

Rural Alaskans struggle to access and afford water

Water scarcity in rural Alaska is not a new problem, but the situation is getting worse with climate change. Lasting solutions must encourage the use of alternative water supplies like rainwater catchment and grey water recycling.

Published: 31 Mar 2021

Growing that bright red berry

Bieler Cranberries Inc. is the largest single-site cranberry farm in Canada producing up to 40 million pounds of fruit a year, and its founder and president Marc Bieler is recognized as Canada’s Cranberry King. The road to this achievement, however, was not a straight line. Along the way, Bieler encountered detours, new opportunities and changes of plans — all fueled by a passion for the land and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Published: 31 Mar 2021

Le marketing des aliments locaux

“Il faudrait que l’engouement pour les produits locaux, pour les produits du terroir et pour ce qui est fabriqué au Québec demeure, même une fois cette pandémie terminée. Tous ces bons réflexes qu'on a développés pour acheter des produits locaux doivent rester, et les épiciers devront continuer à nous offrir ces produits-là, à bien les identifier et à les mettre en évidence.†Pascal Thériault, Faculté des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’environnement de l'Université ±«ÓãÖ±²¥.

Published: 25 Mar 2021

Valérie Orsat wins ‘Engineering and Physical Sciences’ Suffrage Science award

Bioresource engineering prof cited for research excellence and role as mentor for women entering the field

Published: 12 Mar 2021

New inter-campus shuttle buses unveiled

±«ÓãÖ±²¥â€™s shuttle buses are sporting a brand-new design.

After a curveball of a year, the revamped ±«ÓãÖ±²¥-red vehicles—which feature a new, bold Made by ±«ÓãÖ±²¥ design style—will, with any luck, serve as a beacon of the many exciting things to come as the university progresses toward the gradual resumption of on-campus activities.

Read more in the Reporter...

Published: 3 Mar 2021

Dr. Michael Ngadi: Serving up solutions to food insecurity

Bioresource Engineering professor Michael Ngadi has spent his career trying to help solve some of the world’s most pervasive food problems. Recently, Ngadi and his research team traveled to remote communities in Bolivia, Laos, Zambia, Malawi and Ethiopia to examine elements of the local diets, assess their nutritional status, and build programs that would introduce nutrient-dense foods into local cuisines.

Published: 18 Feb 2021

New Season Extension Technology at the Hort Centre

Here's a feast for your eyes on this chilly February morning. Join Mike Bleho for a trip back to the sweltering summer of 2020 to see the construction of a couple of new structures at the Hort Centre - a low input high tunnel and a greenhouse. Thanks to this new infrastructure, the team produced tomatoes right up until the first week of November!

Published: 18 Feb 2021

Les petites fermes poussent

En chute libre depuis les années 1940, le nombre de fermes se stabilise au Québec. Fait rare, il a même légèrement augmenté en 2020. Derrière cette hausse se cache toutefois deux réalités. Si les petites fermes de proximité et les érablières sont en croissance, les productions animales sont en baisse, pour la plupart. En février 2020, Clémence Briand-Racine [BSc (AgEnvSc)’14 ], fondant officiellement son entreprise agricole maraîchère : la Ferme aux colibris.  

Published: 18 Feb 2021

Macdonald Campus Dairy Cow Pasture Project uses sustainable best practices to bolster education

Animal-friendly fences, optimized water use and rotational grazing systems help make the Mac dairy herd more sustainable overall

“This system of pasturing uses the cattle to manage grass growth, and in return, the cattle get highly nutritious grass at the peak of quality while spending the spring, summer and fall outside in a natural environment,†says [Farm Manager, Paul] Meldrum of the Project which received funding from the University’s Sustainability Projects Fund.

Published: 18 Feb 2021

Past, Present, Future: Founder’s Day 2021 goes virtual

| Caitlin MacDougall, Liaison Officer, Farm Management and Technology Program

Published: 12 Feb 2021

Survey says: Canadians asking for better food systems and food sparked by COVID-19 access

Inter-provincial survey gauges how Canadians have accessed food during the pandemic and their perceptions of food systems

Shopping anxiety, higher food prices and individual income limitations are some of the factors making access to food challenging for Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study suggests.

Published: 18 Dec 2020

±«ÓãÖ±²¥ PhD candidate on being part of the UN World Food Programme’s Nobel Peace Prize

Kate Sinclair is working at the World Food Programme, Sri Lanka while simultaneously finishing her PhD in Human Nutrition at ±«ÓãÖ±²¥

December 10, was a typical day at the office for Kate Sinclair… Kind of, but not really. Not by a long shot.

Published: 18 Dec 2020

Can COVID-19 be transmitted through food?

[Authors: Bridget O'Brien is a 4th year undergraduate student in the Faculty of Science (Microbiology & Immunology), and an Honours student with Dr Ronholm.
Published: 10 Dec 2020

Congratulations to all the participants and award winners of the 2020 Lister Family Engaged Science 3-Minute Thesis Competition!

On Wednesday November 25th, 2020, 9 passionate Macdonald campus graduate students each presented their thesis research in 3 minutes. With only one non-animated slide for visual support, each competitor walked us through the complexity of their research and the impact their work will have.
Published: 2 Dec 2020

Ecological Improvement of Dairy Cow Pastures Project wins 2020 Sustainability in Operations Catalyst Award

The Ecological Improvement of Dairy Cow Pastures project has created a sustainable pasture system at the Macdonald Campus Farm which features a rotational grazing system for cattle, the addition of approximately 700 trees and shrubs, the installation of water lines for access to fresh water, and the purchase of a mobile shade umbrella to protect cattle from the sun.

Published: 25 Nov 2020


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