachel Crowder, Carleton University, Sibling sexual abuse: A descriptive study of sibling sexual abuse data from Canadian incidence studies and selected sibling incest research, 1980-2001 (2003)
DAI, 42 (01) (UMI No. AAT MQ79827)

Ted McNeill, University of Toronto, Holistic fatherhood: A grounded theory approach to understanding fathers of children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) (2001)
DAI, 62 (11) (UMI No. AAT NQ63799)

Ramona Alaggia, University of Toronto, Contextualizing maternal response to intrafamilial child sexual abuse: An exploratory study (1999)
DAI, 61 (01) (UMI No. AAT NQ45810)

Deborah Goodman, University of Toronto, A comparative study of human service professionals’ perceptions of minimum child protection entry points for neglect: An Ontario perspective (1999)
DAI, 61 (01) (UMI No. AAT NQ45796)

Debra McPhee, University of Toronto, The child protection system: Organizational responses to child sexual abuse and the social construction of social problems (1998)
DAI, 60 (01) (UMI No. AAT NQ35247)

Allan Barsky, University of Toronto, Essential aspects of mediation in child protection cases (1995)
DAI, 57 (08) (UMI No. AAT NN11945)


Masako Tanaka, McMaster University, Impairment in young adults associated with child maltreatment (2010)

Jean Francois de Rochemont, Mcgill University, Countertransference as a an obstacle to clinical intervention in the treatment of incest (2009)

Julie Perkins, University of Ottawa, Foster parenting practices as predictors of foster child outcomes (2008)

Clara Beissel, University of Westgern Ontario, Parental response in case of child neglect (2007)

David Klein, Université de Laval, Troubles de comportement ou mauvais traitements? (2007)

Joan Keefler, ֱ, Psychosocial assessments (2005)

Sonia Hélie, Université de Montréal, Etude sur la récurrence des mauvais traitements (2005)

Joanna Bolster, University of Alberta 'It takes a community': An investigation of placement instability for Albertan children in protective care (2003)
DAI, 65 (01) (UMI No. AAT NQ87940)

Michèle Brousseau, Université de Laval, La perception du fonctionnement familial des parents négligents et non négligents et les facteurs familiaux, parentaux et environnementaux associés (1999)
DAI, 60 (10) (UMI No. AAT NQ43051)

Micheline Mayer, Université de Montréal, Les contextes écologiques d’incidence de mauvais traitements à l’égard des enfants dans la région de Montréal (1997)
DAI, 59 (03) (UMI No. AAT NQ26700)

Penninah Dufite-Bizimana, University of Toronto, Getting back to the garden: Rethinking child welfare in Uganda (1997)
DAI, 59 (06) (UMI No. AAT NQ27915)


Laurence Charlebois, Youth mental health (In progress)

Pamela Weightman, The Structure and Delivery of First Nations Child Welfare Services in Quebec (2012)

Jessica Mitchell, Adapting family group conferencing to an Aboriginal community (2011)

Lianne Charron, Youth involvement in placement planning (2011)

Shirley Wallace, child welfare service responses to intimate partner violence (2010)

Leigh Garland, does culture matter? The characteristics and outcomes of adolescent physical abuse cases investigated by Youth Protection services (2009)

Linda Shames, Rate of symptoms of dual diagnosis in the Child Welfare system in Canada: Profile of adolescents and their caregiver in the CIS-2003 (June 2007)

Rebecca Miller, Attachment Theory Use by Child Welfare Workers (2007)

Elizabeth Fast, Child Welfare Response to Child Sexual Abuse: Too much or not enough? (2007)

Daniel Sheriff, The exploration of youths’ experiences in care of the Children’s Aid Society and their experiences with delinquent activities (2003)
MAI, 41 (06) (UMI No. AAT MQ78267)


Andreas Jud. Decision-making in Child Welfare (2010-2011)

