

Leduc receives Prix Jeune Agronome from l’Ordre des Agronomes du QuĂ©bec

Congratulations to Maxime Leduc, BSc(AgEnvSc)’12, a self-employed consultant in forage systems and Farm Management and Technology Program Lecturer, who has been awarded the Prix Jeune Agronome from l’Ordre des Agronomes du Quebec for his exceptional contributions to Quebec agriculture. Earlier this year Maxime received the Macdonald Distinguished Young Alumni Award.

Published: 24 Jan 2022

AES researchers to play key roles in NFRF-T project

Professors Murray Humphries, Director of the ±«ÓăֱȄ Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment (CINE), and Treena Delormier and Hugo Melgar-Quinonez, both from the School of Human Nutrition, will play key roles in the NFRF-T project, Biodivers

Published: 24 Jan 2022

Marangoni appointed to Order of Canada

On December 29th, for the first time in her role as Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon announced Order of Canada appointments and promotions. Among the 135 honorees is Professor Alejandro G. Marangoni (B.Sc.(Agr)’87), the Canada Research Chair in Food, Health and Aging at the University of Guelph.

Published: 14 Jan 2022

Burgos and Edick among researchers recognized by Québec Science

Scientists affiliated with ±«ÓăֱȄ were once again well-represented in QuĂ©bec Science magazine’s annual list of the top 10 scientific discoveries.

Published: 14 Jan 2022

Noroozi receives prestigious Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers

On December 13th at a ceremony hosted by the Canadian Governor General’s Office in Ottawa, Ebrahim (Eby) Noroozi, MSc'78 (Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry), was presented with The Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers in the presence of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada.

Published: 17 Dec 2021

Nancy Lavigne named Unsung Hero

Every institution has a number of people who become the face of that organization. But for every recognizable “star,”, there is a bevy of unsung heroes who quietly go about their work, making things happen. We call these people “the unsung heroes,”, and nobody embodies the spirit of that definition at ±«ÓăֱȄ more than Nancy Lavigne.

Published: 18 Nov 2021

Bennett and Xia named to 2021 Highly Cited Researchers list

Academic careers are built on many factors, including perseverance, thirst for new knowledge, and research papers.

Published: 18 Nov 2021

±«ÓăֱȄ MARTLET teams take home NASA and CSA Deep Space Food Challenge prize

NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) have named the winners of the first Deep Space Food Challenge, an international contest that sought novel food technologies for future astronaut missions, as well as for use in resource-scarce regions on Earth.

Published: 16 Nov 2021

Quand une histoire de canneberges se conclut par un don pour l’environnement

GrĂące au don de Marc Bieler, l’UniversitĂ© ±«ÓăֱȄ peut offrir un meilleur soutien Ă  la recherche en environnement.

« La canneberge est la culture maraĂźchĂšre la plus Ă©cologique qui soit, dĂ©clare Marc Bieler. D’une part parce qu’elle est cultivĂ©e sur des terres classĂ©es impropres Ă  l’agriculture, les sols Ă©tant trop humides et acides, et d’autre part parce que la loi nous oblige Ă  conserver Ă  l’état naturel 35 % de la superficie de la ferme. »

Published: 16 Nov 2021

Un modĂšle unique de recherche collaborative pour l'industrie agroalimentaire

Rassembler des entreprises concurrentes autour d’une mĂȘme table avec des chercheurs pour innover : c’est le dĂ©fi sur lequel mise, depuis 2017, le Consortium de recherche et d’innovation sur la transformation alimentaire (RITA) Ă  l’UniversitĂ© ±«ÓăֱȄ. Et ça marche.

Published: 16 Nov 2021

$2.5 million for the creation of the Réseau québécois de recherche en agriculture durable

On October 8th, the Fonds de recherche du QuĂ©bec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT), along with its partner the ministĂšre de l'Agriculture, des PĂȘcheries et de l'Alimentation (MAPAQ) announced the creation of the RĂ©seau quĂ©bĂ©cois de recherche en agriculture durable (RQRAD), a flagship measure of the

Published: 13 Oct 2021

Stamping out superbugs

During the last year and a half, the world’s attention has been focused squarely on SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. While deadly, this virus is only one of many pathogens that threaten our well-being. For many years, scientists have been warning about another microscopic menace: drug-resistant microbes.

Published: 4 Oct 2021

Elena Bennett named one of Canada’s top sustainability leaders

Congrats to Elena Bennett (NRS/BSE), one of sixteen Canadian sustainability leaders (#Clean16 honourees) named to the Delta Management Group’s 2022 Clean50 list.

Published: 27 Sep 2021

Green and Gold, and Mac all over

Ann Louise Carson BScAgr’81 immersed herself in Mac traditions. She’s now supporting them for the next generation through a legacy gift.

Read more in the August 2021 edition of Focus on Macdonald

Published: 3 Sep 2021

From family farm to family gift: Mac graduate ‘cultivates’ experiential education

As a young Macdonald College student, Alton McEwen, BSc(Agr)’66, had plenty of opportunities for experiential education during the summer months, working seven days a week on the family dairy farm in the Chateauguay Valley. Thanks to a generous gift from McEwen, internships will continue to play an essential part in the education experience at the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Published: 3 Sep 2021


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