
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 16:00to17:00
 Comment communiquer avec diplomatie

Cet atelier est conçu pour les Ă©tudiant·es apprenant le français langue seconde. Il n’est pas destinĂ© aux Ă©tudiant·es ayant le français comme langue première.ĚýĚý

Classified as: student services, career planning service, Faculty of Arts, French Language Centre / Centre d'enseignement du français, Français au travail
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 12:30to13:30
Write Your CV
Is your Resume or Academic CV in need of a boost? Bring your Resume or CV and join your peers for a writing session. Resume and CV guides and samples will be available, and there will be opportunities to exchange drafts with peers and ask a Career Advisor questions about fonts, formats, sections, and organization.
Classified as: student services, career planning service
Friday, November 15, 2024 10:30to12:00
Network like an Extrovert - Grad Edition

Whether you're gearing up to attend a networking event at your next conference or striking up conversations with industry contacts, this interactive workshop will help you build the skills you need to network professionally in person.


By attending this workshop, you will be able to:ĚýĚýĚý

Classified as: student services, career planning service
Monday, November 18, 2024 13:30to15:00
Networking for Introverts - Grad Edition

You've heard it before: networking is key to advancing your career. But what if you are tapped out, dread talking to new people, and don’t have any contacts in the industry you’re hoping to join?

Classified as: student services, career planning service
Saturday, June 1, 2024toMonday, June 30, 2025

Career fairs are organized by the Career Planning Service, often in collaboration with faculty associations and student groups. These events offer students an excellent opportunity to connect with company representatives across various industries.

Classified as: Career Fairs, in person, virtual


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