
Teaching Certificate/Brevet d'enseignment Application


Teacher Certification in Quebecis the responsibility of theMinistère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur(MEES). Graduates from programs that satisfy Provincial eligibility requirements are recommended to the Ministry for Quebec Teacher Certification by the Faculty of Education.

Different ֱ personnel help to facilitate your teaching diploma or Brevet d'ensiegnment. Please select your program to see the information that applies to you:

Teacher Certification for B.Ed. & MATL Programs

B.Ed. Students: Preparing your Application

  • All students graduating from a B.Ed. program are required to submit the documents to apply for a provincial Quebec Teaching Certificate/Brevet d'enseignment to the Internships & Student Affairs Office by the approved deadline (see Submission Period tab); early applications will not be accepted and late applications may delay receipt of permit/diploma.
  • Even if you do not think that you need certification at this time, apply at the end of your final yearas it can be a complicated and lengthy process later on.
  • The ISA Office submits the documentation on your behalf to the Ministry after your ֱ transcript indicates that you have graduated; upon receipt of the documentation, the Ministry is responsible for the processing and distribution of permits/diplomas; processing times can vary, so please be patient and recognize that the ISA/ֱ does not have control of this process.
  • The diploma/permit will be mailed to you at the mailing address that you specify on your application; therefore, please be sure to include a permanent address where you can still receive mail anywhere from six months to a year later.
  • Employers in Quebec are aware that there is a long delay between ֱ's graduation and receipt of the actual permit/diploma and, in general, do not require an interim letter of attestation from ֱ.
  • Individuals with a Quebec teaching license who wish to teach in another province or another country must first apply for and receive their Teacher Certification in Quebec before applying directly to the Teacher Certification Agency in the other relevant province or country. It is recommended that applicants intending to teach in locations other than the Province of Quebec obtain information beforehand concerning the requirements for certification.

If you require proof/documents/a letter of attestation for an employment application

If you require proof/documents/a letter of attestation for an employment application, you can print an automatic "Proof of Graduation" letter from Minerva as soon as “degree granted” appears on your transcript (Student Menu >Student Records Menu >Letters – Proof of Enrolment). If this does not meet the employer's needs, please email isa.education [at] mcgill.ca with the details of your request.

MATL Students: Preparing your Application

Once students have flagged themselves for graduation, an email will be sent with the appropriate documents to complete. These should be returned to the DISE Office by the set deadline. Students with holds on their accounts will not be recommended the Ministère de l'Éducation, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (MEESR). For more information, contact matl.education [at] mcgill.ca.

Application Guide

Need a quick how-to on applying for your Teaching Certificate? Check out this step-by-step video:

Application Process

  1. Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents: Graduates of Bachelor of Education programs may apply for a permanent Quebec Teaching Certificate/Brevet d'enseignment immediately upon graduation.**NEW** International Students: Graduates of Bachelor of Education programs may now apply for the permanent Quebec Teaching Certificate/Brevet d'enseignment immediately upon graduation and not the Temporary Permit (Permis d’enseigner) as has been the case in previous terms.
  2. Students submit the required documents (see "Required Documentation" section below) to the Internships & Student Affairs Office by the submission deadline (see "Submission Period" section below).
  3. Electronic Submission Process
    • Download and complete the (1) Ministry Application for a Teaching License Form, (2) Confidential Declaration Concerning a Judicial Record [See links below in the "Required Documentation" section]
    • Ensure forms are signed
    • B.Ed. Students: Scan and attach both documents as one PDF document and email them to brevet.education [at] mcgill.ca
    • MATL Students:Please email matl.education [at] mcgill.ca to submit your Brevet application.

4. The Faculty submits the documents to the Ministry after students have officially graduated.The Ministry processes the documents and sends the Brevet or Permis directly to the graduates via the mailing address indicated on the student's application form.

Required Documentation

    1. inistry Application for a Teaching License Form:
      Sample Applications: Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident | International Student

      IMPORTANT: YOUR SIN: You need to include your Social Insurance Number on this form. It is by this number alone that the Ministry of Education will identify you. For our records, please also enter your Social Insurance Number on Minerva under the Personal Menu.
      IMPORTANT: YOUR ADDRESS: The government will issue/mail your physical certificate to you many months later than the date you submit your application. We suggest you put a permanent address (e.g. yours, your family's) on your application, where you will be able to access the mail delivered there up to 6 months later than the date of your application submission.

    2. Declaration concerning a judicial record
    3. Official ֱ transcript
      This will be printed and processed by the Faculty of Education, provided there are no holds on the student’s record. The student does NOT need to request an official transcript from Service Point.
    4. Post-Graduation Work Permit OR Study Permit (if pursuing further studies after graduation) *International Students only*
      **Must be valid in Quebec!
      **Must be authorized by a Commissioner for Oaths!

      Note that this is not the same as the “Internship Co-op Work Permit” that you needed to complete your Field Experience courses.
      For more information about permits, please visit .
      For assistance from ֱ's International Student Services (ISS) in obtaining the work permit, please refer to the ISS website.
      provides a free Commissioner for Oaths service to members of both the ֱ and Montreal communities.

    Submission Period

    • December 1 – January 31: Fall Graduation (May Convocation)
    • March 1 – April 30: Winter Graduation (May Convocation)
    • August 1 – September 30: Summer Graduation (Oct/Nov Convocation)


    Our office cannot start processing applications until weeks after the submission deadline. Only once your Official Transcript with Degree Granted stamped on it is available (usually a few days after the Senate meeting for Degree Approval), our office will be able to obtain a copy to include with your application. Once all the applications have been prepared by our office, they will be sent to the Ministry of Education. The Ministry will then ֱ your judicial record check to the Sûreté du Québec to be verified. Once they receive a response back, the Ministry will then process your documents and send your certification directly to you. This entire process takes a couple of months and the ISA Office is not able to update students on the status of their applications once they have been sent to the Ministry.

    Failure to submit all documents by the last date of the submission period will result in a delay in the processing of your teaching permit. These deadlines do not apply to International students, who should submit their documents as soon as their work permit has been issued (in some cases this can only be requested after graduation).

    Teacher Certification Resources by Province

    Teacher candidates who wish to teach in another province or another country must first apply for and receive their Teacher Certification in Quebec before applying directly to the Teacher Certification Agency in the other relevant province or country. It is recommended that applicants intending to teach in locations other than the Province of Quebec obtain information beforehand concerning the requirements for certification.

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