Vandna Sinha, Social services for visible minorities in Canada (2006-2008)

Marc Tourigny, Criminal proceedings in cases of child sexual abuse (1999-2000)


Bruce MacLaurin, University of Toronto, CIHR – CECW Research Intern, (2001-2002)

Christine Walsh, University of Toronto, CIHR – CECW Research Intern (2002-2003)

Lil Tonmyr, Université d’Ottawa, CIHR – CECW Research Intern, (2002-2003)

Michael McKenzie, University of Michigan, CIHR – CECW Research Intern, (2003-2004)

Heidi Kiang, Toronto Children’s Aid Society , Bell Canada Research Intern (2003-2004)

Daniel Moore, Owen Sound Child and family Services, Bell Canada Research Intern (2003-2004)

Katherine Dill, Ottawa Children’s Aid Society, Bell Canada Research Intern (2003-2004)

Cathy Saynor, University of Toronto, MSW Research Practicum (2002)

Barb Copp, University of Toronto, Research Practicum (2002)




Director, ֱ Centre for Research on Children and Families (2007-present)

Director, ֱ Centre for Applied Family Studies (2005-2007)

Scientific Director, Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (2005-2010)

Director, Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare (2000-2004)

Director – Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit, University of Toronto (1997-2000)

PhD Coordinator, University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work (2000-2001)

Director, Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit (1997-2001)

Director, Centre for Applied Social Research, University of Toronto, 1999-2000

Assistant Ph.D. Coordinator, University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, 1996-1998


External Member, University Tenure Committee for Recruitment for the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology (2014)

Alternate Member, University Tenure Committee for Recruitment for the Faculty of Arts (2013-2016)

Member (Senate Representative) ֱ Tenure Committee in the Faculty of Music (2012-2015)

Member, ֱ Research Ethics Board II (2012-2015)

Member (Senate Representative) Re-appointment committee for the Dean of Management (2009-2010)

Member, Internal Review Committee for Canada Research Chairs, James ֱ Professors & William Dawson Scholars (2007-2009)

Member & Treasurer, Le Comité de coordination du Regroupement des unites de formation universitaire en travail social du Québec, RUFUTS (2006-2010)

Member, Faculty Arts University Tenure Committee (2007-2010)

Member, School of Social Work, Staff Selection, Promotion, and Tenure Review & Hiring Committee (2005-present)

Member, School of Social Work, Director’s Planning Committee (2007-present)

Member, Institute for Health and Social Policy Advisory Group (2005-2010)

Member (Faculty of Arts Representative) Committee to Review Centers at ֱ (2008)

Member, Faculty of Dentistry Tenure Committee (2006-2008)


Child Maltreatment, Editorial Board

Children & Youth Services Review, Book Review co-Editor


Member, Child Intervention System Improvements Implementation Oversight Committee, Alberta Human Services (2014-2015)

Member, Children and Youth in Challenging Contexts Network Governing Board (2013-present)

Member, Comité Consultatif, Fondation du Dr. Julien (2013-present)

Expert Witness, Commission of Inquiry into the Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Phoenix Sinclair (2012-2013)

Expert Witness, First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada et al. and Attorney General of Canada, Canadian Human Rights Commission (2012-2013)

Member, Sous-comité sur les données du Comité Clinique – Commission pour la Santé et Services Sociaux Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador (2008-present)

Member, UBS Optimus Foundation – Child Protection Study – Scientific Committee (2007-present)

Member – Comité scientifique de la Chaire interuniversitaire Marie-Vincent sur les agressions sexuelles envers les enfants (2011-present).

