
Clinically-Based Faculty

The Ingram School of Nursing (ISoN) counts on the essential contributions of our clinically based faculty members, who are also known as nil-salary appointees or members of the Contract Academic Staff of the University. These nurses are employed in clinical practice settings as administrators, researchers and clinicians. They take on various roles at the School without remuneration, making a major contribution to the mandates of education, research, and service at the Ingram School of Nursing. Clinically based faculty members help provide the experiential learning environments for our students, and they engage, support, and facilitate in nursing. They promote the use and dissemination of research findings in practice; further the development of nursing knowledge and the profession through the delivery of evidence based nursing practice. They work collaboratively with other health professionals, administrators and policy makers to enhance the quality of health services; and develop and promote organizational structures and cultures that allow the goals of academic nursing to be achieved.

In order to become a clinically-based faculty member at ISoN, individuals are assessed in the following categories of academic duties:

1) teaching (direct and indirect);

2) research and other scholarly or professional activity and

3) other service contributions to the University and scholarly community

More specifically, clinically based faculty members contribute directly and/or indirectly to ISoN’s undergraduate and graduate programs in some of the following ways:

  • Involvement in student learning on an on-going basis;
  • Facilitating the on-going development of exemplary learning environments;
  • Supporting, promoting and defending the development of organizational structures and cultures that support the educational programs and student learning;
  • Participating in course revision and course evaluation;
  • Sharing clinical expertise at ISoN
  • Engaging in research;
  • Promoting the creation of administrative structures, mechanisms, and resources necessary for academic nursing;
  • Developing the necessary strategies to defend, promote, and advocate for academic nursing.


Current ISoN Clinically-Based Faculty Members

Linda Alfonso, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Nathalie Andraos, Affiliate Member

Joyce Marie Arsenault, Affiliate Member

Nathalie Aubin, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Sophie Baillargeon, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Denise Bedard, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Alain Biron, Assistant Professor (Professional)

Vasiliki Bitzas, Assistant Professor (Professional)

Jacqueline Bocking, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Linda Pauline Boisvert, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Rose Boyle, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Sharon Brissette, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Carolyn Brown, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Karine Campbell, Affiliate Member

Lea Carle-Hebert, Affiliate Member

Patrick Casey, Affiliate Member

Sonia Angela Castiglione, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Emily Chang Orlov, Affiliate Member

Luisa Ciofani, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Christina Clausen, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Martine Claveau, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Rose Deangelis, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Jean-Francois Désilets, Affiliate Member

Rosalie Dion, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Nadia Doiron, Affiliate Member

Nancy Drummond, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Yanick Duvervil, Affiliate Member

Christine Echegaray-Benites, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Jessica Emed, Assistant Professor (Professional)

Guillaume Ethier, Affiliate Member

Valerie Frunchak, Assistant Professor (Professional)

Louise Gervais, Affiliate Member

Gabrielle Girard, Affiliate Member

Maryse Godin, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Cynthia Graham-Certosini, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Mary Nell Grossman-Schultz, Assistant Professor (Professional)

Catherine Habel, Affiliate Member

Norine Mary Heywood, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Tara Jesion, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Beverley-Tracey John, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Tiffany Johnston, Affiliate Member

Sophia Kapellas, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

John Kayser, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Mina Joy Ladores, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Andrea M Laizner, Assistant Professor (Research)

Ariella Lang, Assistant Professor (Professional)

Josee Larocque, Affiliate Member

Kimberly Anne Leblanc, Affiliate Member

Virginia Lee, Assistant Professor (Professional)

Diane Lowden, Assistant Professor (Professional)

Althea Hazel McBean, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Lynne McVey, Associate Professor (Professional)

Anita Mehta, Assistant Professor (Professional)

Frederick P. Nestel, Associate Professor (Professional)

Trisha Andrea Nonog, Affiliate Member

Caroline Normand, Affiliate Member

Catherine M Oliver, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Royal Orr, Affiliate Member

Annik Otis, Affiliate Member

France Paquet, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Angelina Perillo, Affiliate Member

Lisa Pichovich, Affiliate Member

Anne Pilon, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Joanne Power, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Janet E Rennick, Associate Professor (Research)

Nathalie Rodrigue, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Ramona Rodrigues, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Glenda Sandy, Affiliate Member

Phoukim Savanh, Affiliate Member

Maryse Savoie, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Eleanor Scharf, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Melanie Jane,Sheridan, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Jessica Sherman, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Grzegorz Sobieraj, Affiliate Member

Marianna Sofronas, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Chantal Souligny, Affiliate Member

Isabelle St-Sauveur, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Gillian Taylor, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Marie Claire Thibault, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Kelly Jane Thorstad, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Lucie Tremblay, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Karine Troini, Affiliate Member

Nancy Turner, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

Antonietta Vitale, Faculty Lecturer (Professional)

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