
Monday, September 16, 2024 11:00to12:00
How to Create an Impactful CV

Empower your job or internship search with outstanding applications. We will share tips, advice and insight to make sure your CV and cover letter tell your story and highlight your skills, experience and unique value to an employer. By attending this course, you will be able to:

Classified as: student services, career planning service
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 15:00to16:30
 Job Search

Join us to learn about hiring processes for tenure-track professor positions in academia. We will discuss finding postings, drafting application materials, interviewing, negotiating, and strategies to strengthen your candidacy.


By attending this session, you will:

Classified as: student services, career planning service
Friday, September 20, 2024 12:00to13:00
 Building Your Teaching Portfolio

This workshop will provide an introduction to the design and preparation of a teaching portfolio. In particular, we will address how to document the diverse elements of your teaching and effectively communicate your pedagogical skills to academic hiring committees.


Classified as: student services, career planning service
Friday, September 20, 2024 12:00to13:00
Write Your Cover Letter

Ready to apply but struggling with what to say in a cover letter? Bring an internship or job posting and join your peers for this cover letter writing session.

Classified as: student services, career planning service, MAC
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 10:30to12:00

Whether your academic CV is going to an admissions committee, a potential postdoc supervisor, a granting agency, or a tenure-track hiring committee, you will need a document that clearly and concisely showcases your potential. Bring a rough draft of your CV (electronic or print) for peer feedback after the workshop (optional, from 11:30-12:00).  

Classified as: student services, career planning service
Friday, September 27, 2024 10:30to11:30
Technical Interviews

Are you looking for an internship or a full-time position in tech fields like data analysis and software development? Do you know what to expect and how to prepare for technical interviews?


Classified as: student services, career planning service
Friday, October 18, 2024 10:30to11:30
Selling your Transferrable Skills  in Resumes and Interviews - Grad Edition

“Selling” yourself is a skill that doesn’t come naturally to most people. Like many skills, however, you can hone it with practice!

Classified as: student services, career planning service
Thursday, October 24, 2024 12:00to13:00
Industry and Non-Academic Job Search - Grad Edition

Are you on the job market? Whether you’re curious about industry jobs or actively applying for a full-time role post-graduation, this workshop shares tips to optimize your job search strategy. Bring your questions about hiring processes, the non-academic job market, and job search.ĚýĚý

Classified as: student services, career planning service
Monday, November 4, 2024 12:00to13:00
How to Find Academic Research Positions

This workshop will introduce you to some strategies for identifying and applying for academic research opportunities. In this interactive session, the facilitators will provide you with some practical tips for locating research positions, fields, and groups within your department.

Classified as: teaching and learning services, SKILLS21, TLS UG workshops
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 12:30to13:30
Write Your CV
Is your Resume or Academic CV in need of a boost? Bring your Resume or CV and join your peers for a writing session. Resume and CV guides and samples will be available, and there will be opportunities to exchange drafts with peers and ask a Career Advisor questions about fonts, formats, sections, and organization.
Classified as: student services, career planning service
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