Senior Advisor for Knowledge Integration – Batshaw Youth and Family Centres (2005-2012)

Member, National Statistics Council, Statistics Canada (2005-2013)

Member: Comité d'orientation de l'enquête sur la violence dans la vie des enfants – Institut de la statistique du Québec (2011-2013)

Co-Chair, Alberta Child Intervention Review – Alberta Ministry of Child and Youth Services (2009-2010)

Member, Expert Panel on Early Childhood Development – Royal Society of Canada (2010-2012)

Member, Child Welfare Outcomes Expert Reference Group – Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services (2008-2010)

Member, Mental Health Commission of Canada: Child and Youth Advisory Committee (2007-2010)

Member, Sous-Comité sur L’Évaluation de la Nouvelle Loi sur la Protection de la Jeunesse (2006-2011)

Member, Plate-forme informationelle pour le bien-être de l’enfant (PIBE), Management Committee (2006-2008)

Research Consultant, Commission of Inquiry on Pediatric Forensic Pathology (Goudge Commission, Ontario) (2007)

Member, RBC Children’s Health Program Advisory Panel (2007)

Expert Witness, Cornwall Public Inquiry (Institutional response to sexual abuse) (2006)

Research Advisor, Child Welfare Secretariat (Review of policies, legislation & funding) Ontario Ministry of Child and Youth Services (2004-2006)

Member, North American Regional Consultation for the UN Secretary-General's Study on Violence Against Children Coordinating Committee (2005)

Consultant, Client Outcomes in Child Welfare Phase III , Provincial and Territorial Directors of Child Welfare, with funding from the province of Alberta (2003-2005)

Consultant, Research and Evaluation Capacity Building Project – Batshaw Youth and Family Services (2003-2005)

Member, Toronto Children’s Aid Society Social Policy Committee (2002 – 2005)

Member, Toronto Children’s Aid Society Exposure to Domestic Violence Work Group (2003 – 2004)

Member, Listening for Direction on Injury project, Steering Committee, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2003-2004)

Chair, Evaluation Committee for the Alberta Response Model, Ministry of Alberta Children's Services – (2002-2004)

External Reviewer La nouvelle politique familiale, Valorisation Recherche Québec (2003)

Member, Comité d’experts sur la révision de la Loi de la Protection de la Jeunesse Association des centres jeunesse du Québec (2003)

Member, Community Alliance for Health Research, Evaluation and Performance Measurement Committee – Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2002- 2003)

Consultant, National Incidence Study (NIS-IV), Technical Advisory Group – United States Department of Health and Human Service (2001-2003)

Member, National Outcome Standards Symposium, Steering Committee, The Canadian Outcomes Institute (2001-2002)

Member, Standing Committee on Youth and Adolescents Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Human Development Child and Youth Health (2001)

Advisor, Ministry of Social Services, Alberta, Special Advisor for Child Welfare Policy (2001)

Consultant, New Brunswick Family and Community Services (2001)

Member, Building Capacity Project, Steering Committee, Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs (1999-2001)

Panelist, Panel on the Decline of Sexual Abuse Cases – Crime Against Children Research Center, Washington, DC. (2000)

Member, Research Focus Group - National Incidence Study (NIS), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (2000)

Member, Research Advisory Council, Voices for Chilren (1998-2000)

Member, Québec Panel d’Experts Affaire Beaumont, Association des centre jeunesse du Québec (1998-1999)

Member, Ontario Minister’s Panel of Child Welfare Experts (CFSA Review) Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services (1997-1998)

Expert Witness, Ontario Coroner’s Inquest into the death of Shanay Johnson (1997)

Expert Witness, Ontario Coroner’s Inquest into the death of Angela and David Dombroskie (1997)

Expert Witness, Ontario Coroner’s Inquest into the death Jamie and Devon Burns (1997)

Team Leader, Review of child welfare services provided by the Children’s Aid Society of Algoma, Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services (1996)

Consultant, Measuring rates of child abuse, Community Action Programs for Children, Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse (1994)

Group Worker, Jessie’s Centre for Teenagers, parenting and pre-natal groups (1989-1991)

Chair (1992-1993), Member (1989-1992) Ontario Association of Professional Social Workers, Children’s Services Work Group

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