

Mieux mesurer la qualité des aliments

Originaire du Nigeria, Jacob Tizhe Liberty a toujours cherché à développer des solutions aux problèmes locaux qu’il observait. C’est ce qui l’a amené, dans le cadre de ses études doctorales, à mettre au point de nouvelles techniques pour mieux évaluer la qualité des aliments et ainsi diminuer le gaspillage.


Published: 29 Jul 2020

Bioresource Engineering funding to support innovative research

Congratulations to Professor Jan Adamowski (Bioresource Engineering) for receiving a $198,569 SSHRC Partnership Development Grant: #CitiSciWater – Exploring the potential of scalable, user-centric citizen science platforms and tools to co-create actionable knowledge and transform water governance. Read more.

Published: 29 Jul 2020

Two ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą teams finalists in Institute of Food Technologists Competitions

| Caitlin MacDougall

During the 2020 edition of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) annual conference, held virtually on July 13-15, two Macdonald Campus Food Science teams representing ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą competed as finalists in the prestigious 2020 Smart Snacks for Kids Product Development Competition and the 2020 Developing Solutions for Developing Countries Competition.

Published: 22 Jul 2020

E-newsletter: Message from the Dean

I hope this finds you well and enjoying our first month of summer. Although things are much quieter than usual on Macdonald campus and things are still far from “normal,” I am very proud of all the great work being accomplished in our Faculty and the plans developing for the upcoming Fall semester. I am pleased to share some highlights with you.

Published: 22 Jul 2020

Future Ready: The Advocate for a Better Anthropocene

±«ÓăÖ±˛Ąâ€™s Elena Bennett wants you to imagine a radical, inspiring, and realistic future for our planet

When you think of the Earth 50 years from now, what do you see? Do you imagine desolate cities, scorched forests, dead oceans, lost biodiversity? Elena Bennett wants you to know the future doesn’t have to be bleak.

Published: 20 Jul 2020

Un portrait de la situation des Ă©leveurs de porcs

« Les Ă©leveurs produisent pour nourrir les gens et des normes sont mises en place pour s’assurer que cette production est adĂ©quate, explique l’agronome et professeur Ă  la FacultĂ© des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’environnement de l’UniversitĂ© ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, Pascal ThĂ©riault. Cependant, Ă  partir du moment oĂą on instaure une norme, cela crĂ©e un stress. »

Published: 20 Jul 2020

Mort et résurrection de l’arbre parfait

Depuis toujours, ils servent à bâtir autant qu’à rêver... Dans cette série estivale, Le Devoir tente de cerner de quel bois sont faits les arbres qui nous entourent. Aujourd’hui : le châtaignier américain.

L’entrevue est pratiquement terminĂ©e. Christie Lovat parle depuis une bonne heure du châtaignier d’AmĂ©rique auquel elle a rĂ©cemment consacrĂ© sa thèse de doctorat en sciences des plantes Ă  l’UniversitĂ© ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą.

Published: 13 Jul 2020

Launch of AES Student Emergency Support Fund

The rapid evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused sudden and widespread changes for Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (AES) students, many of whom are now struggling to make ends meet.

Published: 8 Jul 2020

Nouvelle technologie pour mesurer le CO2 du sol

« Il suffit d’installer notre système au champ et de pousser sur le bouton ON, et le tour est joué », indique Viacheslav Adamchuk, professeur en gĂ©nie des bioressources Ă  l’UniversitĂ© ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą, en parlant du nouvel outil prototype crĂ©Ă© par son Ă©quipe pour mesurer les Ă©missions de CO2 provenant du sol. »

Published: 2 Jul 2020

New Canada Research Chair Tier II in Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Food Security

Congratulations to Treena Wasonti:io Delormier, School of Human Nutrition and Associate Director of the Centre for Indigenous Peoples' Nutrition and Environment (CINE), who has been awarded a Canada Research Chair Tier II in Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Food Security.

Published: 30 Jun 2020

Faculty use creative and innovative solutions for remote teaching

How do you ensure your students are really learning in your class when you can’t see them, they’re in different time zones, and they aren’t physically present in the labs where you would have been able to observe if they were understanding the objectives of your course? Faculty members across ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą – and indeed the world – are pondering those questions as they prepare to teach remotely for the first full semester next fall.

Published: 29 Jun 2020

Professor Salavati appointed the next Director of the Institute of Parasitology

Professor Reza Salavati has been appointed Director of the Institute of Parasitology for a 5-year term starting July 1, 2020. Professor Salavati is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Parasitology and an Associate Member of the Department of Biochemistry at ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą. His research programs focus on the biology of the protozoan parasites of global importance and drug discovery.

Published: 29 Jun 2020

Bieler Family Internship Program provides essential workers and experience

When ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą announced its closure in mid-March to respect government social distancing and quarantine policies due to COVID-19, campus staff had to think fast to continue to provide high quality internship opportunities to undergraduates.

Read more in the June 2020 edition of the Macdonald E-newsletter

Published: 29 Jun 2020

Éric Gosselin takes on the role of Chair of the Faculty Advisory Board

On May 1, 2020, Éric Gosselin, BScAgr’91, FAB member since 2017 and partner in the Business Law Group in Montreal for McCarthy Tetrault LLP, stepped into the role of FAB Chair for a three-year term. He took some time to answer a few questions about himself, his role as Chair and his vision for the future of the FAB.

Published: 26 Jun 2020

E-newsletter: Message from the Dean

Summer has officially begun! It is amazing what warmer weather, sunshine and time spent outdoors in the fresh air can do to lift the spirits. There is no doubt that the past few months have been challenging and full of ups and downs, but with the changing season comes renewed optimism and strength to continue moving ±«ÓăÖ±˛Ą. I am both grateful for and incredibly proud of the continued commitment, passion and support provided by our Macdonald community.

Published: 25 Jun 2020


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